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Ellyn Elan

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Posts posted by Ellyn Elan

  1. Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    Pamela Galli wrote:

    Maybe the forum feedback forum would be a good place to inquire further?  I would like to know, for example, what kind of offenses are considered bannable, and esp permabannable.  I assume the latter would be completely beyond the pale, right?

    One can only surmise. LL certainly wouldn't perma-ban someone for something frivolous.


    Well they certainly pull posts and threads for seemingly frivolous things with no notice or explanation. Banning is but a short jump from there.

    I don't know the person, Celestial, that you all are talking about. However, what little I have seen of the hyperactive and silly reasoning behind some things, while allowing spamming to go on and even manufacturing it themselves. I dunno. 

    I measure the lifespan of this post to be in the matter of minutes.

  2. Treasure Ballinger wrote:

     I am thinking of the wondrous content creators, the skin makers that make us so gloriously beautiful, the hair that is realistic, thick, ethnically beautiful.    I'm thinking of the African American Museum (see it in my Picks, inworld, to visit).  I'm thinking of the ethnic clothing makers that make our dashikis and headgear, I'm thinking of the Africa sim, of the Detroit, and Harlem lands in SL.  ...there's lots to the African American experience besides clubbing and hip hop. 

    So, I look on this young sister of mine, kindly, and will hope that her experience grows out of places to party, and expands to embrace everything that encompasses 'being black in America'. 


    First, Treasure, I LoL'd literally when you mentioned that it would be difficult for you to step into "my" skin (white female). I hadn't thought of that (again, why???? sheez!).  And as to your earlier comment, nah, I don't lose sleep over my inability to be able to pretend convincingly for long that I am not male or a different race or ethnicity in SL. But I do think it is interesting to ponder these ideas.

    There are several wonderful things about SL and one of them is the ability to meet all sorts of people from all over the world all in "one" place. I love that. Another thing is that it is one way to try to slip into a new persona for a while, try on a different life. Both of these benefits of SL are part of this discussion in this thread, imo.

    The things you mentioned in your post (above), I want to experience! Like I said I'd love to create a beautiful black female avatar and go explore some of the sims you mentioned and try to immerse in the experience. I'm afraid that while I could mosey around, it would be like a little girl in dress up, and I wouldn't really be trying on a different experience. I think I'm a little worried about inadvertently being offensive to people by "playing" a black woman. Perhaps that is silly of me, as it IS Second Life after all, where folks can pretend to be :::eh hem::: vampires and such. 

    Like you, I hope people aren't choosing to have white avatars because of some sense that it is "better." That would be incredibly sad and a few other things. Literally trying on different skins to have an experience is something else. This whole conversation has me reconsidering my gorgeous black avi again! (Which might prompt a post in the "avatar" forum about black skins because some skin designers--even good ones--mistakenly just darken a white skin to get the darker shades and that doesn't work...so I'd be curious as to who does great black skins, I've seen some stunners.)

    I tried to convince a male friend of mine to haul me around SL when I was in a male avatar appearance so that I could experience SL as a guy. I thought it would be great to go to a club and hang out and stuff. (NOT the same thing as creating relationships under false pretenses, which I abhor!) He thought that was weird and it never happened. Pity.

    As to the OP and my discomfort, as Storm and a few others mentioned, the strange inclusion of child avis and porn and all that other stuff just made the whole thing track weird. Also to some other comments, mentioning that the title and OP was about race is not the same thing as saying it is racist.


  3. CaramelBombshell wrote:

    I just want to make a point (again) that this is
    a race thing, so
    DO NOT
    take it there. This is a general question.
    If it make makes you uncomfortable, stay OUT the conversation and go about your business.

    The moderators, not you, get to determine if posts remain in a thread. Bold caps and underlines not withstanding.

    Whether you like it or not, LoL's or not, your post was about race. ::: points to the title and content of your OP:::

  4. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I too would hate to see us thinking "I can't be white in RL but I can in SL", but a good many of us are already thinking "I can't be pretty in RL, but I can in SL" and "I can't (easily) change my gender in RL, but I can in SL". That said, I think switching ethnicities/cultures here is harder than switching gender or physique.

    While I found the OP to be strange and somewhat uncomfortable, and left me wondering if it was a troll post, I'm finding some of the conversation surrounding the issue of race/ethnicity in SL to be interesting.

    I think you hit upon something here that while some make themselves prettier in SL than they are in RL (will this come as a shock to some? LoL) and that some easily switch genders that it is possibly more difficult to don the mantle of a different race and/or ethnicity. THAT idea makes me uncomfortable, too and I wonder if it should? I suppose it depends on the reason why it might be more difficult.

    Speaking personally, I'm a white female in RL and my avatar is a white female. There is no way in heck I could pass myself off as a male in SL (or RL!) for any length of time. I just couldn't. I could probably manage it for a very brief stint but nothing where I carried on friendships. I have thought about creating a black female avatar because I think she'd be gorgeous but I have not because I don't think I could be a black female! I *think* the reason I say this is because my cultural experience is just so white, middle-class, female. But why do I think I could not "be" a black, middle-class, female? That's a difficult and uncomfortable question! Is it an expectation on MY part or fear there would be expectations from OTHERS? I honestly can't say. I don't consider myself prejudiced but pondering this issue makes me question that. Why is it that I can put on a tiny calico teddy bear avatar and be fine with it, or put on a crayon colored skin and be fine with it, but not a male gender part and not a realistic black skin?


  5. @Venus (and others voicing similar things) "Here! Here!"

    My goodness, if someone else posted like this Linden Lab person is doing, I think the label "spammer" might be getting uttered, don't you?

    Does this Linden Lab person realize that no one is responding to its posts? Just like no one is responding to the spam of "Watch the next episode of The Vampire Chronicles!"? Could this lack of interest be of any information to this LL poster? My guess would be, "No."

    While I have been in SL for quite I've only casually paid attention to the Forums, off and on, over the last few years and only recently to this new format, so that being said, I don't recall anything like this whole thing, does anyone else?

    Speaking ONLY for myself, I will say that if this and the magically disappearing posts and threads, are the way Linden Labs (the other one) wants to generate interest in both the Forums and SL then they are widely and wildly missing the mark.

  6. I follow some of the SL fashion feed blogs. These generally let me know where I want to start shopping and also will give you a clue about special events and hunts. For groups of fashionistas, try some of the store groups for couture where they hold fashion shows and attend some shows. Talk to the models and the designers. Go to other events, or clubs, and IM people who's fashion sense appeals to you and compliment their look, ask where they got something (hair, sweater, shoes). I've found most people are happy to hear things like that and I've had lots of fun conversations and LOTS of great shopping tips that way.

    I don't consider myself to be a fashionista, by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like shopping and I do like the design in SL.

  7. I save my basic shape and have a few modified in inventory named for the type of clothes.

    For an outfit that uses the actual skirt layer, my normal shape has the butt and thighs GREATLY reduced because skirts add a lot of visual "inches."

    For an outfit with prims, I use my regular shape and fit the prims to that.

    For a pencil skirt, my normal shape is altered so that I'm slightly knock-kneed. My hips might be narrowed a bit, too.

    All of the shape alterations are done to COPIES of my normal shape. That's important to remember.

  8. Storm Clarence wrote:

    Ellyn Elan wrote:

    Dropped it like a bad martini. 


    There is no such thing as a bad martini.  

    Hooboy. Them's almost fightin' words.

    IS TOO such a thing!

    There's awful, rock-gut gin, for one. Then there are abominations people insist upon calling martinis. A martini is gin and vermouth with an olive or lemon twist optional. The things with 3 liqueurs plus vodka with hunks of fruit in them and ending in -tini are not martinis.  Then there is shaking the martini --  /me looks at your emoticon gif and glares-- which of course bruises the gin.

    /me harrumphs

  9. Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

    @Storm: There are a lot of vampires that
    play those
    silly vampire games

    I'm pretty sure this is just me, but I read that and immediately thought of vampire reindeer.



    The very weird reference is the lyric: All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games


    /me puts a call in to my MD to see about getting my meds adjusted



    PS. OMG. You can find vampire reindeer images on Google.

    PPS: LoL about vampires being "mainstream" now. I know what you mean, and your friend meant, and agree, but LoL.

    PPPS: And yes, I do think SL is courting the Twilight & FB crowd.

  10. Storm Clarence wrote:

    Ellyn Elan wrote:

    Um, unless you want to argue? Do you want to argue? We could. I don't want to offend.

    /me looks more worried

    Why it was just the other day you asked me to dance.  Now you are asking me if I would like to argue?  At least give me the dance first.  

    // scratches head. Fickle women.   

    Yebbit, you just ended the conversation. Dropped it like a bad martini. YOU STOOD ME UP!

    /me sobs

  11. Storm Clarence wrote:

    Not that there is anything wrong with being overly dismissive and condescending. 

    No, no, not at all! Don't get me wrong! Some of my best friends are overly dismissive and condescending! 

    /me looks worried and politically correct :matte-motes-wink:


    Storm Clarence wrote:The issue should not so much be focused on the opinions of how residents are reacting to each other over the 'resident' last name feature, but on how LL implemented the 'resident' name feature to the community - in an overly dismissive and condescendng way.  



    Aye-yep. No argument here. 

    /me looks worried

    Um, unless you want to argue? Do you want to argue? We could. I don't want to offend.

    /me looks more worried

  12. Venus Petrov wrote:

    It is not like they are a dying breed.  Unless someone screwed up their windlight settings.


    WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Screwed up their windlight settings!  Good one!


    They are not a dying breed, their food supply is, but the Vampires are already kaput. Nitpicking.

  13. Caitlin Tobias wrote:

    Oh. Can I get one for Blond Dutch Samurai on high heels ?

    Well I've already made a request for one-eared, one-eyed, calico tiny teddy bears... but a Dutch Samurai on heels is just weird.


  14. Suella Ember wrote:

    /me dons her 'Devil's Advocate' cap and braces:

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. I just don't get the argument that the single usernames themselves are responsible for a load of trash, rude, insulting, pointless names. They are not. Unimaginative people are.


    To be honest, I'm inclined to agree with Victoria. I think people who are most vocal about it are those who already have a last name. Those who have a single name probably aren't massively bothered and some probably quire like it (as Victoria does). If i'm even more honest, I suspect those with a single name who do have an issue with it have been swayed by someone with a last name calling them a noob or something. Or in other words, as is so often that case with things in SL, the issue is not so much with the process itself, but with the overly-dramatic responses and actions of those stuck in their ways and seemingly finding drama for the sake of it.


    To your first point, I agree.

    To the second, quoted above, I do not. I think this is a gross over generalization and I've seen little evidence that would support such a statement. Granted MY experience is purely anecdotal as well, but most of the "Residents" I've spoken with on the topic want a last name. They dislike "Resident" and they dislike not being able to have a space in the "first" name. The name you have in SL is very much an identifier as it is in RL and it also matters to people in SL, not just the "overly dramatic." The last point above was overly dismissive and condescending, imho.

  15. Ian Undercroft wrote:

    LL fails during the sign-up process to emphasise the importance of choosing a username that you are happy for others to see and on occasion to address you by. Also, for whatever reason, newbies fail to appreciate that display names exist  or how to change their display name.

    You only have one chance to create a first impression and in this respect the present system fails newbies badly. If I see someone with a username such as jsozxcu and no display name, my first impression is "moron".


    This. I've mentioned before, it was my clueless naming of myself as a noob that propelled me into creating the boringly named Ellyn! I was in SL for a while before I realized how important the name was. And my name wasn't even nearly as embarrassing as some I've seen.

  16. Sy Beck wrote:

    Ellyn Elan wrote:

    .....From what I understand LL's financial health is not the most robust....



    $75 million profit last year -
    Rod Humble speaking at SLCC 2011

    I don't know what their turnover figure was or what that $75m is in comparison to previous years nor whether that is operating or net profit, but $75m in this economic climate woiuld certainly point to being robust on the surface at least.

    That I did not hear. I guess I was listening more to rumors and gossip than profit sheets. Thanks for the info. Yes, a $75 million profit seems healthy, healthy enough that they could be reinvesting into their company to fix the technological issues instead of focusing on the silly things they seem to like to fixate upon. (I'm not an accountant and I know there are plenty of ways to spin numbers but when I hear "profit" I think "net".)

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