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Ellyn Elan

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Posts posted by Ellyn Elan

  1. Aristophanese wrote:

    Hello, friend. Out of curiosity, I googled your name, interesting what came up.

    leech, or in other words a total lack of responsibility to provide for oneself. Relies heavily upon friends, neighbors or anyone really for sustenance. a slacker through and through.

    Not that I am calling you that, I just thought you may want to know.

    I Googled too and noted that your scholarly citation is from the Urban Dictionary, that highly distinguished fount of knowledge esteemed by academicians everywhere.  If you had looked elsewhere, perhaps in more scientific works, you'd have learned that the general term you Googled encompasses a wide variety of species, each with their own unique and important contribution to the environment in which they live.

    It seems you chose your name to be negatively ironic, for I have been reading none of the original's wit or verbal finesse in your offerings.

    “Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever.” 

    ― Aristophanes, the real one, and still a timeless observation.

  2. FireyRose wrote:

    Has anyone else had problems with inworld vendors taking your linden and not receiving the item paid for?

    I have been waiting over 36 hours for the item i paid for and no matter if i immed the vendor owner or not she just totally ignored me,  Be careful with these vendors,  
    [names removed]

    Been in SL for many years with a couple of avatars and I can shop. I don't want to think how many US $ have been in inventory. In all that time I've never had a true problem with a purchase. I have had things that didn't arrive, crashes in the middle of purchases and even some times when my own fingers clicked the wrong option. I cannot recall a single merchant/designer that ever treated me poorly. A few were brief and blunt but the problem resolved. Some were lovely and went way beyond the call of duty. Lucky? I don't know. That's just been my experience.

    However, you've had some good info here. I disagree with "don't pay attention to what is on their profile"! For heaven's sake if they say they want a NC then give them a NC. If they want an IM, give them that. Do NOT just IM with "hi" and expect an answer. Be smart about how you converse with them. State briefly and politely what the problem is in the first sentence or two. Don't send a book-length IM. Have patience as others have said but also be persistent. At some point I do believe LL comes into play but since I've never had to use that piece of things I can't speak to it.

    When I have had problems I go to my dashboard and look at my recent activity and when I contact the merchant I have the day, amount, style number and so forth from that listing.

  3. Eloise Baily wrote:

    Ellyn Elan wrote:

    Eloise Baily wrote:

    Phil Deakins wrote:


    And speaking of words that end in "s", I've recently wondered how to spell the plural of "series". I didn't do any checking and I decided that "series" is also good as the plural.

    Isn't series plural to begin with?

    Surely you must have more than one of a thing to have a series of them. I could be wrong though. It's quite common for that to happen.

    You can have a series of numbers which could be considered a single set. So a series can be a singular thing made up of parts. Or you can have a series of series so a plurality of series.

    And how much wood can a wood chuck chuck?


    But that series of parts is made of more than one part, making it several things to make one series, right? Therefore it is plural, or collective, never singular as far as I can tell.

    I have a book about collective nouns, called "A Crash of Rhinoceros". Clowder of cats anyone?

    If a wood chuck could chuck wood then a wood chuck would chuck wood, but I dunno how much. How much you got?

    It's like Botham said about flock and flocks. A flock is made up of several sheepeses but is grammatically singular. Then you can have several, plural, flocks. The difference is that series ends in s and is therefore troublesome. So a crash of rhinos or several crashes of rhinos, a clowder of cats or clowders of cats, a murder of crows, etc. But serieS is a pain in the bee skept.

    I have a wood pile just chocked full of chunks of wood to be chucked.

  4. Eloise Baily wrote:

    Phil Deakins wrote:


    And speaking of words that end in "s", I've recently wondered how to spell the plural of "series". I didn't do any checking and I decided that "series" is also good as the plural.

    Isn't series plural to begin with?

    Surely you must have more than one of a thing to have a series of them. I could be wrong though. It's quite common for that to happen.

    You can have a series of numbers which could be considered a single set. So a series can be a singular thing made up of parts. Or you can have a series of series so a plurality of series.

    And how much wood can a wood chuck chuck?

    I go with series is either/or. I go with resource if you are talking about one thing, like trees, but resources if it is trees, animals, grass, minerals, etc.

    Gah. This is horrible! A long time ago I made 99th percentile on SAT English and now, now I'm reduced to a babbling idiot of "where does the apostrophe go?" Usually a forum like this has resident grammar wonks. Where are they? Probably off stomping on what is left of my linguistic skill neurons.

  5. Ceka Cianci wrote: 

    a lot of stuff

    ahh maybe i'm just picking up on other vides or something..but after seeing so many threads i just finally had to say something..even though i may be the only one that understands me lol


    I not only understood what you are saying but agree with it. I wish we could have nice, adult discussions without OVER correcting into walking on eggshells all of the time. I don't think it is JUST this forum as race, money, religion and politics are really in divisive mode here in the States.  Here in the forum I'll speak for myself. I feel stifled by the moderation. I've had really innocent, mild posts pulled here. If someone gets offended I guess the process is to get the posts or threads removed or locked. Depending on my mood that either makes me think, "Eff it and come get me coppers!" or more usually the eggshell walk or even more commonly, I just don't post.

    I did something here I usually don't. I haven't read through the entire thread before posting. Sorry if I'm repeating what 10, 000 others have.

  6. Phil Deakins wrote:

    Ellyn Elan wrote:

    Quandry. Is that Venus' or Venus's? 


    Heh. I finally googled it for myself. This is why I was scratching my head. From an American English grammar site:

    When a name ends in s, we usually treat it like any other singular noun, and add 's:

    • This is Charles's chair.

    But it is possible (especially with older, classical names) to just add the apostrophe ':

    • Who was Jesus' father?

    So since Venus is OLD (the name! really! I meant the name!) I think we'll go with your suggestion of Venus'.

  7. Storm Clarence wrote:

    Ellyn Elan wrote:

    ..I've never gotten anything like this here and
    I haven't had a letter from a Nigerian prince
    in years on my RL email. 


    but..your avatar looks like a Nigerian princess.   I just assumed you got a letter, my apologies. 

    I prefer to think goddess. TYVM. 

  8. I'm going to second Venus's remark about how you have your privacy preferences set.  I've never gotten anything like this here and I haven't had a letter from a Nigerian prince in years on my RL email. Then again, maybe my profile don't speak so good of me! :matte-motes-grin:



    Quandry. Is that Venus' or Venus's? 

  9. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    BothamFidor wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote: i take it you are speaking to the OP and not me? hehehehe

    Sorry Ceka, I'll figure these forums out eventually!


    it's ok..i do the same thing at times..hehehehe

    You should have shot him first and asked questions later! :matte-motes-evil-invert:


    (I think there is precedent for that here.)


    200th post. And the crowd went wild. :matte-motes-bored:

  10. GariGlitter wrote:

    Ellyn Elan wrote:  blues fans

    What's your problem? Do you only like people with blue skin or something?

    Or Chelsea supporters perhaps, although that would be more understandable.

    Blue skin? Are you speaking of race, colour or ethnicity? Oh, right, those are all the same thing. I seem to remember reading that somewhere on the Internet so it must be true. :sarcasm emoticon:  Interracial perhaps? --->


  11. Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    Ellyn Elan wrote:

    What happens when the vampire fad wears out and SL has put all its blood into one casket? That's a few mixed metaphors that don't really work but I don't feel like fixing them.


    ...Dres (I not only read this subforum... I'm subscribed to it.  When I've decide I don't care anymore, I'll undo that and ignore it... like most everyone else does.)


    TY for the FIFY! Much better.

  12. Yay! Thanks for the great suggestions everyone. The club suggestions on this page especially sound [sic] like a great time. Time to dig out some dance ao's. Time to get this party started.

    ETA: Time to dig out the thesaurus for the word time.



    PS. I'm feeling a bit peevish and apprehensive and wonder if this thread will be deleted for offending stadium rock or blues fans or if it will be deleted or if half of the posts will go missing for no transparent rhyme or reason since that has been happening to every other place here I post.

  13. GariGlitter wrote:

    I thought there was a post here that said Pixel Dolls was closing down too?

    Perhaps that is considered advertising . . .


    I cannot believe how many posts go missing! And threads! I just posted to one on inter-racial dating and now it is gone too! Threads moved, locked, disappearing... 

    Space and time are folding in on themselves or so it seems. I cannot keep anything straight here. This has to be the most confusing and frustating forum I've ever TRIED to participate in! It is truly beginning to be a waste of time and effort. I spent a fair amount of time writing to the now gone inter-racial thread and for what? I swear (frequently when trying to figure this place out) that half of what I have ever posted here is gone from one way or another.


  14. I haven't been able to go inworld for a few days but I wanted to check out the Indie Rock place that Mayalily mentioned. THAT was the club I had been thinking of. It used to be a club but looks now to be a SL music stream only.

    They played a variety of things, the main DJ named Space had a deep music vault. The majority was Manchester-ish rock. Good times. I'd like to find a similar place, not being too terribly stuck on "it has to be only Madchester, circa 1992" but that kind of groove. Gah. Did I just say groove? OK, time to knock off the typing. I just got back from what is often referred to as a pub crawl and it shows. 

  15. Storm Clarence wrote:

    Ellyn Elan wrote:

    The thread was moved to the basement, behind the old magazines, and under the bicycle parts.
    I don't think anyone reads this part of the forum
    , which is probably the point.

    Wrong.  I do.

    The Lindens read this 'part' of the forum.  Let's give Lexie a chance to get her bearings once again.  

    ETA: Maybe this OP should have been moved to the commerce forum, instead.  

    I hope you are right. I was under the impression this is where they swept things when they didn't outright delete them.

  16. They were promoting vampires long before Halloween. I recall seeing, and commenting to friends, about seeing ads for SL on non-SL sites. All of the ones I saw promoted being a vampire in SL. The bigger question is "why?" I agree that  a more even promotion of a wide variety of aspects of SL would be in order. The old economics of a company town doesn't apply any more in the RL, why should it in SL? What happens when the vampire fad wears out and SL has put all its blood into one, um, basket? That's a few mixed metaphors that don't really work but I don't feel like fixing them.

    Someone, somewhere on the Internet said (so it must be true!) that LL is so busy trying to chase the FB - Twilight crowd trying to compete with FB, etc. when all the while being totally oblivious to what they HAVE and what they offer that is unique. Instead of strengthening their niche they are trying to compete in a field where they don't really have the format to compete.

    This isn't new or news. They've been ignoring what the people who use the place have been saying for a long time. So we'll continue to have stupid pale imitations of FB features and the very puzzling Vampires R Us while there is too much lag and land prices are too high and designers are leaving, etc.

    PS. I don't know about anyone else but I was fine with vampires before all the pushing it on us. I considered RPing it. I still might. Illogical as it is though, with the virtual spam of the topic in all things SL I'm beginning to resent the heck out of them. Interesting and perhaps predictable reaction to the clumsy handling of the marketing/PR. Just a thought.

  17. Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

    Ellyn Elan wrote:

    Ima Rang wrote: I'm fairly shy  


    as shy as a Mac truck is subtle.

    Would you believe that I was shy? I am, so I have no problem believing that Ima could be...

    I am commenting upon my own experience of this avatar on the Internet. As such, my original smiley-laughing021.gifis highly accurate as you know very well. YMMV. I don't find you shy on the Internet either and that is my only experience of you, too. 

  18. AliceOneders wrote:

    I’m a noob

    Awwww. A cute, tender youngun. Welcome! Nice intro! smiley-greet004.gif

    I had to laugh when you said you are interested in RP, have wandered around some adult sims, and are up for almost anything. Um. I wouldn't put those exact words on your profile or you might be in for quite an adventure! Speaking of profile, it is a good idea to start working on yours if you haven't.  That can be an ice breaker right there. 

    You can type an avatar's name into "search" and find out if they are online. I like helping lil noobs and I'd be happy to chat with you. There's a chunk of ice broken. 

  19. Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

    Let's not even talk about that lag thing...I haven't been able to enjoy SL going on three weeks now
      Even the dev viewer is not lag-free for me.

    OK. Sssssh. Nothing about lag. How about not being able to IM while in mouseview? That drives me nuts and I know a lot of people who are used to having avatars in other worlds where they can do everything in first person view and they can't stand SL because they don't like the inability to function fully in mouseview. Rodvik? You there?

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