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Sashiku Kas

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Everything posted by Sashiku Kas

  1. This is true in many cases. Some people like me prefer a flat chest. Even my adult account (that I use maybe once a month, as they were made for posing in store ads and making poses with.) has a flat chest. Chest dysphoria hello there. Everywhere else can be kinda feminine, but chest is a NOPE. That is also why I am so against my 3 year old avie having to wear a bra. I play a Toddledoo for many reasons, but one of them in part is that I don't want to have to deal with having a chest or any sexual characteristics in general. Wearing a bra is bound to cause me some discomfort and even anxiety. >_<
  2. Heyyyyyyy! I'm asexual too!! And sammmmee.
  3. I completely agree. Also you would be surprised how many adults don't follow that rule. :l
  4. Ohh okay! Thank you for explaining. ^-^
  5. I don't understand the word. Would you please explain what you mean?
  6. This is very helpful! Thanks so much for posting. ^-^ Yea, that makes sense. I hope they change the required bra for babies and toddlers.
  7. So, I was going to submit this question to feedback, but since I can't even FIND the feedback page, here we go. The modesty layers have been explained better, but nobody mentioned nonbinary kids. Before you say that the gender is based on looks, there are no parts on the Toddleedoo avatar at all, as well as countless other kid avatars, so basing it on that is impossible. In any case, there are some nonbinary kids in SL, so I am just wondering what we are supposed to do? Also, I think putting bras on babies is stupid and sexualizing. My avatar is 3. They don't need to wear a bra.
  8. Thanks for the recommendation. yea, I love to explore and go on adventures. I always go to PG land never adult ever so I stay away from a lot of that, but even PG places aren't safe now. I don't like playing an adult so that option isn't really there for me. I have an adult avatar *I tried to make her very pg and covered up which is hard in SL sometimes* for taking pictures of my creations in SL which means I rarely play her. Even so, She gets hit on by others and I hate it. It makes me very uncomfortable so I can't see myself having an adult main. Being a kid should make that less of a problem. I think I will just start hanging out with the tinies again. They were really kind to me last time and I honestly feel safe there. As for the traumatized part, Something very bad happened out of nowhere that I do not want to get into on a public post, I will just say that it really scared me. I am just going to have to be extremely careful now. If there were another game I could go to, I would. But currently, there is not. I am glad you haven't had any issues with people being inappropriate to you, but that is probably because you don't main a kid. I don't RP a lot on SL. I used to do some light rp like going to school and scouts but not anymore. I just login to build or talk to friends.
  9. I wasn't being serious. I figured they didn't speak english as their main language. Didn't you see *I had to* after i wrote that? I said it because it's the same way they spoke to me, meaning I was trying to show them how rude it is.
  10. Who cares? No. So what? I'm not harming anyone and you aren't the boss of me. I play SL my way so long as I obey the ToS. I cannot create one. I'm on very limited income and the food shortages here are skyrocketing food prices. God the people on SL are really not very compassionate.
  11. Hi! Yes, I joined the tinies because I'm always a furry and I fit right in. They were really the last community I made friends with before I quit last. 😆 I have a dinkie too but my main avie is a NAM. I get what you mean about kids on this platform, but I thought it was wonderful to explore all the amazing sims. Most of which were PG rated. I rarely ventured on adult sims, and even then mostly for combat and the only other times were to visit friends who lived on them. I felt honestly safe back then for the most part. Also I am asexual myself. So tinies fit perfectly for me. Thanks for kinda giving me hope. I was really down this morning about all this. I appreciate you.
  12. I have played second life for years and years. I have always played as a kid since i was only really interested in building and exploring and I have always been a child at heart. Years ago, there was a thriving and kind kid presence on the game. A lot of them were playing that way for similar reasons as I was. There were hundreds of sims surrounding the kid community, even whole sims. There were endless activities to do, like bowling, picnics, swimming, fishing, renting houses with in game family, camping, school, summer camps, scouts, ALL kinds of activities and I joined in on as many as I could. I loved going to summer camp and being in scouts. I felt really content and I never thought things would end up like this. I have left SL many times in the past few years because the declining kid community caused me a lot of sorrow. I have so many good memories within it. Starting in mid/late 2018, I logged in again for the first time in almost a year. I wanted to visit some of my fave places but all the landmarks were broken or led to random places. I searched it up and found only about 2 dozen kid places. Most of them abandoned. I went to one of the top kids places that had the most traffic and oh my god. It was like I went to a alternate dimension. There were kids everywhere but I don't think you can actually call them kids. They were wearing really skimpy clothes, and one even had... a chest. There were a lot of adult men avatars standing around the kids too. I was in shock. And then, i got an IM from some random dude who said some horrible and invasive things to me. I never went back. I quit SL again after that and I am just coming back for the first time in almost a year. I looked up kids places on the search.. only 6-7 places. One place I feel safe and a adoption place. The 4-5 others? 2 playgrounds just like the one I stated, NOT PG even though they SAY they are, one nude beach tagged for families and kids???, a lodge I have little intention of checking out, and a family beach *I don't trust it*. It makes me SO ANGRY that I have lost so many friends and all the good things in SL are gone. I can't go anywhere, I can only stay with a trusted family member or friend now. I come back because I have a soft place in my heart for SL. I made so many wonderful memories in it and I come back, hoping to make more. I hope somebody makes a new game like SL. I would love to start over in a fresh world where these things aren't rampant. I have no interest in the adult side and I kinda hope the next game after SL doesn't even have it. Sorry for writing so long, but I feel like I had to say this. I'm tired of it and I wish LL would crack down on this behavior. It wasn't NEARLY this bad before. TL;DR: SL is full of predators now and I'm afraid to even login these days.
  13. You know that annoying sound that SL makes when you can't fly in an area, or when you try to do something you can't do? For a long long time, when I right click, It spams that noise and it really hurts my ears and is annoying. How do I stop it from occuring? Yes, I have muted the *buttons* option already, but I like hearing those sounds, just not the annoying one.
  14. G rated. My bad. And one of the guys was being sexual indeed. The other two i didn't give the chance since I was already scared. And it wasn't just the skimpy clothes and makeup. Their profiles had sexy photos *literally a picture of a child wearing barely anything not to mention their groups were kinky. >.< Meh. ima delete this post because nobody cares.
  15. They re breaking ToS. Not only that, but having relations with child avatars is morally wrong. I don't know how people can think this is ok.
  16. You know what? Ignore this post. Nobody cares anyway.
  17. I have the NAM chibi Bunbun avatar and most of the time when I teleport it becomes distorted. Not always, just a good enough number of times to get annoying. Editing each piece fixest it most of the time. Certain parts I have to take off and put back on like the tail. The tail won't fix by editing when it distorts but most other pieces will. I'm really tired of having to go through this routine when I teleport, is there a way I can fix it? Its just the body, here are the exact parts the do it: Body Paws Tail the head and ears never distort. Any help would be awesome. Here's a picture of the damage. Sorry for the nudity but my clothes were covering too much of the distortion. Here is how it looks normally 
  18. From about 6am SLT to around 12pm SLT. Those times can waver. I'm 2 hours ahead of SLT in Central time. :3
  19. A sim that has interactive quests, sights to see, interactive/stuff to click, maybe beautiful place to take pictures, Scenes from movies, Entire villages or cities that are kid avi friendly. Also places where there are people most of the time. I find most of SL can be empty at certain hours of the day and I have no idea where to go to chat. All previously menitoned places must be G rated or at least Kid Friendly. Thank you.
  20. I like to draw cartoony furries, anime, and animals a lot. Just wondering if there is a place my art might be appreciated. ^_^ All my art is G rated and mostly contain children and family oriented drawings. My avi is a kid so I really like to draw it and draw my friends too.
  21. There used to be a couple really awesome exploration sims a couple/few years back. One was called Retropolis. Are there any other cool exploration sims out there or sims with lots of interactivity/things to do? It has to be a general/moderate sim thanks.
  22. Welcome to SL~ I don't share your music tastes exactly, but I like horror and art. Especially art seeing as I'm an artist. If you ever want to chat about either of those things, you can talk to me.
  23. *waves* heya. ^^ It seems we have quite a bit in common. I too play PC and 3DS games. I also draw. here's an example:  I am a kid avi but I'm pretty laid back and friendly. I also appreciate almost all types of music. My favorites being pop, dubstep and piano/orchestral pop. Least favorites being metal and Rap. I also went to college! I went for animation but a family breakdown caused me to quit from severe anxiety. o_o I am very silly and random and I love to make people smile and laugh. You seemed nice so I thought I'd respond.
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