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amarock Amat

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Posts posted by amarock Amat

  1. Weights more, becuase its hallow in the middle. Like the dreams of a yesteryear lol.



    Besides all the techie gobblygook. The basic factor is that mroe folks see it, theire for more rescourse of said sim. Its not a money issue, but more a realstic impact of server load, comprimising it in value based on lets say folks who rent land and hog up larger portions against those that would otherwise rent elsewhere.

  2. If am looking to possibly intreview someone from Lidens, about a school project. (( Just Would really love to ). Am bascily in schooling for networking and programing. Having used SL for so many years, and somehow not knowing what goes where. It would seem like a good oppertunity for my assigment to ask what are good things to study now adays, what is needed to start up in the business, and varoius other how-to things that actually matter.   Thank you for your thoughts SL community!!



  3. [14:10]  amarock Amat kisses her hand swooning at her beatuy as he melts and sighs  hodling her clsoe cherishing her like a sweet can of spam

    [14:10]  Fiona Godwin: lmfa

    o[14:10]  Fiona Godwin: like a can of SPAM???

    [14:11]  amarock Amat: yes a lovely wett can of spam

    [14:12]  Fiona Godwin: lol umm ok

    [14:12]  amarock Amat: kisses her lips sighing

    [14:12]  amarock Amat: mmm taste like pig thigh ..

    [14:13]  Fiona Godwin: ok that isnt flattering ama LOL

    [14:13]  amarock Amat: but you are like wondeful spam :(

    [14:13]  Fiona Godwin: i taste like a pigs thigh?

    [14:15]  amarock Amat: nods

    [14:15]  amarock Amat: thats what spam is made out of

    [14:15]  amarock Amat: you taste like the orginal form of spam unconditioned or treated

    [14:15]  amarock Amat: you are the purity of spams beatuty

    [14:16]  Fiona Godwin: lol u goof

    [14:17]  Fiona Godwin: one sec phone

  4. grr sorry to double post just wating to make sure it gets read, as we are doing small quick posts. 


    I am heading to bed, but my friend te3re baxton can contuie this conversastion in world if you wish.   I hope this works out well; and if you use someone else, may it still have equal success.


    *edit* okay sweet, if yo would please sen da frineds request and we can talk then. Sorry am kinda pooped night nad best of luck

  5. Not so much leeway, just that we dont mind; we are not useing the land for much right now besides small store, and some building. If it brings in a profit so be it , we are happy to help you out, as it has a chance to help us both out in the long run :P

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