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Caius Septimus

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Blog Comments posted by Caius Septimus

    September Update

    I love when people who voice disappointment or disapproval are assumed to be insatiable or just uninformed. I'll sum up those replies thusly, "Remember, kids, if you disagree with me, it's because you're stupid and need to be shown the way. With time and teaching, you'll think correctly just like me!"

    I'm tired of having to use third party viewers because LL has failed to ensure a higher standard of QA. My client worked fine until June, when sweeping changes were made that make playing on my rig completely worthless. Blackscreens, incompatibility with current display drivers, and seemingly random crashes is the price I pay for being happy-go-lucky. Maybe if I throw more positivity, happiness, and starshine into the conversation, it will all work out, but I'd rather voice my concern and disapproval and hope the reality that people like me face daily problems just trying to be a part of SL are getting impatient is enough to see real changes for SL.

    Fix your client and then add the fluff.

    @OpensourceObscure: Mesh is a great feature for some, but as it is, I could care less; I can't use Viewer 2.

    September Update

    So... Mesh. That's really the only update to SL. Everything else is either fluff or more SLbook garbage? I just feel a bit disappointed--with so many client issues causing people to resort to third party viewers, or people giving up completely because the client is simply broken, stuff like premium membership changes and social status updates seem disingenuous.

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