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Orca Flotta

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Posts posted by Orca Flotta

  1. I guess it's nothing to do with your Apple but sounds like a connection/gpu problem.

    Please do us the favour and copypaste your system specs into this thread. So the experts here can help you better.

    --> open the viewer but DON'T log in world. --> choose HELP --> About [your viewer] --> copypaste the whole box into this thread. It'll look somehow like this:


    Singularity Viewer (64 bit) 1.8.5 (5617) Jan 28 2014 23:30:38 (Singularity)
    Release Notes

    Grid: Second Life

    Built with GCC version 40405

    CPU: Intel® Core i5 CPU         650  @ 3.20GHz (1197 MHz)
    Memory: 7980 MB
    OS Version: Linux 3.14.13-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 18 09:02:40 UTC 2014 x86_64
    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 260/PCIe/SSE2
    OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.24

    Viewer SSE Version: SSE2
    libcurl Version: libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/1.0.0g zlib/1.2.6 c-ares/1.7.5 libidn/1.28
    J2C Decoder Version: OpenJPEG: 1.5.2
    Audio Driver Version: (none)
    Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)

    From those data the experts can already tell you a lot about possible reasons for your blurry experience.


  2. You seem not to get the FS AO. As was explained to you before, the FS AO is fuxxing EMPTY!!! You gotta fill it with your own, free or bought anims. Anyway, that's a hassle so most ppl never use the FS AO and stick with their bought AOs as they come right outta the box. It's also easier when you change viewers often and regularly. Also most AOs come with a hud that lets you set anim time and sequence order of the anims, very nifty that. :matte-motes-nerdy:

  3. On every SL mainland continent you can find a net of Linden Routes, often numerized, sometimes named. Along those roads you'll find rez spots, mostly at crossroads and intersections. It's fun exploring the grid with a vehicle, also sometimes the lag is bad. You'll find various older websites and wikis about Linden Routes with history and everything you need to know. Also some residents are blogging about their voyages. For example *cough* Orca Flotta. Just type Ridin' into the search field in her blog and you'll find stories about a lot of her motorcycle trips.

    Can't say much about single uncennected sims with racetracks on them since I don't fancy riding around in circles. I prefer the danger of crashing over the boredom of driving/riding in a confined space. Just get rid of all scripts and go as light as possible to avoid crashing all the time: AO? Don't switch it off, take that damn thing off of you. Hairs and shoes with resizer scripts are absolute killers, get rid of those before starting your car.


  4. Sierra Oskar wrote:

    You can always introduce yourself by using the name you really like or correct people when they call you you the wrong way. I am sure they will get used to it.

    Due to LL's bad decision making there is no right or wrong way. Oh well, there kinda is. In my eyes, and the eyes of many older resis, the original account name always has priority over silly display names. I guess we can even set our viewers so they won't display display names so many people won't even know what he calls himself on any day. According to the lab everything is cooI.

    I don't understand OP's motives at all. A year ago, when he made his account, he didn't think he'd use it ... and so he actually spent unnecessary brainwork into creating a name he doesn't like? Uh, I mean WTF????



  5. Thx Perrie, it was indeed the clock and date. Very weird. I tthought Windoze might be at least clever enough to set up the clock correctly ... but when I looked it was 01.01.2010!!! :smileysurprised: So after fixing date and time Singularity let me log in. :matte-motes-nerdy:

  6. Well, usually I'm on Linux but unforseen circumstances forced me to install Windoze 7 on my good computer :smileysad: Anyway, after I installed Singularity viewer (my go-to viewer) and the latest Nvidia driver and wanted to log in I got this weird message:


    Unable to connect to Second Life.

    Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates.


    Ugh, wotz dat pleez??? For me it sounds like some paranoid wannabe security stuff. Anyone knows what it is and how to get rid of it? Info: I only installed Windows so far, didn't run any updates and don't have any firewall installed. I figgered why should I do it when Win will be replaced with a new Linux version later tonight anyway.

    So, how do I proceed from here?



  7. Twig Aho wrote:It's like some foreign language to me..

    Asus I5 4440 3.1Ghz Gaming Pc Windows7 1Tb 8Gb Nvidia GTX 750TI 2GB ZT3



    Okay, lemme try to translate:


    Asus = Taiwanese hardware manufacturer

    i5 = middle class processor family produced by Intel

    4440 = not as good as 4670

    Gaming PC = everybody can slap a fancy "gaming" sticker on their mediocre product, LOL

    1 TB = (1 Terabyte) refers to the storage size of the harddrive and is more than adequate, even tho a smaller sized but much faster SSD is more modern and would be my choice

    8 GB = (8 Gigabyte) is the size of the RAM (read only memory) your short term work memory. 8 GB is adequate.

    Nvidia = Taiwanese hardware manufacturer of graphic cards

    GTX = Nvidia's best series

    7xx = series 7 is the most recent generation of Nvidia cards

    x5x = lowest in the GTX series

    TI = a moniker for cards that are a bit better than those without TI treatment

    2GB = the memory dedicated to the graphics chip, 2 GB is more than adequate


    I gather this is a desktop, right? Asus is a high volume mass producer and they have kindasorta everything in their portfolio, from high class gaming stuff to absolute crappola. It irks me that they left out some pretty important info in the description: what motherboard is being used, what power unit, is the box metal or just plastic, does it come with a DVD writer? Is keyboard and mouse included in the deal? What  about the screen? I've not seen this specific product and can't say anything about the build and material quality, also I dunno the price but if not too expensive I'd snap it up. But generally you gotta see that it's exactly people like you who keep all those companies afloat. From cheap @$$ hardware producers like Asus to the software con artists like Micro**bleep**. Because you don't know nothing they can sell you everything :(

    It would've been nice and helpful if you'd linked to the site where you found it. Then we could have a look at it and check the asking price.

    Generally I'd never purchase a pre-assembled PC but with your little knowledge I won't tell you to build one yourself. So I guess this is a reasonable offer and you may take it. Nevertheless if you wanna be a geek, just type the technical figures into the search system at newegg.com and see what they're coming up with. You'll get better quality stuff for less money.

  8. Machen Savira wrote:

    Is this on your end or mine?

    Neither nor, Machen, neither nor. It's on Linden Lab's end and "we" are not Linden Lab, just residents like you, suffering the same hilarious group chat lag. Different viewer won't help you here and there's nothing at all you can do on your end. The groups and chat is all on LL's servers and they are to blame.

  9. Sounds like connnectivity and hardware prob. OP is prolly one of those hapy-go-lucky types, trying to render the SL world on a 300 $ cheapo laptop without dedicated gpu and on wireless interwebz to make the catastrophe perfect.

    The message that you can log back in at a certain time has nothing to do with a ban, not even temporary. When you crash the system needs some time to dispose of your ghost. It's recomended to log in exactly at the given time.

  10. NaokiSuzuhara wrote:

    the net never loads the market place to add new skins or eyes. And every time I try to teleport, the game derps and says Darn...you're logged out. I don't know much about computers...so technical jargon will literally go right over my head. If you're going to explain, please use small words and be kind.

    When I started SL I ddin't know **bleep** about computers, had a little 12' subnotebook which was hardly able to render SL on the lowest settings. Nowadays I'm rocking several systems, said goodbye to the capitalist bitches of Micro**bleep** and Apple, went to Linux and kinda know my way around in SL. But I'm in game since 7.5 years, so please don't expect you're all good once you managed to leave the friggin (un)welcome island.

    About your probs: it all sounds like either too weak hardware or a bad interwebz connection, or a combination thereof. Might we bother you with the task to send your system specs to this thread? It'll help in diagnosis and possible solution of your problems. To do that just follow these steps:

    - start your viewer (no matter which) but don't log in

    - in menu click on Help - About [your viewer]

    - copypaste the whole text into this thread.

    In my case it looks like this:

    Singularity Viewer (64 bit) 1.8.5 (5617) Jan 28 2014 23:30:38 (Singularity)

    Release Notes


    Grid: Second Life


    Built with GCC version 40405


    CPU: Intel® Core i5 CPU         650  @ 3.20GHz (3193 MHz)

    Memory: 7980 MB

    OS Version: Linux 3.14.13-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 18 09:02:40 UTC 2014 x86_64

    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation

    Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 260/PCIe/SSE2

    OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.24


    Viewer SSE Version: SSE2

    libcurl Version: libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/1.0.0g zlib/1.2.6 c-ares/1.7.5 libidn/1.28

    J2C Decoder Version: OpenJPEG: 1.5.2

    Audio Driver Version: (none)

    Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)


    And then pls conduct a speedtest to Dallas/TX, USA using this site:
    and also copy the result in here.

    By referencing to these figures some of the tech savvy guys here can maybe help you.


  11. CashNoise777 wrote:

    Hey everyone, so I'm still fairly new, 10 days.  

    < snip >

    my shop and club.

    Okay, hold your horses. Not saying you're an alt but a 10 days old account who just became homeless and struggles in RL but has the financial means to start his own shop and club sounds a bit suspicious. No other problems  right now than playing a silly online game? Cool. Being homeless must be a breeze for you, with internet connection and lotsa spare time to waste onlne.

    What are you trying to tell us here?

  12. Arielle, 1/8 region is 8192 m² and mostly not shaped like a square but like a rectangular of 128 x 64 meters. In that case you can do like what was suggested in the other reply but for the second measurement don't use a point 32 meters of a border but 64 meters ... logic. Hey, I'm absolutely challenged spaz when it's about math and numbers but that's stuff we learned in 2nd grade, no?

  13. Let me try to get this straight: you own a parcel of 48 m² that is surrounded by a bigger parcel? You need the 48 m² to backup prims??? You are aware that your parcel only holds 12 prims I hope. So this is a very useless parcel for prim storage. And you have a skybox on it??? WTF??? I've never seen a skybox as small as 48 m² and using only 12 prims. It's impossible!

    The land is small on the ground but has no boundaries up in  the sky, so you should be able to fly and build up to any height, without touching a banline. So I don't understand the second part of your problem.

    My advice: SELL the **bleep**! Give it to your neighbor and ask a steep price for it. Let's see at which point she agrees to your offer.


  14. Very good and useful recommendation by Nalates. Let me make it even more clear: SL needs good to exceptional graphics cards, CPUs are not as important. Any halfways modern Intel or AMD CPU will run SL without any probs. Neither will you need a particularly huge HD, and not an SSD at all. Put all your money into a nice beefy Nvidia GPU. You won't find any older generation than 5xx in the shops these days, and that's okay. I guess you can get some real good deals for cards 6xx and older. But be aware to buy a GTX card! GT series is not good, these are cards x20 up to x50. So get at least a x60, better a x70 or x80.

    And yes, try to get a refurbished or otherwise used second hand machine. Forget the dual cores, Pentium and Celeron procis, try to get at least an i5 processor 2010 an later and you shouldn't have any problems. 4MB RAM should work but I'd go for 8.

  15. Coby Foden wrote:

    Orca Flotta wrote:


    Anyhoo, the most widely used TPV, Firestorm, gives you an quasi-Phoenix (V1) GUI as well as their usual V2 interface.

    Erm, wouldn't it be better to call it V3 interface (not V2, which was really horrible - IMO).

    Oh yes, it would be. But since my experience with V2 and newer viewers didn't extend like half a day and I never cared about all that uncomfy stuff I stopped caring/counting. :matte-motes-nerdy:

  16. Amethyst and Sassy are both right. It's hard to colourmatch system and flexi parts, and trying to be pretty on outdated hardware is even harder. I hate to say it but you should semi-retire your od lappy and use it as home server, Linux testmachine and office worker. Further, if your router is anywhere reasonably close to your desk try to plug in, instead of doing that wireless kindergarten internet.

    The other posters missed by a hairwidth. It's not necessary to redress, rerez or doing anything with your avie. Clearing cache is as useful as a hole in the stomach, as it only helps with corrupted textures. Uneven RAM isn't that common anymore since the prices went down quite abit since this particular machine was built, but it's nothing bad. My ASUS from 2008 also had 3 MB RAM. I guess 1 MB of those was dedicated as GPU memory..

  17. Hi Arielle, by stating you're on your 3rd life we stilll have no idea how old you actually are in SL. I mean some ppl manage to go thru accounts on high speed, for whatever reasons. But from your question and your igorance about TPVs I gather you can't be with SL for too long, else you'd know all these things.

    Anyhoo, the most widely used TPV, Firestorm, gives you an quasi-Phoenix (V1) GUI as well as their usual V2 interface. Singularity otoh is a pure V1 viewer, a bit lighter, but still very capable with all the newest shinies of the SL world. It's often used by the active residents (bikers, sailors, racers, pilots, gamers) since it seems to give you a slightly better framerate.

    I'm not familar with all the other TPVs but I guess they tend to follow either of the routes, using Sing and FS as blueprints.

  18. BarryLoyd wrote:

    What's your opinion on Nvidia Geforce 740m? It's an older series, but does it perform better? or worse?

    Sorry, was offline for a couple days, only reading up all the threads now.

    You gotta see the second number as more important than the first one. 7xx and 8xx shows the generation of chips and there isn't much of a diff between 7 and 8. x4x and x2x shows the ranking of the cards in Nvidia's lineup. Both are pretty low on the lowest end and hardly better than Intel's onboard chips. Still the 740 is clearly favorable over the 820. I wouldn't buy any computer with such weak chips tho. Particularly the M versions, which are even weaker and slower than their desktop brethren, should be avoided.

  19. Qie Niangao wrote:

     I get corrupted texture cache about once a week, and it fixes by clearing cache -- always
    and only
    by clearing cache.

    Yes Qie, corrupted taxtures is the only known problem that can be fixed by clearing cache. Nothing else actually.

    But OP's problem sounded different, like connectivity probs, wrong graphic settings or wrong bandwith settings. Didn't sound like  corrupted textures at all.

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