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Orca Flotta

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Posts posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Dax Mars wrote:

    I might just invest in a super comfy chair for my desk

    That would be the preferable solution anyway. Lounging on  a sofa or bed isn't good for your posture and will deffo ruin your spine. Get an ergonomically correct office chair with good lumbar support and try to sit straight while you're at the computer. See, for once our moms have been correct. :smileysurprised: A desktop computer is much better anyhoo; better upgradeability, cheaper, more powerfullerer. But if you insist on a laptop, yes, see that you get a gaming machine with dedicated graphics. MSI, ASUS and Lenovo have some not too expensive and hyped stuff in their lineup. Forget everything below the 800 € price range.

    That thing from your link? Crappola. :smileymad: For 500 bucks it's not even in the running. 1.7 Ghz??? No SSD? That thing is a wannabe quasi-mobile office warrior fashion item. You want a battlecruiser of a laptop, not a lady's purse.

  2. AMD isn’t yet ready to abandon its tour of the Southern Islands. Though the company released the second card in its 7000 series, the just-under-top-of-the-line Radeon HD 7950, only two weeks ago, it’s already back with a third. This one, however, is a slightly tougher sell. The Radeon HD 7770 GHz Edition offers all the attractive features we’ve seen on AMD’s other cards in this generation. But, as priced at $159 (list), it does not definitively defend the space against other, older models currently floating around. You can’t do better with newly released hardware right now, but it’s too early to tell whether the 7950’s modest virtues will prove to be of major value once AMD and Nvidia have finished fleshing out their lines.

  3. Ynot Fenua wrote:

    I am using Ubuntu 12.04

    Ouch! Look for a better Linux distro, man.


    compulsory update to 3.7.17

    Ouch! Never use the LL viewer, NEVER!!!


    CPU: Intel® Celeron® CPU B840 @ 1.90GHz (1300 MHz)

    Ouch! What a whimp.


    Memory: 1997 MB

    Ouch! What a whimp.


    OS Version: Linux 3.13.0-36-generic #63~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 4 22:30:51 UTC 2014 i686

    Ouch! 3.13 is the worstest Linux Kernel.


    Graphics Card Vendor: nouveau

    Ouch! As as Jeanie already said.



  4. ZombieHunter Criss wrote:

    stuff around me turn black and them moments later i crash out of SL

    It's quite clear your hadware is showing its age, coz that sounds like your GPU is in serious trubbels. A thorough cleaning might give it a bit longer life but all in all I guess your computer's gotta serve you better as a doorstop. Put a nice Linux on it and use it as a home server or give it to your kids, parents, grannny, needy persons.

  5. Unable to connect to a simulator. :smileysurprised:

    I know it's Tuesday but I tried logging in at home, at last location and various sims on various continents. All to no avail. :smileysad:

    My viewer is the latest Singuarity nightly build for Linux, and it works without problems since weeks. So what's wrong today, Linden Lab went finally belly up, Ebbe made off with the money, some enraged residents bombed the place? What's going on??? :smileymad:

  6. Sephina Frostbite wrote:

    I see several people say that they started a blog.. where do I go to start one?


    I'm so lonely and bored

    Oh hey, why have a blog if you are such a boring person? I guess in order to start a blog you need to have something to say about something. And you must feel some kind of urge to publish your stuff. Pure self-indulgent blogs from people whining and moaning about being lonely and bored don't survive very long.


    Here's my advice:

    - a blog isn't supposed to act as your friend, it's not for your entertainment and consumation

    - a blog can serve as your personal diary ... and never reach any readers. :smileysad: Stay away from too personal topics, nobody wants to know about your  depression

    - blogging is a lonely ocupation, as a blogger you're always in the observer role, and like any goood journalist, you hardly ever engage

    - you must feel the need to publish something, to say something about something, to publish your opinion. Else your blog is doomed

    - go, find a hobby, blog about that. Everybody wants to read a blog about skydiving, about pirate battles, about sailing, flying, travels!!!

    - fashion and avatar beautifying blogs by now are OUT! We already have too many of those, some of them on a unbelievably high, professional level. Don't become just another duck on the pond

    - I remember you used to have lots of questions and problems with fundamental SL functions - make a tips and hints blog for n00bs

    - DORKism! See that's already a cool blog title. I'd use it.

    - the easiest way to start a blog is probably Google's Blogger. Many bloggers prefer Wordpress, the open source alternative. It's more politically correct and better customizable but needs a bit more brains and isn't as super simple as Blogger. I have blogs on both platforms, my SL crap on Blogger (since I post lots of photos) and my more earnest blog (mostly words coz it's a literature blog) I keep on Wordpress. Anyway, there are thousands of blogging systems out there but Blogger and Wordpress are the most famoustest. :smileyhappy:

  7. Hm, das klingt nach einem richtig fähigen System,das du da hast. Ich bin nun wahrlich kein AMD Fangirl aber die 7950 sollte dir gute Graphik geben. Dein System ist von 2012, richtig? Schon mal geøffnet und sauber gemacht? Solltest du alle 6 Monate machen, alle 3 Monate wenn du ein Raucher bist. Einfach mit ner Spraydose komprimierter Luft alle Fans und Kuehlrippen freiblasen. Und ueberhaupt mal die Temperaturen kontrollieren. Haste den neuesten Treiber installiert? Alle Einstellungen im Treiber korrekt und in SL Graphics auch?

    Ich mag KDE nicht, aber schøn eine weitere Linuxerin hier zu haben.

    Ich hab  keine Ahnung ob der LL Viewer unter Linux was taugt, da ich den seit 2007 nicht mehr benutze. Haste schon mal einen TPV probiert, FS oder Singularity?

  8. That is one nice machine, Ohjiro. Particularly for the UK, where everything is a bit more expensive than on mainland. particularly impressive: mobo, ram and the case. With that base OP will have fun for many years to come coz it'll be nicely upgradeable. Of course I could do without that 8.1 debacle of an OS. Dunno why even the small "manufacturers" feel the need to sell stuff with Microsoft crappola included. For me a reason not to buy that PC: 80 bucks wasted on bovine manure. :smileysad:

  9. SaraCarena wrote:

    /me runs off to dl firestorm linux


    Cool, I'm sooo proud of you. Linux did rejuvenate countless museum pieces of hardware already and gave them a longer lifespan. And Mint, in my eye, is the best for new users, nicer than the famous Ubuntu. Once you're settled into the Linux world and found the best desktop environment you should upgrade to a more advanced distro tho. Manjaro is the best Linux on the market right now, is based on Arch and available in all desktop flavours.

  10. Uh, I guess Million meant that her avatar was to act as if kicked in the groin and fall over, not the bumper. That can be set to automagic, no problem. I have for example a squeegee sound for my tiny that honks every time someone bumps into me. Makes sound like squeegee duck.

  11. SamanthaPrater wrote:

    thats odd; Windows seven Ran SL perfectly with out complication.

    So, why o why did you have to waste money and "update" to that new smartphone/tablet OS? Reinstall Win7 and go your marry ways. Or, even and  much better, extend your middle digit in direction of Redmond/CA and waven 'em a friendly goodbye, and install Linux Mint 17 (with Non-free drivers) and never suffer anything bad ever again. As cool side effect you won't need to install any anti-virus or firewall software. And no voodoo speed-up maintenance programs neither. No need to clear you registry or de-fragment the HD. All those jobs that took so much time off my productivity ... all things of the past and nothing but bad memories now. 

  12. Oh yes, the chromebok. Would be near perfect to use as another Linux machine, for testing stuff out. Dunno if I could get used to the weird keyboard layout but deffo worth a try. Well for now I'm happ yon big big chunky desktop for all the right reasons. :smileyhappy: But if aikawaiix »must have« a laptop she shouldn't go the highly experimental route but get a good laptop then. Plus Chrome and Linux OSes aren't for everybody. Most people prefer what they know, the Micro**bleep** Windoze. So no way around a real computer. LOL :smileyvery-happy:

    I just looked up the ASUS: 259 $ from Amazon. Can't get any cheaper and worse than that. It's something stingy parents give their unwanted and unloved children for school.

    And the Lenny 580 got a mixed verdict at Notebook Review: »Does the Lenovo G580′s solid specs make up for its shoddy build quality? Read the full review to find out.«

    As mentioned before, both machines are the crappola.





  13. None of 'em.

    Although the IBM Lenovo has slightly better specs both are totally underutilized for giving you a decent SL performance. Intel HD graphics are hardly able to render a video or a normal PC game. And a virtual world like SL is much more demanding than any game.

    My advice: save more and wait a while before you get a new lappy. And buy one with a decent dedicated Nvidia or AMD graphics chip, don't settle for onboard graphics.

    The CPU side isn't as important as the graphics but Intel Celeron chips are stone old, the lowest of the low, and shouldn't be sold anymore.

    Simple fact: you can't get happy in SL by using a 300 € or $ lappy. Period.

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