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Shiloh Lyric

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Everything posted by Shiloh Lyric

  1. Hi, all. I lurk a lot and post once in a Blue Moon. I'm more active, although not very much lately, on a 3rd Party forum across the road. Mostly, I post photos on Flickr. I used to post a little on the 'old' SL forum years ago under my original, now-deleted, account, Sunni Jewell. *waves to a few of the names I remember from there /me goes back to lurking
  2. If you use BOM, I use these and they work very well. /me goes back to lurking
  3. I don't post on the forums here very much, if at all really, but saw your question. Teegle has one. I rez'd it out to use for this photo, which you can see in the background. I think I bought the applier from another store, but the skeleton horse with the flames is available at Teegle's Inworld store. I would share the SLURL to the store, but I'm not able to be inworld at the moment. It is rideable and not an avatar.
  4. I'm more a lurker than a poster here, but try Vagrant. I've seen similar items there...open shorts, bikini underwear and phones, etc in pockets.
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