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PeterCanessa Oh

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Posts posted by PeterCanessa Oh

  1. One of my RL interests is teaching beginners to program.  I already have Scratch for LSL and Scratch itself (an old version, the new ones are internet-based).  Scratch and Greenfoot (http://www.greenfoot.org/door) are ideal little IDEs for people to learn the concepts of program-flow, variables, etc.  Scratch for LSL was a 'good idea' that never really took off and hasn't been updated for several years (or hadn't last time I looked.)

    Incidentally, for anyone who likes Interactive Fiction (IF) THE easiest general(ish) programming language and tool I've found of any sort is Inform 7 (http://inform7.com/) which is great for a lot of things but has limited graphics ability.  Emily Short, famous for her characters in IF, created LittleTextPeople, which was bought by Linden Lab (http://lindenlab.com/releases/linden-lab-acquires-game-studio-littletextpeople).

  2. There is no way "it" can put any hair on you.  YOU, on the other hand, can.  This gives us a clue as to whether it or you need correcting ;-0

    • SL avatars originally had "system" hair which is, basically, too horrible to want to see EVER but you can't take it off.
    • The bald-hair wig you have is system hair which, being bald, doesn't look too bad.  Except, obviously, you're bald.
    • So we ALL wear a (prim/mesh) wig if we want decent hair.
    • The way to wear something like this is to right-click and 'wear' the bald-head wig, then right-click and 'add' ONE of the colours of hair that you actually want to see.
    • I suspect you are 'wear'ing the folder, not individual items

    Please use options > edit against your post to let us know how you get on.

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  3. The simple answer is that unless you are living in the USA and using a major US credit-card then LL haven't worked out how to take your money yet, except from a verified PayPal account, ie; one tied to your bank account.

    If you happen to live in the 90% of the world where credit cards and/or banks don't work the US way then you're pretty much stuck with no way to pay.  Relax; I haven't spent any real money in SL in more than 6 years here.  Understanding that LL are almost the only company trading internationally on the internet that can't cope with non-US banking will also help you develop a relaxed attitude to all the other problems you'll find in SL.


  4. We'll all be happy if you can keep other people like you safe from this temptation.  It's probably too late if they read anything on this forum though.  Perhaps a rant in bigot's weekly letter in your local newspaper would save more souls?

    The creators of SL are not manufacturing child avatars or sexual objects so thank goodness they can sleep at night on that score ^^.  Had you dared to endure more than an hour or two of SL you might have found out it's the residents that make things here, not LL.

    Just remember though that when you open your mind the truth will sneak in, however much you try to deny it.

    FSM loves you

    PeterCanessa Oh

  5. GOOD question.  Glad someone asked :-)

    The very short answer is that 'mesh' is the most complicated, but flexible, way to make objects in SL.

    The longer answer is it's all about 3d computer graphics:...

    All 3d shapes in an environment like SL or most computer games is made up of surfaces/faces/planes which themselves are defined by their corners and edges.  A simple cube would have 8 corners, 12 edges connecting them (4 around the top, 4 around the bottom and 4 'uprights') and 6 faces that they define.  Once you have all this information you can put pictures/textures on each face to make, for instance, a die with the numbers 1 - 6.  Essential point: 3d shapes are made of a number of faces (planes), which are made of a number of edges (lines), which connect corners (points).

    The built-in SL building tools provide this information for a number of simple (primitive, prim) shapes; cube, pyramid, etc. so we don't have to bother with the detail of every point/line/plane.  That makes building in-world, with prims, simple and quick.

    A few years ago LL introduced 'sculpted' (sculpt) prims to SL.  They can't be built in-world but are a sort of half-way house between prims and 'proper' mesh.  To cut a long story short a sculpted prim 'has' a mesh of 64 x 64 points, each connected to its up, down, left and right neighbours - like a fishing net.  Just as you can twist and turn a fishing net you can make all sorts of shapes with a sculpt by changing the X, Y and Z positions of all those points, but you can't "untie" them from their neighbours.

    Full mesh is still pretty new to SL but is the way most 3d graphics are made 'by hand' in other environments.  Instead of only having a few shapes to start with - like prims - or only a fishing-net with a fixed structure - like sculpts - it is entirely up to you what points, edges and planes you have and how they connect to anything else.  Doing this literally by hand is far too much work but most 3d-modelling programs let you draw and build this way then save the 'mesh' you've defined.  A GOOD 3d (mesh) modeller can make much more detailed objects that don't require as much computer-power to draw than someone using more simple tools.  Unfortunately anyone who isn't good at 3d modelling usually makes things that are much harder for computers to work out.

    [Hope that explains it without being too simplistic or too techy.  If you wanted to know something different please use options > edit against your post to clarify exactly what you're asking]


    • Like 1
  6. Only once you should do the work;


    string MyName;default{    changed(integer Change){        if(CHANGED_TELEPORT & Change){            llOwnerSay(MyName + " has arrived");        }    }    state_entry(){        MyName = llKey2Name(llGetOwner());    }}


    But mostly I posted this to say I didn't even know there was a name for "Yoda conditions"; possibly because Yoda didn't exist when I was learning.  Way to make me feel old ^^


  7. integer max_length  = 20; // Maximum length the list can reach before reseting

    Change that line ^^

    Don't get too greedy and test it well, otherwise it'll try to remember too many people, run out of memory and crash before clearing itself.  Presumably there's a reason the author set it at 20.  I haven't read through the whole script in detail, having concentrated on the notecard-reading so far, since that was your problem.  Older scripts faced a memory limit of 16k so couldn't store much.  Newer (mono) operation allows up to 64k so, keeping it simple, you may well be able to store 4 times as much (80 people), but there's no guarantee!

  8. "They" aren't likely to "fix" the "issue" with ... temporary textures because there isn't any issue that needs fixing.

    Temporary textures were never a feature of the official LL viewers or system.  What LL did give us, long before allowing any sort of temporary textures, was the beta grid.  When you log in there it'll still cost you L$10 to upload each texture but since LL give you a L$5,000 account it doesn't matter.

  9. Goody; another "question of style"; I enjoy these :-)

    Apart from being able to read and remember a name more easily than a number predefined CONSTANTS (such as PUBLIC_CHANNEL, NULL_KEY, etc.) give you a bit of insurance.  Unlikely as it is LL could change the main chat to something other than 0.  The compiler will know this and substitute the correct number without you having to change your source code.

    It can also make it easier to make quick changes when you want to - there are likely to be a lot more '0's in a script than "PUBLIC_CHANNEL"s so a simple replace-all won't work.  As a chat-specific thing I also tend to use DEBUG_CHANNEL quite a bit so I'm not spamming people while testing.

  10. An object is an object - it doesn't matter how many prims there are in it.  If you can link them into a single object you can rez them as one too.  Just remember the object to be rezzed has to be in the parent object's contents, along with the script.

    • Like 1

  11. Perrie Juran wrote:

    ETA:  That is NOT a Linden Lab Official page but a resident's contribution / discussion of the situation.
      So my statement here regarding compliance with that page must be taken with a huge grain of salt.  Thank you Cerise for reminding me of this (message #28).


    Sorry about that.  I have corrected my original post in this thread.  *blushes*

  12. A griefer (sad git whose only joy in life is trying to make other people miserable) has either created a 'follower' object and told it to follow you or has given you an object that you are wearing (not neccessarily clothes but just an 'attachment').

    First, and easiest, teleport to a 'safe' sim such as Caledon Oxbridge.  Followers can't teleport so if that's what it is you'll shake it off that way.  If it's still there then it must be an attachment.  There are changing-rooms at Caledon Oxbridge to preserve your modesty while you take off everything - including hair, etc.  One of those things will have the offending object in it.

    Another advantage of going to Caledon Oxbridge (or a similar helper-organisation sim) is that there will be helpers and other experienced residents there who can talk you through all this.

    Finally - file an Abuse Report against the owner of the offending object.  Being banned won't stop them but it's our way of telling them we care ;-0

    [ETA:  Oh, I'm way too slow at 2am.  Well done ladies]

  13. Don't let your cats play with your computer.

    [Yes, it's silly and unhelpful.  Sorry about that; I couldn't help myself]

    Unless you have Firestorm overriding the 'hold cat' animation I can't think of anything that would cause such a specific problem.  Make sure you aren't wearing an AO or similar but, since we have no idea what your 'cats' are or how they were made there's nothing else I can suggest off the top of my head.

    Please use Options > Edit against your post to add what these cats are (avatars, objects?), what used to happen and which of that isn't happening now.  For instance - can you still click on them but the animation doesn't run, or are you prevented from even that?

  14. Alright - Dora gave you the important part that 'says something' in the other thread.  She also said "the above is not a script but can be included in a script".  Here's the shorthand (including typo-correction) for scripting 0.1 for those that don't want to be scripters:


    • All the "do something" instructions in scripts only "do" whatever when SL tells them "something happened" - that's called an event
    • If you put some "do this" instructions in an "on_rez()" event handler [sneaking-in the technical stuff] they happen when SL tells the script it's been rezzed - which is what you want
    • The blurb for "on_rez()" is what Dora gave you - just replace the "something" it says with whatever it is you really wanted there
    • BUT a script has to have a 'default' state to start in

    Which gives this complete script (but remember to change "something"):


    default{	on_rez( integer p )	{		llSay( PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Something");	}}


    [ie; apart from the typo all I've changed is "default{" before and "}" after (wrapped around) what Dora gave you.  Yes, we could have said all that explicitly in the first place but we like to tempt non-scripters to turn to the dark side by experimenting a bit themselves ^^]

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