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PeterCanessa Oh

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Posts posted by PeterCanessa Oh

  1. iceing Braveheart wrote:

    Okay seriously this only effects Second Life software so don't fear buying a new modern laptop or pc ect as it will work anywhere else in the world or web just not with second life software. for second life software your gonna want to check city land fills and hope you find something that still functions

    Nope, still waiting for you to be serious.  Hyperbole doesn't cut it.  Ridiculous isn't even close.

  2. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

    (because it's too bloody cold and boring around here!).

    What? Don't you live where the Druids once danced around a fire in the woods, telling scary stories? What could be more fun than that, except maybe doing it all while wearing a cozy bumblebee costume, complete with springy antennae?

    Actually, I grew-up near Stonehenge :-)


  3. In RL there seems to be a bit of a reaction (in the UK) against Halloween-hype, as far as I can tell from the shop where I work.

    When I was a kid - yeah, half a century ago - it was a small festival where someone might give a party for the family.  Since about 1990 the desperate need of our shops to find some excuse for marketing excess between Summer and Christmas - plus the existing hype about Halloween there is in the USA - has introduced the whole 'trick or treat' thing, which is foreign to us.  Most adults hate it and, so I'm finding, so do most kids (because it's too bloody cold and boring around here!).  A family/social gathering is much more welcoming, and welcomed, so the country seems to be reverting.

    [NB: Not knocking anyone for this - just saying that trying to sell the same cheap tut in the UK as the USA without any changes doesn't always work, even if you do think we share the same cultural references ^^. ]


  4. iceing Braveheart wrote:

    //and yes everyone with a new modern pc/laptop ect has this problem it is completely across the board...

    Aha!  Thanks for that, I'll be sure to look out for all the complaints from people with new modern pc/laptop etc.  There must be millions since it's completely across the board.  Or is it only ones where all components were manufactured within the last year ... month ... week?


    Be serious, please.

  5. Yes, that's my thinking - the wiki is a great reference [resident-created like so much else of SL - thanks everyone, especially Strife (now I'm reminded by Rolig)] - but it is only meant to be a quick-lookup reference, not a complete guide to "how to programme in LSL, even if you don't know how to switch your computer on without help".  Pages like that which summarise rotations (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Rotation) are an absolute god-send for me because I can understand the code but never remember the maths (doh!).

    For someone who isn't a programmer - or an LSL programmer - there are several tutorials (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Tutorial - plus, of course, the video-series currently being discussed in this forum).

    If those don't answer the question or opinion is sought then, indeed, this is meant to be the place to come.  Other fora - outside LL's control - often do a better job for either beginners or the very experienced.  [Please name some, it's allowed and encouraged - I just don't have the RL time to join in and keep up!]

    I just hope we're keeping each other honest and that we make sure our explanations make sense!


  6. steph Arnott wrote:

    ...Sorry al, i just was not getting it. LOL. 

    Nothing to apologies for Steph - it's a problem with English, not you.  It all gets worse when it's not just English but also twisted into computer jargon.  Then, to make it even worse, we have the potential confusion of llListen() versus listen(), 'listener' and 'listen filter'.

    Glad you like the example, I think it works quite nicely because it shows the use of llListenRemove() and llListenControl() - plus another sneaky example of 'else if' - but I'm not sure about adding it to the wiki.  Too much explanation of English and 'commonplace' computer jargon would be out of place there.  Perhaps I'll put it on my own page, if I ever make one.

  7. (And @ Bobbie) I agree that a 1024 x 1024 texture is not usually needed.  I was just pointing out the current limit.

    Having said that I have used that size, albeit with multiple images tiled on it.  One 1MB image is less of a load than 4 0.25 (512 x 512) ones, simply because of the file-handling overhead.  Of course, that only works if you're going to USE all 4 images - or 16 if they're 256 x 256.  In fact the main time I tile images is when they are an 'odd' size (not powers of 2) and I can squeeze more in that way.  It's all about using different parts of the same texture with different offsets, repeats and rotations.

    There is one building texture in the library ('pine planks' I think, but can't remember) that I used in about 6 ways to make a log-cabin where the exterior and interior walls, floor, ceiling and some 'features' all looked very different but only required the one image to be cached.

    [Like mesh, any fewl can do it but doing it well requires a bit of thinking]

  8. I did say it might be a bit abstruse (= difficult to understand) Steph, it's not your fault   The problem is the English words "handle", a noun, something you hold onto and - spelt and pronounced exactly the same! - "handle", a verb, meaning to touch, examine or process.  In Rolig's example the person who brings your letters will, in the sense of the verb, handle them.  It is unlikely that your letters have a handle, in the noun sense, fixed onto them - although the postman's bag probably has.

    [OK, I've re-read that and I'm not sure it makes any more sense now.  Sorry.  I'm trying]

    These words have come into computer terminology for a variable reference to something - a noun handle - and as the function or procedure that processes a certain type of 'thing' - a handler of 'things'.  Specifically in LSL the events raised by SL.  This example will help, I hope:

    integer PetersHandle;integer RoligsHandle;integer StephsHandle;default{    state_entry(){    	// 'Handles' - nouns - are references to something.  In this case 'listeners'    	PetersHandle = llListen(0, "PeterCanessa Oh", "", "");    	RoligsHandle = llListen(0, "Rolig Loon", "", "");    	StephsHandle = llListen(0, "steph Arnott", "", "");    	llSay(0, "I will only hear you once.");    }	listen(integer ChannelIn, string FromName, key FromID, string Message){		// An event handler, "handles" - verb - or processes the events that are raised		if("PeterCanessa Oh" == FromName){			llListenRemove(PetersHandle);			llSay(0, "OK, I'm not listening for Peter any more");		}else if("Rolig Loon" == FromName){			llListenRemove(RoligsHandle);			llSay(0, "OK, I'm not listening for Rolig any more");		}else if("steph Arnott" == FromName){			llListenControl(StephsHandle, FALSE);			llSay(0, "OK, I'm not listening for steph any more - but I will be again in a few seconds");			llSetTimerEvent(5.0);		}	}	timer(){		llSetTimerEvent(0.0);		llListenControl(StephsHandle, TRUE);	}}



    • Like 1
  9. This is not a forum for communicating with LL, we are just residents like you and can't do anything about your request.

    The Answers section is also not intended for discussion, just short answers.  You may wish to post in the technology or role-play forums, possibly Second Life Viewer, although I'm not sure where would be most appropriate for voice morphing, to be honest.

    • Like 2
  10. There are some powers and permissions that only the owner of a sim has.  When someone owns a large number of sims this can become a problem and they may wish to delegate them to a manager so they don't have to do all the work.  In that case 'ownership' would be transferred to the manager but the original owner keeps paying the bills.  Who pays the piper calls the tune so if they want to the payor can take-over from the 'owner' any time.

  11. Thank you for trying and well done.  This person is a Hebrew-speaker and we've had trouble understanding him/her in 'answers' across many questions.  I've suggested that a Hebrew group in-world would allow them to have a proper conversation and explain themselves better but - despite the best efforts of Google Translate - I don't know if that message has got through (or even if they know how to get in-world to be honest)

  12. KatTruewalker wrote:

    SL is a game, I stand by that, despite the fact that I know there are creators here who earn real money and run businesses.  It has to be regarded as a game because it's a virtual space hosted by a company who is there to make a profit. 

    Your posts are all very reasonable; I'm picking this point just because it's the one that I really can't agree with.  It's been argued many times so I won't beat this particular dead horse yet again.  I hope you realise though that neither being a virtual space not being hosted by a company who is there to make a profit are reasons for considering anything a game.

    In many ways SL might be better if it were a game - I think that's what Rodvik thought or intended when he came in from the computer-games industry.  Witness the initiatives that were put in place to make it easier to 'play' - Linden Realms, pathfinding, etc.  The reason I feel sorry for people who think it is a game though remains that it limits their understanding of the platform and other residents so much.


  13. Freya Mokusei wrote:

    Knames Frakture wrote:

    So, I changed the Thread as stated.. I wasn't aware of that being a flag towards gambing.. 

    ... I've never noticed the equivilence, many in-world establishments operate under 'gaming' - a popular word (video gaming, xbox gaming, none of which implies gambling - some DO imply gambling and still survive, since they only offer skill games). Peter's a smartie though, maybe he'd expand on his reasoning there? ...

    The UK gambling commission states, "A gaming machine is defined by the Gambling Act 2005 as a machine that is designed or adapted for use by individuals to gamble (whether or not it can also be used for other purposes). Most gaming machines are of the reel-based type, also known as fruit, slot, or jackpot machines." (http://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/gambling_sectors/gaming_machines/about_gaming_machines_fruit_m/about_gaming_machines_fri.aspx, note there is a different, but related, page for online casinos, etc.)

    Meanwhile, the US NCRG (http://www.ncrg.org/) manages to get both words into the same sentence as well - "The National Center for Responsible Gaming is the only national organization exclusively devoted to funding research that helps increase understanding of pathological and youth gambling and find effective methods of treatment for the disorder"

    http://www.americangaming.org/industry-resources/research/fact-sheets/gaming-vs-gambling provides a bit of background and, just as I was checking references, this (http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/2013/10/how-you-name-it-matters-gambling-vs-gaming) was published too.

    So I hope all that demonstrates that (at least some) people coming from the gambling side of things use, and have used for some time, the word gaming.  For those of us who approach from the computer/video- games side it is something we have to accept.

    Personally I wouldn't usually read it like that but sufficient of the gambling authorities and regulators would that you might get unwanted, and unnecessary, attention by using the word.

    My earlier post was just a "watch out; you will be misunderstood" warning, not an absolute statement of fact.

  14. You are already a member (resident) or you wouldn't be able to log-in here.

    There are many good-quality freebies of all types available in-world.  Visit NCI or Caledon Oxbridge to find some.  If you think the current avatars look ridiculous though you should have seen them a few years ago!  I'd be quite happy to wander around with most of the ones available now.

    Also remember that all those items the demos are for were made by someone, usually taking several hours or days.  They also (again, "usually") spent many hours per week running their business in SL. Are you surprised that they ask for a few L$?  (NB: L$250 = USD$1)

    Or, of course, you can make your own things if you're determined not to pay for anything but hate all that everyone else provides for free.

  15. Amongst the things you can make yourself in SL are:

    • Animations (how avatars move)
    • Body Parts! (Eyes, etc.)
    • Buildings
    • Clothes
    • Hair
    • Scripts (small programs that make objects 'do something')
    • Shapes
    • Skins
    • Sounds
    • Textures (pictures)
    • Vehicles

    I usually forget some.  More than 99% of everything you see (or hear) is made by residents just like us.  That's most of the fun of SL.


  16. Ahhh, what a pleasant change - someone who "would like" to find a job :-)  That makes so much more sense than all the people who claim to need one.

    You've seen the advice not to get a job (yet).  You don't need money in SL - you can get more free things of every type than you will ever want, let alone need.  The only thing you have to pay for - if you decide you want it at all - is your own land.  Before you make any decisions about land, homes, jobs or anything else though you should learn about SL and how it works.  You'll be amazed at the variety.

    Teleport to Kuula or Hamnida sims for NCI or Caledon Oxbridge for (Lindal's) group of the same name.  These are excellent volunteer helper organisations for newbies, offering help (from experienced residents), freebies, classes and information about almost all of SL.  There are others as well but I am less familiar with them.

    Once you understand a bit about SL and have had a chance to settle-in and explore then is the time to decide what you want to do in the longer term.  In any case most people won't give you a job in SL until you're at least 30 days old (in SL terms) because they have no way of knowing if you'll ever turn up again.

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  17. Yeah, well we have to assume their lawyers are covering them but LL do precious little to enforce their own policies even when blatantly broken - bots, traffic, gambling, adult, griefing, IP protection, fraud, etc. etc.  With gaming they don't do any checks because they don't do any checks of anything unless there is a big risk of legal action.  I am still annoyed that when the gaming policy came in my 'Sploders - which were specifically designed not to break the policy - were removed from the marketplace while loads of others are still there.

    Ah well, at least there are mods here to keep some sort of order in the forums, 'cause there's none in-world ^^

    In any case it's usually not a wise idea to advertise yourself as breaking the law, the FBI may be looking.

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