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PeterCanessa Oh

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Posts posted by PeterCanessa Oh

  1. The reason that a scripted change can be laggy is that every time the script changes the colour that update information has to be sent to everyone within viewing range.  An animated texture (details follow) is downloaded to each person once and their computers just get on with it client-side.

    An animated texture can use SMOOTH animation for flowing/fading but you probably don't need that so think of a strip of film with a number of picture 'frames' on it.  llSetTextureAnim() ( http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetTextureAnim) without smooth takes a texture - graphics file - and shows different sections of it as if they were frames of a filem-strip in exactly that way.  The trick is to give it a texture that has the sequence of colours you want shown (use black for off).  As it steps through the frames the colour of your light appears to change.

    Make a graphics file in Photoshop or a free alternative such as GIMP.  Have equal widths of red, black and white.  Upload that texture to SL and apply it to the face of the prim light.  Yes, all 3 strips show, but when the script starts it'll sort that out.  Tell llSetTextureAnim() there are 3 frames and use the PING_PONG flag.  That tells it to play the frames 'forward' - ie; red, black, white - then go backwards - so it'll go back to black (off) and then red again.  And it'll keep doing it - which is what you asked for :-)


  2. All rezzed items, textures, scripts, notecards, etc. have a UUID automatically - it is how they are identified.

    If by "say different stuff" you mean that you want to put a new picture, with text, on the door you will need to "retexture" it.  Make the image outside of SL in Photosop or a similar graphics package (GIMP is the favourite free choice).  Upload that picture to SL, edit the car door and apply the picture as a texture.

    You may want to check Caledon Oxbridge, NCI, Builders' Brewery or another in-world helper organisation for free basic building classes.

  3. The best people to ask about a specific product are the people who sell and/or make it - or their support group if they have one.

    There are millions of resident-created objects in SL and it is very unlikely that anyone who looks in the answers section just happens to be familiar with the one you are asking about.  You might have some luck with the creation forums - either fashion (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Fashion/bd-p/Fashion) or mesh (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/bd-p/Mesh).

  4. A Linden home is a 512sqm plot of land with a house on it.  Whether and how you decide to furnish it is entirely up to you (within the limits of the prim-allowance and land covenant).

    • Like 1

  5. iceing Braveheart wrote:

    My new recommendation for when they people ask me about second life will be to steer clear as this is a vicious cycle you will always have to deal with that Linden Lab's does on purpose anytime you use a friends pc/laptop go to library borrow a pc/laptop rent to own or buy a new pc/laptop or buy new parts you will have to deal with it not working with second life as there is zero support you would be better off throwing your wallet into fireplace then wasting money on second life

    Well yes, I get all that but "wasting money" on Second Life?  It's free ;-0

    Anyway - I've understood exactly what you mean now.  I think you're wrong about the hardware but you're right about the support.

  6. This is a follow-on question from http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/increase-prims/qaq-p/2272255

    Dee - don't!  You have come into SL and straightaway bought premium membership.  We all love new residents but we want you to share the love ... don't rush to spend more money ;-)

    You are already spending real money and are now thinking of spending more.  Stop first, follow Rolig's advice for finding-out about renting or buying land and, most importantly, get out and about a bit!  Are you sure you'll want to be here in a month or two months, or a year?  If you are, then great - go for a financial commitment.  If you aren't then don't make that commitment when you don't need to.

    There are many, many free things available throughout SL that cover the whole range of things most people want.  Learn about SL before you pay too much for it.

    [And] Have fun


  7. Linden homes allow 117 prims to be rezzed at any time and this can't be increased.  You could try removing some of your furniture to release resources for the dog.

    Alternatively you can abandon your Linden home and rent a larger place - which will then have a greater prim-allowance.  As a premium member you will not be billed for the first 512sqm of land you have but will have to pay the excess.  The drawback to this is that while you will have a greater number of prims available you will have to allow for whatever house you decide to build (or is already) on the land.  With Linden homes the house isn't counted.

  8. KatTruewalker wrote:

    Thank you for your extremely knowledgeable response!

    I can understand the excitement that SL must have generated in certain quarters when it first launched, I can see the potential of a location such as this for many purposes.

    I'm a specialist teacher of children with medical needs, Second Life could be used in so many ways to help these kids I work with, in helping autistic/aspiesovercome their social awkwardness through managed situational role play, providing safe 'comfortable' places for counselling or chatting, classrooms where several immobile children can be taught together, as a step for those with acute school anxiety on the way to actually bringing them back into a real classroom...a million ways.

    I've also looked at the virtual reality courses offered by Bristol University, but in reality I'm reluctant to sign up for those because the poor performance is a big worry.  To try and complete a masters degree on a platform that isn't maintained as well as it might be just feels a bit risky. 

    So while I can be tongue in cheek about the 'game' aspect, I would be very wary of implementing any 'professional' ideas for education...  plus there is the cost element which also seems extremely disproportionate to the returns available.

    I really do hope that a similar world space is developed, but is there a conflict? If it's not a space for gaming then what sort of customers are going to be attracted to it?  Will there be enough of them?  If it's a space specifically designed for businesses and organisations, will it also be suitable for casual users, creators and have the many wonderful, imaginative and beautiful sims we see in SL at the moment.

    I have to agree with all that.  My post to which you are replying was cut short because I had to go to work.  "Is there a conflict?" hits the nail right on the head - if most people don't need a 3d world and gamers want something much faster, better looking and, well, up-to-date as icieng started this thread about, then who will the users be?  That is exactly the question facing SL's current and potential competitors at the moment.

    Game worlds can be incredibly popular - World Of Warcraft being the big, obvious, example - but need gamers who constantly pay (unlike a lot of SL residents like me).  That sort of thing has to stay right up to date and keep adding new stuff to appeal to gamers who could change to 'the next big thing' in an instant.  Gamers can also be a real pain to everyone who isn't "playing".  If you are building, chatting or working having some bunch of thugs burst in and shoot everyone is distracting, to put it mildly ;-0

    3d simulation worlds - such as schools, workshops, etc. - have been less successful but do have a fairly big market.  One advantage to appealing to customers for this is that they tend to be companies, with comparatively deep pockets.  Such a world is likely to consist of small-ish, closed, areas though so not be of interest to a mass audience.

    Rodvik comes from a games background so, as far as I can tell from how things moved when he joined LL, he was keen to make SL more of a games platform and to provide more games.  It would appear that he's since been convinced by people who know the platform better than in order to work that way it would need a complete redesign and re-write from the ground up.  With no obvious mass market for a 'Second Life 2' (if there was one the competitors would have grabbed it) I don't think there's any interest in investing in that sort of development.

    If you check the press releases from LL (click their link at the bottom of this page) you see the other projects they have been working on instead.  While they haven't completely given-up on SL - why kill the cash cow? - they certainly aren't giving us the attention they used to.

    SL may be dying as more people find they have no need of it or other competitors arise but it isn't dying because it doesn't support 'modern' hardware.  Neither - in reference to another recent-ish thread - is it going to die because it doesn't support "aviation" properly.  It never did and, without a complete re-write that isn't going to happen, it never will.  It has, however, got better and better in all sorts of ways over the years.

    ---- Subject change

    You might like to check the education forums for people professional organisations teaching in SL.  There are special rates for them too.



    ETA: Anyone who thinks the 'old hands' here always automatically defend SL and LL should have a look at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Amazing-levels-of-incompetance/m-p/2271277#U2271277 in this forum.

  9. KatTruewalker wrote:

    I'll stick to my interpretation of the word game

    I'll continue to feel sorry for your narrow view of life.  The whole internet must be a game then, since it's on computers and used for amusement.  Presumably we will just have to agree to disagree about this one, as so many people have before.

    Anyway; your rather more important, relevant and interesting question (not to me) was 'is it possible to do something better?'  The answer to that is undoubtedly 'Yes' and as I've said in many other posts I'm sure that if LL were starting SL now they'd make different decisions about how to structure and control it.  It is, after all, 10 year-old code.  When it started they had no idea how, or even if, people would want to use it.  There was loads of hype from the (RL) media about "the 3d internet", lots of (RL) businesses set-up locations in SL for virtual meetings, marketing, etc. and we got our first (RL) US$ millionaire land-baron(ess).

    It didn't work.  Most of the computer-users who came to try SL were gamers who wanted to play a game with the latest, greatest graphics and - oh! - they though SL was a game, so were disappointed with it.  In any case neither they nor anyone who thought of SL as a platform they could shape for themselves wanted to buy shoddy virtual goods from RL companies when they could make their own stuff better, and for free.  Some companies found - and still find - 3d simulations or meetings in-world useful but most didn't get any more benefit than from cheaper, easier, video-conferencing.

    The hard-core gamers and the businesses left.  More or less all that remained in SL were people who wanted to create things and/or people who wanted 3d "social-media" (this was still before twitter and facebook were in fashion).  Despite this SL had proved the possibilities of user-created virtual worlds and LL still made a profit.

    SO - lots of people tried to do the same thing better.  OpenSim uses (a variant of) the SL server-side code and viewers so is practically identical.  The advantage of public OpenSim worlds tends to be that they are much cheaper and may use larger sims (so fewer sim-crossings).  Their big disadvantage is that they don't have anything like the population of "dying" SL.

    Many more-modern worlds with better graphics and different structures - Blue Moon, Kaneva - but they have generally never got off the drawing-board or have never reached 'even' the appeal of 'dying' SL.  Sooner or later one of them will, of course, either because they grow, SL shrinks or both - no argument there.

    Different approaches work.  Designing for now works.  Patching, re-patching and patching again on 10 year-old software is much harder.  Problems of server limits and lag will remain and any graphics system (to name one suspect) will be outdated in another 10 years.  SL isn't dead yet.

  10. iceing Braveheart wrote:

    your 660 is not here in fact they do not even have any direct x11 cards aka 400, 500, 600, 700 second life stopped up dating this after the 200 series cards which released in 2008-2009

    Thank you!  That's just the sort of specifics I was asking for.

    So - if no-one anywhere can run SL on a graphics card newer than the 200 series then you are right - it doesn't work with 'modern' hardware.  I wasn't arguing your point before, just saying that it didn't MEAN anything because you had only been saying SL didn't work with your card.  Now you've made it clear, thanks.

    @ All - in case you have misunderstood the OP's statements:

    • He has a superb system that's worth more than I can save in a year
    • His graphics card, specifically, is THE top-end nvidia offering (arguably; there's always some confusion about the ;sub-models'.  It's very, very, good anyway)
    • SL does not support such a new and powerful system
    • Linden Lab has "gone out of its way" to prevent SL supporting such hardware
    • Only computers you'd now find in landfill can run SL
    • Therefore SL is about to shut down

    Obviously it's the last 3 of those statements that are questionable.


  11. I'm lost too Karen.

    • Steam is a distribution platform - so what, I download from LL with no problems
    • Steam provides a community - I already have SL chat, profiles, feeds, these fora and any number of blogs, etc.
    • Stead allows multi-player - er, yes, last time I looked so does LL

    What am I missing that makes Steam interesting?  The idea of streaming from the cloud was found to be a non-starter so I take it Steam wouldn't offer that.  So what?

  12. When displaying a static image it is good practice to limit the amount of work peoples' viewers have to do -

    PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE, 30.0 <-- then each image particle will last the maximum 30 seconds

    PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT, 1 <--- and you only need to generate one at a time

    PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE, 29.0 <-- 'just before' the previous one fades out


  13. iceing Braveheart wrote:

    PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

    Aha!  Thanks for that, I'll be sure to look out for all the complaints from people with new modern pc/laptop etc.  There must be millions since it's completely across the board.  Or is it only ones where all components were manufactured within the last year ... month ... week?


    Be serious, please.

    iceing Braveheart wrote:

    Okay seriously this only effects Second Life software so don't fear buying a new modern laptop or pc ect as it will work anywhere else in the world or web just not with second life software. for second life software your gonna want to check city land fills and hope you find something that still functions

    Nope, still waiting for you to be serious.

    How did u make 4.4k posts trolling people out like this?

    I am just curious why your account hasn't been terminated yet is all 

    this is just an example

    manufacturers usually send there hardware off to reviewers to be tested and reviewed before they are launched and they are tested in benchmarks and across a ton of games the release date means nothing for when a card will start to function you can use a card the second they release the beta drivers for the card or earlier sometimes so a week means nothing in reference to your jabs at modern hardware is unrelated to modern hardware it is a second life only issue

    Most of my posts come from answering, or assisting with, the issues people raise in the forums in a serious way.  I've had a couple of warnings - usually when I swear at people who are extremely rude or self-centered to the point that if they have a problem it must be because LL did it to them deliberately and everyone else must be shills or trolls.

    I contend that it is ridiculous to say that no modern hardware will run SL, or that LL have "gone out of their way to make SL incompatible".  While there are, beyond doubt, specific issues with specific equipment you just are not being serious, or in any way looking for a fix, when you make such blanket statements.  Furthermore you simply reject any statements from other people who say they are using modern computers just because they aren't using exactly the same as you.

    You should, at least, set a time-frame for what you mean by 'modern' - it is a time-based word - since you don't accept other people's definitions.  That's what I'm asking you - to be serious if you want to be taken seriously.

    I realise that you're not an English-speaker but I have no idea what you mean about 'modern'.  You say things like "a new modern laptop or pc ect as it will work anywhere else in the world or web just not with second life software", "for second life software your gonna want to check city land fill",  SO WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'MODERN'?  I haven't made any jabs at modern - or any other - hardware just your refusal to say what you're talking about ^^


  14. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

    Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

    (because it's too bloody cold and boring around here!).

    What? Don't you live where the Druids once danced around a fire in the woods, telling scary stories? What could be more fun than that, except maybe doing it all while wearing a cozy bumblebee costume, complete with springy antennae?

    Actually, I grew-up near Stonehenge :-)


    I visited Stonehenge a dozen years ago, wearing a skirt. Did you notice that the wind blows straight up out of the ground there? I finally gave up and sat down in the grass. Then I went to Bath and paid perfectly good money for a glass of water I had to wash down with a pint of beer.

    But... the chicken fajitas I had in Canterbury were yummy.


    In all honesty I can definitely say I've never been to Stonehenge wearing a skirt so, no, I haven't noticed that.

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