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Charolotte Caxton

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Everything posted by Charolotte Caxton

  1. anyway, I don't wan't to unfairly promote, just wanted to say it is a very well created home and I love it ( and it was a present )
  2. Omg, that is literally an SL dream come true for me. Did you see the indoor one? Ugh I can't even.
  3. So, the mansion is really worth it but they also have other items. Not to sound like an ad (as I sound like an ad) but I love the way the doors open, the lighting system, the SL water in the poolssssssss, the everything. So, at risk of unfairly talking about them I will just say, I freaking love it.
  4. "If you dance, I'll dance, and if you don't, I'll dance anyway" - Lana del Rey
  5. As a kid, we would make paper ships out of newspaper when the gutters got filled with rain and we watched them sail down the currents into the drain ditches, I always wondered where they went, the end of the world, apparently.
  6. I was too busy getting married to take proper pics, but I made this impromptu elopement floating island! There are various islands that spin slowly, you double click to tp from each one, like stepping stones The Pear trees are for my Best Friend, Pear Absinthe, designer of worlds. Oh, and that aura moves in the sky. I'll upload vids. So cute in motion.
  7. That's a cool idea, living in a demo, hahaha. When I was new I used to 'live' on a sim. Was always empty and the owner and I chatted. World's End Garden. I would just sit there in the water and dream. Loved it.
  8. I had a wonderful time, I made a place to be happy. I think I achieved Second Life Happiness. If not, stay tuned for the disaster, lol, jk
  9. Oh, and we aren't RL marrying, lol, Just Sl, which is beyond perfect, for us.Will post pics!
  10. Here is me right after I ELOPED! Real wedding in May, 21st.
  11. ok, don't wanna spam the thread, I'll send you the link.
  12. Oh my! Thank you! You will have to come visit sometime, in a gondola lol. Thank you so much for sharing, it really made me super happy, thanks.
  13. I took special care to have everything line up water level, so it would feel normal if one showed up on a gondola or something. I'm really proud of my placement and am beyond happy that it has a rl equivalent, thank you so much.
  14. OMG! I made it on accident/unplanned, I had no idea it was real! I even told my guy, I wonder what the real life equivalent would be! OMG Thank You!!
  15. Not an ad or blog post, but this mansion fulfilled a long time SL dream of mine, it has two pools, outdoor and in, and if you set it up correctly has SL WATER IN THE POOLS! so cool. Now I need to park a canoe in the drive way.
  16. I have some ideas. It is based off your dark works. And add lighting, can be cool.
  17. So honestly, I've been messing with light projectors, can't wait to show you!
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