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Suri Cassady

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  1. I've been trying to create a water setting and can't seem to figure something out. Is it possible to change the water "color" to that of the selected water map texture instead of it "tinting" to a selected color? I wondered because every time I try to turn it white, it actually turns white instead of the color built into the texture, as it would on a prim object. If anyone knows the answer to this I would be grateful.
  2. Pretty much the same av wise, but I made a new tee!
  3. My favorite shot of my bro and I after a show, circa 2015.
  4. After a not much different but long overdue skin revision...
  5. Has anyone ever attempted to replicate a RL outfit with items from SL? Be it a character outfit, or something from a music video, among other things. Here are a few of my examples
  6. May be a little TOO close up, but this was to show off my new eye update.
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