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Treasure Ballinger

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Posts posted by Treasure Ballinger

  1. Inworldz forums have that feature.  LOL Hey, IJS!  When you are done typing your killer post and hit SEND, a message will pop up saying 'new posts have been received while you were typing this, you might want to first review them before you SEND'.  Then the new post will show, and you can then decide whether you still want to send or not.  It's pretty nice feature.  :smileyhappy:

  2. If I am inworld, I greet anyone who arrives on my sim; it's specific to disabilities and disability related info, people with hearing loss, and has a lot of other resources that people come to find, because they heard it was there.  It was just a greeting, and offer of help if one wants.  If they're just browsing or came to see the galleries or something, I leave them alone after that greeting.  That's what led me to IM them.  Otherwise, I'm kind of a loner and rarely IM someone out of the blue like that. 

  3. Hello Savvy Forum-ites;

    I'm stumped.  If you IM'd someone that you'd never before spoken to; and you received a message back that asked you to supply a password and some specific language, in order for your message to 'get through', what would you conclude?  Is it some sort of RLV thing?  Some type of constraint where someone isn't allowed to chat?  Do you think the restrained avatar (if that's what it is) knows it's there?  Any insights would help especially if you've seen this before.  Thanks!  Oh, and I am pretty positive this wasn't a bot.  Very extensive profile and long term resident.

  4. Alright then; I apologize for insulting you; it wasn't my intention, it was a very casual comment, but only you can say or know if you felt insulted by it.  and for that, I apologize. 

    Anyone that knows me, even a little bit, knows I am not the person you described here 'one of those Fox news people'.  Oh but wait, you *DON'T* know me.  Even a little bit.  You and I, do not have even a nodding forum acquaintance.  Perhaps it is your marketing experience, that you mentioned, that caused you to judge me that way based on the comment about racism I made.  If you don't know anything about someone, then you're entitled to make stuff up.  That's the way of the internet.  For me, it doesn't mean anything, as you and I have absolutely no interaction, at all, simply crossed here, momentarily,  and you're entitled to your opinion.  You're right, it's 'very unacceptable to me' but you're still entitled to it.  Anyone who knows me, knows it isn't true.  But you're still entitled to it.

    I did dash that comment off, and I'll try to clarify a little better.  I never had a white avatar; it never occurred to me to go there; even as a noob with NO skin at all, just the slider settings on the avatar itself, I colored my skin dark, because, that's who I am.  So I don't really have an experience of going around SL with a white skin.  I imagine that would be an illuminating experience, but one I'm not interested in trying.  

    I have no doubt at all that what you're saying is true, about some sims in SL (IWz too?  I don't know, not there enough) I wasn't meaning to imply that it wasnt true, just that why would I go looking for it?  I know that a search for 'Interracial' might bring you anywhere, but it's not a search that I'd be doing; setting myself up to get my feelings hurt, for what purpose?  In SL, as in RL, sometimes you can happen upon things you weren't expecting; (In RL, in a major US city, there was a KKK rally yesterday.  Those people are still around, in droves, with their hoods and signs and their right to free speech; people out and about, just living their daily lives, happened upon it)  It's so much easier in SL and these virtual worlds, to leave.  I don't go looking for it, and if it finds me by happenstance, I leave.  Unlike RL, being here is a choice. 

    I don't agree that POC don't find a welcoming space, (is that ok, that I disagree?) although I must agree that you don't, since it's your statement.  I always remove myself from blanket statements like that.  If I found myself feeling unwelcome, I'd be gone in a heartbeat.  I've been here awhile, so, I guess I've found something welcoming, that doesn't cause me discomfort.  I don't expect LL, or IWz admin, or anyone else, to meet any needs of mine.  If I choose to avail myself of a venue, then it's really up to me whether it meets my needs or doesn't.  I would be very surprised to learn that either corporation had any POC on their boards, or even their creative content people, to concern themselves about meeting my needs as a RL black female.  If there were no black skins, in SL, I'd still be using the sliders, or I'd be gone. 

    Like you, I also grew up in a city that was mostly non-white.  It was quite an eye opener to adjust to being around so many whites, for me that was in college and beyond.  I just learned to do me, and allow others to do themselves.  I remember when I married, I had a double wedding, (my husband's sister).  She wanted to dress in African garb and jump the broom; her brother (my husband) did not.  So we compromised, we did both, and other than being kind of a long wedding, that worked, because she was herself, and so was I. 

    At any rate, I reach out to you peacefully and with no rancor, and again, am sorry for insulting you. 


  5. Hi Taira;

    Radegast is pretty much text based; people with low vision issues often use it, and I believe it has a plug in for text to voice, too.  You only see your inventory, notecards, groups, friends list, you can chat, things that are in text.  Far as I know you are unable to see your avatar, or anything else, graphics-wise.

    On my iPad, I have Pocket Metaverse, which I use if I REALLY need to do something inworld, like read a notecard, and can't log inworld at the moment.  It's totally text based but does allow me to do stuff like that.


  6. Fran's getting to be a classic!  I always love seeing this vid.  She was a hitmaker at the disability conference in Denver too, last year, people's jaws dropped, and they admitted, they never realized just what effect virtual worlds (in this case, SL) could have on someone.   That conference wasn't specific to SL, or virtual worlds, was a general disability related conference, so that light coming on moment, for many folks there, was Sweet!  

  7. Not only that, but LL is a business.  Last time I checked, businesses are in business to make money.  LL isn't a charity.  As with most things in life, people do what they can afford to do, within their means, and within the scope of what they want to do.  I don't resent LL for anything they choose to charge, or for making a profit, if they are,  because face it somebody can afford to pay it, and they are, that's why it is what it is.  LL has a right to expect and make, a profit, as done any other business.  Otherwise, why be in business?

  8. Awwww. Many D/deaf left SL with the advent of voice.  Because now, people think that you are an avatar of the opposite sex, if you don't 'prove it' with voice, and many just don't want to bother with you.  That's why it's important (for me it was anyway) to find your niche, your group of people who like and want to be around you, for who you are.   I personally haven't found the advent of voice to be a problem for me, simply because of the venues, the Virtual Ability disability related sims, and the function venues I choose to be in.  When it's a dance, I just dance, I enjoy the movement of my avatar, and I don't need to hear the music; I've found a couple of DJ's who have really worked hard and gone out of their way to provide text lyrics with the songs they're playing, when they're doing a dance or party that include RL D/deaf.  Most people are kind.   Why force yourself to be with people, or at places, who dont' accept you or want you around, when there's so many who would love to have you?  It's sad Heather stopped coming around and I too hope she comes back, and renews her friendship with you.  It seems a loss to both of you.

  9. What a cool thread.  I Feel this way, every time I see someone that has shared just how disabled (in RL) they really are, walking, running, flying, with a freedom they'll never know in RL, being bed or chair bound.  SL is a lifeline to 'fun' for those who have no fun in RL, due to physical disability/immobility issues, vision loss, and even deaf, (like me); there's a whole community of like-minded folks out there to share commonalities with.   I love SL, it's important to me, and I hope it never goes away.  I hope new CEO Ebbe learns to love it, too. 

    Gentle Heron, the founder and prez of Virtual Ability, has in her profile, proudly states that 'Gentle can walk without crutches'.  A statement of fact and joy, for something she can do in SL and not in RL.


  10. Sweet!  Great blog, Jo, thank you.  I feel excited and positive also.  As Ebbe said he'd love to meet some communities, I can only hope he'll keep Virtual Ability in mind as he moves forward!  There's so many great groups, orgs and cities for him to explore!  I'm hopeful, now, that I was wrong about LL not caring about SL; Ebbe certainly sounds like he cares.....I hope he'll grow to love it as some of us do.

  11. Awwww my old friend, it's so good to see you.  I think of you often and wondered if you'd completely left SL.  I'm REALLY glad to see you!!   Thanks for those kind words.  I'm really kind of an introvert.  I'm only verbose on the interwebz, LOL.    I do respect the OP's assertion that he or she is a loner; I'm that way myself so I do get that.  Still, that safety net of like minded folks, it's nice, even for someone who doesn't really do groups.  It's nice to be around some other people who 'get it' .  Anyway Scylla my love, it's awesome to see you, I wish you'd come around more often, I miss you.  

  12. Jasmyn, I'm sorry you feel you lost the magic! I guess it can't stay at that height forever. I can't say I lost it, it's dimmed some, after 7 years but I still look forward to my time in SL. I still miss it if unable to log in for awhile, but RL always comes first, and it can get busy. I hope SL has many more years to show people 'the magic'.

  13. Hiya; I feel you! It will be 7 years for me in SL, in April, and I was just like you, at right about the same point in time. I even took a day off work once, so I could be in SL all day. OMG. *Facepalm* I'd never do that today, but I still love SL, it's important to me, and I log in every evening, and on weekends. You're a loner and don't like groups, I get that; I am too, kind of, but if I hadn't found my niche, first the deaf community, and then the entire disabled community of Virtual Ability, I would have been long gone. For me, *they* have become SL; I still shop, and play around with land, etc, but the work, fun, and socializing I do with them has made SL more than a game for me. I did get tired of shopping and messing around fairly quickly, but once I found the community that I clicked with, all that changed, and I was excited again. Ask anyone typing with their feet, or with a stylus in their teeth and they will tell you that having the option to see your avatar walking, running, flying, building, socializing, doing a myriad of things you can't do in real life, ask them which life feels *fake* to them. So often people who have no disability just don't get that, and the disdain that comes from them is palpable, but it's cool.... I know how to walk away from any situation or person that I am not comfortable with, and I know how to click the red 'x' in the corner. You might feel addicted now, but I'll bet you'll normalize your time, eventually, you're still new enough to be starry eyed, and see ALL the potential SL has for you. (I remember learning to put a texture on a prim too. I once accidentally put a texture on my entire house, yikes, but live and learn. Have fun, relax and enjoy yourself, you'll modify your time inworld as your avatar gets older and matures. Meanwhile, have a blast!

  14. I read SL Enquirer *blushing*  :matte-motes-bashful:   I think I even once did an interview with them, long time ago, regarding the D/deaf community in SL.  I also met Hamlet Au (nee' Linden) at a SLCC, and I bought his (autographed!!!) book.  That was fun.  Now I see what you're referring to, not really RL celebrities.

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