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Starheart McMasters

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Everything posted by Starheart McMasters

  1. ps. I don't understand all the technical stuff, and probably many users, especially newbies, don't either. I'm here to play, not do math. It's great that some people figure all this out, someone has to, but the average user sure won't. It's hard enough just to figure out the many complex settings as it is. This may well send many of your users running back to farmville.
  2. Just installed updated Firestorm and not only are the jelly dolls absolutely horrible, they most definitely do NOT improve performance. I increased complexity all the way to no limits and avatars look fine, actually BETTER performance even on my antique computer with a mediocre graphics chip. I like SL for the visuals, and there's a reason we go to such trouble and expense to create a look we want. Why would anyone possibly want to render these flat horribly colored things? UGLY. Can I say again UGLY. I take lots of photos, it's my favorite thing to do (ok, after building), and I take pics of groups at lots of music venues. Love seeing the incredibly detailed and beautiful avatars people create. It's our sl personality made visual. I do NOT like or want any jelly anything. I'm on a garbage free diet. Just my two cents.  
  3. Seems like most of the new clothing coming out is mesh now, and I really hate it. I'm not going to alter my shape just to fit one of five predetermined shapes for mesh! It falls right in to the media hype that says if we don't look a certain way we're not ok, which I think is abominable. And while there are some great styles in mesh, none of them fit right and look boxy and make me look really fat! I would never choose to wear stuff like that in real life, so why would I do it in Second Life? And forget the lovely movement of clothing when you dance. just does not happen. I just got a beautiful dress that shows my nipples. It came with directions to change--not the dress, but my body. Not going to happen. For this reason I will NEVER buy a mesh outfit unless there's great improvement, and the freebies I get will for the most part wind up in the trash. I have literally hundreds of outfits in my inventory so if I never get another new one, oh, well.
  4. Whatever you did just returned every single thing from my parcel to lost and found and is blocking me from entering! Sim owner directed me here. Outrageous, a year's work trashed in an instant!
  5. Just downloaded 2.4 whatever, but my avi never loaded, the graphics were horrible, doesn't apear to have the "search" funciton fixed, the camera contorls are terrible, I couldn't enlarge the print to a usable level, and it logged me out after a few minutes any way. So I tried to log back in with the old version,which was working great yesterday, only to have an avatar in the clothes she wore last summer, and marked "away". For some reason, I'm unable to change that status, so I'm "away" with my had hung low on a tacky hairstyle and dress from early last summer. I've relogged twice with the same results. Viewer 2.anything is unusable for me, and it looks like the older version doesn't work now either.
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