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Melissa Yeuxdoux

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Blog Comments posted by Melissa Yeuxdoux

  1. "As for banning people and muffling us on OUR OPINIONS of LL.. isn't that play GOD?"

    No, it's trying to keep a communications medium useful.

    It's easy to ruin a forum. The techniques are well known: trolling, flame wars, and sheer volume. We can all think of an example.

    I won't look on Facebook for SL information until I can sign on to Facebook as my avatar... and that's not going to happen; Facebook wants every account to correspond to someone whose information can be sold. (Never mind that there are people who create Facebook accounts for their pets.) There are other things I don't much like about this announcement... but I hope that LL is serious about communicating with its users, and I am glad to hear that they will try to keep the signal-to-noise ratio high.

  2. "Odds are  extremely good that any clothing designed for any one maker's mesh body  will be completely unusable on any other mesh body, unless by the same  maker and made with exactly matching parameters..."

    Strictly speaking, that's true now. Painted-on textures only look the way the designer intended on whatever exact shape the designer used when creating it; otherwise they're stretched or mashed. Prim skirts don't track leg length; if your legs are longer than what the designer based the outfit on, glitchpants are too long and prim skirts are too short... and vice versa.

    Admittedly the discrepancies will be WAY more blatant for different avatar meshes, but if RL clothing were like SL clothing, it would all come in exactly one size.

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Problem with updating avatars to a higher polycount is that the clothing is mapped on the body.... with more poly's the clothing would al need to be remaped... or would look real ugly and stretched..."


    SL clothing looks ugly and stretched now. It only looks right on the exact shape the designer used when making it--to the extent that your shape differs from that shape, it is stretched or mashed. SL clothing is custom made but pretends to be pret a porter. If RL clothing worked like SL clothing, people would be marching on stores with torches and pitchforks, dressed VERY uncomfortably.


    Clothing as painted-on texture can never look right. Real clothing is a separate object, and when you put it on assumes a minimum energy position, stretching across concavities rather than being vacuum sealed to the person wearing it. Straps in SL clothing look totally wrong, and just try to read text or recognize artwork on the front of a T-shirt worn by a woman in SL--unless, ironically, she is making use of prim breasts!

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "And what will be next? LSL?"

    Speaking of LSL, was it really necessary to invent yet another scripting language and implement it in-house, ignoring all the other work done on development environments, documentation, efficient compilation and optimization for languages that already existed and are available everywhere? Wouldn't it have been nice to have started out with that 2.3 order of magnitude speedup by just starting with an existing VM that lots of talented people have worked on?


    Especially after laying off what, 30% of its staff, Linden Lab can't afford NIH. There are virtual worlds where avatars wear clothing, not paint, and where skirts aren't strips of cloth sewn together at the waist. Over and above competition, recall Qarl né Linden's statement: "The single greatest reason for is the inherent geometric inefficiency of prims. The (only) solution is the meshes project." Lag is the universal complaint. It's what Chris Pirillo fell back on when people called him on his initial ignorant rant about SL. Should the entire population have to continue to suffer it because there aren't in-world mesh creation tools? (Yes, it would be great to have them. Nobody's ruled them out that I know of. Heck, isn't the in-world sculpted prim creation tool the work of a resident rather than LL?)

    Next Steps for Mesh Import

    "Let's at  least see you guys argue this one out on the merits of the truth about  it, that it is indeed a Linden windfall to a select class of people..."

    ...a class so darned select that anyone wanting to join it can. All one has to do is, you know, actually learn something.

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