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Canoro Philipp

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Posts posted by Canoro Philipp

  1. you can Abuse Report someone if they use language that try to make you feel bad about your sexual orientation, as a violation of the Second Life Community Standards.

    1. Intolerance

    Combating intolerance is a cornerstone of Second Life's Community Standards. Actions that marginalize, belittle, or defame individuals or groups inhibit the satisfying exchange of ideas and diminish the Second Life community as a whole. The use of derogatory or demeaning language or images in reference to another Resident's race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation is never allowed in Second Life.



    Reporting Abuse

    Residents should report violations of the Community Standards using the Abuse Reporter tool located under the Help menu in the in-world tool bar. We review these abuse reports, and the identity of the reporter is kept strictly confidential.


  2. I understand the reason to not give all the cash, the company that invested that amount don't want to be without funds to make the next lottery.

    I would take the cash sum, it doesn't matter if it's less, I can invest it and make it grow. since there are people interested that the earlier that you die, the more they are going to earn, there is no guarantee that you are going to live to recieve the total sum.

  3. posters around here don't like to be objects of research, if you did not state that you are doing a research you may have got better answers.

    I'll pretend this is not a research and I'll give you my take on it.

    there are many Second Life users that make different identities for many reasons, some try at first to make an account that resembles their real liffe identities and after a while, feeling less constrained by the cultural, religious, political environment that surround their RL self, they begin exploring other possibilities, specially knowing that they can be whatever they can be, customizing their avatars to be of another race, gender, age, body type, or even fantasy characters, or animals, cars, you name it, Second Life tools give them the freedom to explore what they can't have in real life, some users create another identity from the beginning to role play a certain character that is not them, for example a superhero, a pirate from 1700, an alien from a distant planet, or a millionare between all the possibilities of roleplay, some create new identities to be able to live a different life than they have, maybe they are not comfortable with their real lives, for one reason or another, maybe they feel they will be more accepted socially if they weren't of a certain race, some become child avatars because they want to live a childhood they never had, some have physical limitations and reinvent themselves to be able to do the things they dream of. another reason is to grief. to be able to do damage to others without the consequences, some just for fun, some for revenge, and some because they are just evil.

    there has been a controversy before about if our real life identities should be separated from our Second Life identity, that controversy was more clear when Second Life users that wanted to have a Facebook account prefered to have their Facebook accounts deleted than to reveal their real life identity, that problem happened in other social websites, Linden Lab tried to solve the problem bringing those users a social network they can be safe using, and brought Avatars United, a social network for avatars, later, Linden Lab didn't saw Avatars United as the best they could offer and created the feeds, you have your own going to http://my.secondlife.com/emmadavies1. a recent feature that Linden Lab offered was to be able to post pictures in Facebook from the viewer, it was made opt-in so the people that wan't their Second Life selves separated from real life feel safe that their real identities will not be revealed.

    one important thing of our identity is our name, with our last name. for many years, Linden Lab offered a last name made up by them, to new users, there may be the first separation of identity percieved by the user, and the customization options, the different environment, could be the other separations that followed. some users stick to their real life identity in this virtual world not caring about the options to reinvent their identity, while others can partially change some parts of their identity, and others are a completely different one.

  4. It surprise me that they earn so much money from people buying tickets that they are willing to give up to 550 million dollars for the cost of one ticket.

    for sure the winner is not going to recieve the full 550, the government will want some share, other companies will want their share, but still, the millions that the winner end up with are life changing.

  5. Hey Scylla, always a pleasure to read you.

    it would have surprised me if the NSA would not have an interest in new forms of communications, any form of communication can potentially have a threat against them, and they can not give themselves the luxury of not knowing how everything works. they need to be monitoring everything, I expect that some forums regulars are from the NSA.

  6. ísť na (https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/) a kde sa hovorí "What type of problem are you having?" vyberte "Account Issue", potom na "Account Issue" vyberte "I believe my account has been compromised", kde sa hovorí "What Avatar do you believe has been compromised?" napíšte meno Váš účet Samer Kanto, ak viete, určitý čas, váš účet bol hacknut, môžete napísať to, kde sa hovorí: "If there was a specific time in which you believe your account was compromised, please indicate it.", môžete použiť Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) napísať viac informácií, kde sa hovorí, že "Please describe the issue.", potom kliknite na "Submit".

    Lindens budú dostávať svoje oznámenie a vykonať akékoľvek úpravy, takže môžete mať svoj účet späť.

    Dúfam, že sa vám to skoro, medzitým si môžete vychutnať objavovanie sveta s týmto účtom.

  7. Ahoj, zdá sa, že mal váš účet ukradnutý niekým a máte veľa peňazí na tomto účte, sa zdá, že niekto zmenil heslo, a preto nie je možné zadať ovládací panel pre zmenu hesla späť, mám pravdu?

    návrhy v príspevkoch vyššie je poslať správu Linden Lab, aby mohli obnoviť svoj účet.

    to je škoda, že sa tieto veci dejú, ale našťastie existuje riešenie.

  8. I agree that the spam is bothersome, it affects posters as much as lurkers, but I don't see it as much as a problem as to close the forums if they exist.

    the forums are a place for people to exchange ideas, find help, and express themselves following the guidelines of the forum owners.

    I accept the spam problem in exchange of having a forum.

  9. s/he might be using those internet prepaid cards, costing $20 for some minutes or bytes downloaded, it seems the card was spent and s/he needs to buy another one to continue, s/he might be sending this message from a phone or a library.

    about the suspension of the account, s/he will need to get used to this one, Linden Lab don´t like to reverse their decisions about banned accounts.

  10. a benefit of SL is the possibility to find a wide array of forms of thinking, that challenge ours, and sometimes we realize that we have been wrong.

    this is what it seemed to happen to the OP, he came with his cult perception of the world, with his twisted view of reality, and facing those mental challenges help him get out of the rl cult he was following.

    SL can be useful in forms that we cant imagine.

  11. how about paying them in lindens?

    that could attract many people around the world, from many different time zones, that would gladly recieve more lindens as an extra income, they would have to be accounts in good standing, and have a long time in here, their job could be just to monitor first posters and let the post show if is not spam, have it pause for review from a linden, and if the paused post is not spam their moderating capabilities would be taken back.

    they would not want to lose that lindens income and do a good job.

  12. 1 dollar may not be of much value to a rich person, but it may be of much value to a poor person.

    considering the difficulty that it is for many second life users to raise that amount of lindens, it is a very worthy reward.

    also considering the amount and quality of things you can buy with 1 dollar in rl in comparison with the amount and quality of things you can buy in sl, is a worthy reward.

  13. cursive should be teach as an art form, not like a needed form of communication, is true that it was very common maybe because of its aesthetic shape or because it increased speed, but is hard to learn, and people need to communicate makes them stay with the easier form as long as they are able to communicate their thoughts. the lack of desire to learn how to write it also decreases their interest to learn how to read it, making cursive a beautiful but not very useful write style. schools must teach methods where students reach faster their goals and do it effectivly, and writing in print allows them to do that more effectivly than cursive.

  14. yes, we have lag that can make controls of the aircraft non responsive when entering a saturated region, we all are suffering from that once in a while, Linden Lab is working in optimizing the servers constantly, in fact this year is dedicated to that, to hopefully reduce lag in a grand scale.

    about the ban lines, i agree, they should show in the map, that way a person flying an aircraft can decide their route without unplanned obstacles. and about the lag amount in a region, i agree too, there should be an indicator of how much lag there is in a certain place. of course there is the viewer lag, the internet connection lag, and the servers lag, an indicator of the servers lag would be fine.

    people making their houses in the air usually do them for privacy or lag reduction. the ability to move objects without gravity is part of the benefits of this world, so people use it however they wish, what i would suggest is to open those spaces between sims that dont belong to anyone, sometimes you go to the edge of a sim and seems like there is an invisible wall because there is nothing next to that sim, theres a lot of space like that in sl, they could open it for everyone to fly and sail if its not gonna be used by anyone yet, just with no building, and "set as home" rights.

    there are things that can be imrpoved for the benefit of the aviators.

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