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Theresa Tennyson

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Posts posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Trinity Yazimoto wrote:


    So you are saying that SSB will bake only outfits that you created a folder for in the "my outfits folder" ?

    so what will happen with the layer you will wear directly from their original folders ?

    will we be forced to create a folder in our "my outfift" folder everytime we change anything on our avi ? Omg... it will be a full time job and my inventory will even longer...


    So if pp wear layer normally from their original folders, will texture be baked by the sim servers still ? 

    Layers from the original outfits work just fine - I just tested it with the project viewer. I think what 16 was referring to is the fact that the baking server uses the "CURRENT Outfit" folder in your inventory which was added in the original Viewer 2 but is now used by all TPV's that are currently being maintained. The "My Outfits" folders aren't necessary.

  2. Gadget Portal wrote:

    I troll the SL forums. That's the confession. Every time I tell myself I'm going to try to be more helpful or more productive here, I see a post by someone that's the perfect setup, and I can't resist getting them riled up.


    Some people react in ways that make it absolutely, crazy fun. And to those people, I say thank you for making it so much fun.


    To those that have been sucked into long arguments with me, I say this- stop taking me so seriously, I'm a forum troll!

    So you say, but your thread's been hijacked by Ludicceon and you're being largely ignored. Your trolling technology is hopelessly out of date. I don't know why you even bother - they should have minimum system requirements for trolling here.

  3. There's very little any third-party viewer can do with the rendering engine which is the basic foundation of how we see SL; at least the Phoenix/Firestorm team can't and they say so in so many words. Major changes to the rendering engine have to come from Linden Lab and other viewer makers have to incorporate them.

    Lately the Lab has been making major improvements to the engine of the mesh viewer and these changes will always show up in a Lab viewer first. Depending on how different a TPV is it will take those developers more or less time to integrate the changes.

    Right now on my computer Viewer 3.4.5 is SPECTACTULARLY faster than its predecessors, inclucing TPV's based on earleir code. On my computer, with a current mid-level Nvidia card, (640GT, available for less than $100 if you look around) my frame rates are at least 20% higher than any other viewer.

    It's even faster than the non-mesh version of Phoenix despite running higher settings.

    Firestorm has forked quite far from the LL code, mostly to make it look and feel closer to Phoenix. As I've never liked the old V1 interface these changes do nothing for me and delay the integration of the new rendering tweaks.

    Personally my favorite viewer WOULD be Dolphin, which is very close to the LL viewer with a number of useful tweaks but I've been having crashing problems that may be due to the fact that it uses OpenJPG instead of KDU and certain textures make it freak out.

  4. Okay, tough love time. I have a computer that's over four years old, a $80 video card, my ISP is literally Some Guy Who Owns a Big Apartment Complex (speed less than 2 MB) and I connect to SL with a cable modem from Wal-Mart. AND SL RUNS LIKE A SCALDED CAT FOR ME. This suggests that the problem is closer to  your end. I'm not saying this is a personal failure or that you're a bad or stupid person, just that what you're seeing is probably not a problem with the SL infrastructure itself.

    My guess is that you're having some sort of connection problem. SL runs several connections simultaneously and some setups have problems with this for one reason or another. The fact that you can run one connection at a theoretical 50mb/s rate doesn't mean vinegar to a rabbit if some of the parallel connections are blocked.

    So, the first step in finding the source of your problem is knowing a little more about your situation. What viewer are you using and are you using an old account or a new one? Go to "Help - About Second Life" and copy-and-paste the info into your original post here by editing it.


  5. There's a store called "Harley Girls" that specializes in teenage avatars that are natural-sized and not too curvy. You might want to look at them. (Full disclosure: the owner is a friend of mine but hers are the only shapes I use that I haven't done extensive editing on.)

  6. I suspect you're using Firestorm. Firestorm has a feature that saves a list of the logins you've used so you can switch from one account to another easily. The only thing the "delete" button does is remove that name from the saved logins so you can keep certain accounts sekrit or not have the list cluttered up with names you don't use anymore. It doesn't have any effect on the accounts themselves. All you have to do is re-type the name into the entry box.

  7. Not sure if you've specifically ruled these out but Shop Seu has low-prim decorative cats in-world. They're sculpted instead of mesh and they just have sitting and lounging/grooming ones instead of specifically sleeping ones but a lot of stores use them for decoration. They're somewhat animated but don't move from their position and are from 1 to 3 prims. They're only available at the in-world store in the sculpted prim department.


  8. preperationH wrote:

    i recently purchased items for my avi and i tried to rezz one and i got an error message that said: "parcell is too full, can't rezz object. i did a show on my object and it said: "region capacity is 0 out of 117, 0 available".  i searched for parcel is too full problems, and it was too confusing to me. what do i do?

    If by "items for my avi" you mean things like hair, clothing or other wearables you can put them on directly from your inventory, assuming they aren't packed in a "box." If you tried rezzing something like a hairstyle directly on the ground instead of wearing it I can see you not having enough prims for that as hairstyles can easily have more than 100 prims.

    If you were trying to rezz something small like a box then you may have a lot of random objects on your lot that you don't realize. Bring up the "about land" menu and select "Objects." That will tell you the objects on your land and who owns them.

  9. Did you recently rezz a large decorative object like a "sim surround", or are you possibly trying to do this in a mesh house? Sometimes the touch gets "intercepted" by objects like this because you're actually inside them and the viewer thinks you're touching them. It's especially a problem if  you're not standing close to theh object you're actually trying to interact with.

  10. Were you by any chance using the beta or development viewers and then switched back to the release viewer? There's a different format used for the toolbars with the beta/development viewers and if you switch back to the release viewer it can't read the button locations any more so they disappear and you have to drag them back into position from the toolbar box.

  11. The graphics SL thinks you have is an old integrated video chip from around 2005. If you installed a new video card with reasonably current technology it isn't being recognized. If it was the "technician" who installed it, he or she did unmentionable things with the pooch. In any event, a Nvidia 6150 doesn't meet the system requirements. Your CPU is also barely powerful enough to run SL.

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  12. I've had issues lately where certain simple sculpts (pants cuffs to be specific) don't take their correct shape if I'm already wearing them when I log in. They look correct when I attach them for the first time or if I detach and then re-attach them. Clearing cache doesn't help. This has only started in the last few months and happens with Viewer 3-based viewers. This problem and the bowling pin problem may be related.

  13. josh43701 wrote:

    Thanks for the quick reply, Peggy.


    CPU: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU     E7500  @ 2.93GHz (2926.01 MHz) Memory: 8157 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: Intel Graphics Card: Intel® G45/G43 Express Chipset Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.15.0010.2302 OpenGL Version: 2.1.0 - Build

    Viewer SSE Version: SSE2 libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/1.0.0g zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: OpenJPEG:, Runtime: Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.42.02 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Packets Lost: 2914/104920 (2.8%)

    I have a wired connection. download speed is 0.88mbps. upload speed is 0.96 mbps

    Those numbers tell me you've got problems with your cable connection. It's extremely rare to have a download speed slower than an upload speed and you're also losing almost 3% of your packets. We aren't "assuming" anything with numbers like that.

    Do your crashes consistently happen in the same locations? Another possible source of crashing could be your viewer choking on textures it can't decode properly. There are certain locations where I crash instantly using a viewer that uses OpenJPG decoding (most third-party viewers) but that I have no problems with on viewers that use KDU (Firestorm and LL Viewer 3.)


  14. paratracker wrote:

    I first noticed that Ctrl-Shift-M would not open/close the mini-map in the SL Vieweer.  Later tried Singularity & Phoenix-FS, finding it was broken there too.  Seems like it would be an app data (I'm on win7) issue. is it fixable w/o throwing away all of my other settings?

    My best guess is that some other application you're running is intercepting that keystroke combination.

  15. Sephina Frostbite wrote:

    Hey ladies A good pair of skinny jeans are so hard to find. I am a taller curvier avi.. Not crazy curvy but got a lil oomph. I am having the hardest time finding skinny jeans that are mesh. They just don't look right.. Doesn't have to be skinny jeans. Just want them to very sex-y and not noobish.

    What you are asking for is exactly what old-style "system" clothes are good at. I'm not going to get into the whole "mesh is perfect/mesh is ebil" debate, but if you want something to look tight to your body you're better off using a system that applies the textures directly to your body than with a system that uses a separate shape.

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  16. If you're using an arbitrary height detector to determine who is a "child", they use a figure that's actually only the height of the avatar "bounding box" which stops about at an avatar's eye level. This is the same height Viewer 3 reports. Firestorm and many other third-party viewers use a calculation that scales this number up slightly to report a height that's closer to the actual height of the avatar to the top of its head. For instance, if the height detector is looking for 5'-4" to the top of the bounding box and the person sized their avatar using a calculation of their actual avatar height as 5'-5", the height detector will report them as being significantly shorter because it can't detect the actual height of the avatar to the top of its head.

    Many people are making their avatars shorter than was traditional in order to be closer to their RL height. If you want to avoid losing customers you should recalibrate or get rid of your height detector.

  17. Even with the latest mesh viewers, there are times when some meshes don't load promptly or at all because the pipeline is full. If this happens there's no way of knowing there's a mesh on the way so if a person's wearing a mesh that hasn't arrived for another person and they're wearing an alpha they appear as floating body parts and if they're not they're nekkid.

  18. Firestorm uses a separate scripted attachment called the "bridge" which it attaches to you for things like the Firestorm radar. It's possible that your bridge has become corrupted somehow and it thinks that your avatar is someone else - especially because the mystery cloud's ID key is only one digit away from your actual one.

    Think of it this way - the bridge might be thinking your name isn't "Maia" but is actually "Naia", so whenever you move the bridge is telling the viewer that "Naia" is moving. Your viewer knows your name is Maia and assumes that "Naia" is another avatar that has to be drawn and asks the servers for "Naia's" information but the server can't send it because there's no such avatar as Naia, so the viewer draws a cloud with no name. Since you're the avatar the bridge thinks is Naia the cloud will always be drawn in exactly the same place.

    The bridge is stored on the servers so reinstalling Firestorm won't fix it, and clearing cache won't work because if the bridge is corrupt the servers will keep sending the corrupt information when your cache is being rebuilt.

    Ask Firestorm support how to re-create the bridge and see if doing that helps.


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