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Theresa Tennyson

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Posts posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. hotdawg101 wrote:

    Greifer cubes located on Wollah SIM ? Spams you to death and wants to send you to a Copybot web site?  Muteing them does not seem to work either. Thinnk they would of removed them by now , it has been over a week or AR's sent in about them to no avail.  You would think betwen advertins being copy bot and causing avatar crashes that they would be removed but has been at least 10 days...  Safe spot to see them if nayone else would care to send in Abuse reports. .


    the actual location......

    FYI, you can silence them instantly by muting the owner.

  2. The default walks look bad - almost everyone uses something called an AO or "animation overrider" which customizes their animations. There are many choices of AO's that you can get; some are available for free.

    To dance at a club, there's usually a ball floating in the air or some other object that will make your avatar dance - you click on it, give it permission to animate you and then (often) choose a specific dance.

    You can also buy dances in the form of animations that  you can play out from your inventory or you can get a personal dance system called a "chimera" that will let you choose from a variety of dances you own and play them anywhere.

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  3. Perrie Juran wrote:

    What I am trying to do there is show how as far as 'work flow' goes, it is poorly designed, that is they've put on the periphery what should be front and center.

    It's like they had all these little features they wanted to tie in and just attached them to a central hub with out considering what we needed the vast majority of the time.  There are too many detours getting from here to there.

    It's all a matter of what you're used to. Personally I've never used a V1 interface viewer for everyday use and the few times I have I found the concept of the contact list being included with (and therefore hidden under) the chat to be breathtakingly idiotic. I often hear see my friends who use V1 interfaces miss people being online, send IM's to the wrong person and say things in local chat that they meant for an IM.  I lead a quite chat-intensive Second LIfe and find the Viewer 2/3 chat flow to work just fine.

    I'm not saying it's bad that you prefer the V1 chat flow, however, consider this: the people who find V1 chat flow superior almost certainly don't use Viewer 3, so I don't see who would be served by changing back to the old chat flow in a viewer largely used by people who don't use it.

  4. LisaMarie McWinnie wrote:

    I am not fond of the new IM and open chat box,and I would like to use the previous version of the beta viewer,how do i do that?I use windows 7.

    The main release viewer IS the former Beta viewer. That's always the case - Beta viewers are simply a test version of the next release viewer. If there's some configuration problem that means you can't run a release viewer but can run a beta viewer you should describe it so you could get it fixed.

    Also, just in case you're wondering, you don't have to use a Beta viewer to access the Beta grid - just go into "Preferences - Advanced" and select "Show Grid selection at login."

  5. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Like NO INDICATION of which friends are On Line!  That is not a minor issue!

    Except in the people panel. And in the pop-up notices. Where it's always been in V2/3.

    Tell you the truth, it was always my friends with V1 interfaces who kept going,  "Oh, I didnt' know you were on!" Because thier contact list was buried behind their chat.

  6. sorrano wrote:

    Hey everyone,


    I have a question regarding the purchase of land on a private estate.

    Just over a week ago, I bought land that was listed as 'Adult' and also that either Residential or Commercial use was ok.  This is ideal for me as I needed Adult Commercial land, so I went ahead and bought 2 adjoining parcels.

    The landlord was very helpful and even merged the 2 boxes into one for me.


    However, I logged in today to see that the sim has been changed to Moderate Residential only.  I just renewed my lease for another week (5K +) and now I have land which is of no use to me!

    My question is, how do I stand here?  Am I owed a refund or is this a risk I must take?  Like can the Landlord change this whenever they like with no notice?  None was received, by the way.

    Any help would be much appreciated!


    You could also try to see if there's a way you can swap for a lot on another sim owned by the same landlord that's got what you need.

  7. SexyHottt Sideshow wrote:

    I logg on and the next thing i know im crashing its very annoying i get to the point where im a cloud and i seewho  all on and then i crashed every time. Why?

    Second Life 3.4.5 (270263) Feb 12 2013 04:43:00 (Second Life Release)

    Release Notes

    CPU: AMD Turion 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-56 (803.659 MHz)

    Memory: 959 MB

    OS Version: Microsoft Windows Vista 32-bit (Build 6000)

    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation

    Graphics Card: GeForce Go 6150/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!

    Windows Graphics Driver Version: 7.15.0010.9815

    OpenGL Version: 2.1.0

    libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1

    J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0

    Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000

    Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)

    Voice Server Version: Not Connected

    Built with MSVC version 1600

    Where should I start?

    1.) Your CPU speed and memory is barely sufficient to run Vista, much less running SL on top of it.

    2) Your operating system is two service packs behind being current.

    3) Your integrated video was low-end in 2007 and the maker doesn't even offer drivers for it anymore.


    You can try updating your Vista installation and drivers, but you're probably better off looking for a new computer. If that's not an option you might try running something like Singularity as  your viewer.



  8. Teagan Tobias wrote:

    Never have understood the term Toast, but no, not the main CHUI window. So I guess its the toast. And the setting worked, exactly what I was looking for, thanks.

    They're "toasts" because they pop up like bread out of a toaster. It's not true that computer people have no senses of humor - actually they DON'T have senses of humor BUT THEY THINK THEY DO.

  9. You can get HUD's that indicate locations that have ban lines and when you're over the ban line height. No-script land shouldn't keep your vehicle from flying unless for some reason you have to start a new script or modify a running one, and vehicles can fly right over no-object-entry land. There is a problem if you enter a lot that doesn't have enough free prims immediately upon crossing a sim border but that's a server glitch.

    The mini-map is also a useful tool, especially the improved one used by the Catznip and Dolphin viewers.

  10. You can also make the list of names narrower by sliding the divider between the text field and the names until the double-arrow button is next to the the microphone button, which means the buttons will be no wider than the function buttons under the icon on the Viewer 3 release IM box. You can also resize the width of the windows. Finally, unlike the standard viewer, the "minimize" button on the CHUI communications window is actually NOT as useless as teats on a boar hog. The comm stack I use (local chat window plus tabbed IM's) is actually smaller under CHUI than it is using the current Viewer 3.

  11. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

    Do Abuse Reports work?

    We get an automatic acknowledgement, which tells us that we will never be told of any action taken. The TOS is the same.

    I've seen one incident I reporting--replicating prims spewing particles, and dragging down sim/physics frame rates--
    carrying on for over 24 hours

    Is it worth bothering making a report? All the evidence I have is that it's not worth the trouble. Nothing happens. And this is pretty clear evidence of nothing.


    And what happened after 24 hours? Did they finally take down the grid and we're all currently in some sort of post-Second Life Matrix dream world? Or did someone from LL EVENTUALLY clean them up? After they were REPORTED?

    I've always seen problems I've reported in SL get cleaned up eventually but it sometimes takes a few days. I used to live in a RL city where certain property crimes realistically were NEVER investigated becase there were so many other more serious crimes that the police were busy with.

  12. At about the time you started having problems a lot of people started having problems with SL communicating with the DNS servers their internet providers use, and it seemed to be worse in Europe. Many people were helped by using Google's free DNS servers. You should be able to search for how to do this - it's a common problem and solution.

  13. SLtesterL2 wrote:

    Just wandering since I avoided using FS because I thought it was a thing of its own. While it does run SL, I was wondering if LL benefits from users logging on using FS instead of the offical viewer. IDK i felt kinda gilty not helping and contributing the people who gaveme this virtual world. FS feels like a guilty pleasure... :matte-motes-mad:

    Linden Lab doesn't benefit from ANY viewer - their entire revenue stream comes from land rental and other things that are independent of the viewer. LL wants people to use viewers that use current server technology, which Firestorm does.  The difference between any two viewers is similar to the difference between a Pontiac Firebird and a Chevy Camaro - cosmetic differences and minor additions/subtractions but based on the same basic technology and structure.

    Linden Lab wants people to sign in to Second Life - that's all they care about. If a lot of people do that using Firestorm instead of the LL viewer, so what? Actually, in reading the Firestorm blog I suspect the Lab is delighted to not have to deal with that particular complaint stream.

  14. TeeCay wrote:

    So first sorry if i posted in the wrong place.

    My younger brother started to play the game for 3 weeks now and im trying to help him.


    The problem is i wanted to help him with his avi, he is 16 and would like to make an avi like a 16yr old, but he or neighter i wasnt able to find any, marketplace is full with 12 and under, and when you search mostly you find female components or full avi's, its kind of sad.


    Can someone offer me a good shop inwrold or on the marketplace (coz im gonna buy the stuff form him)?

    And a nother thing, its a bit annoying, you can only find muscular avi's for any categorie for this type, if someone would be able to help me out a bit i would be happy.



    Thank you folks

    You might like avatars from Teen Turf too. They had a few boys last time I checked.

  15. SLtesterL2 wrote:

    Anyone if they can, please help. I logged in today and SL looks like a hot mess on my screen. I didn't do anything out of the
    ordinary i don't think (i did uncheck http textures because I heard it can decrease lag but then i returned to normal afterwards since it did nothing on my laptop and nothing bad happened) I logged in twice yesterday (the same day I unchecked and rechecked the HTTP texture features) and no problems. I log in today however (3 times to see if it was fixed  but nothing) and I see the screen is messed up. I would love to show you guys a picture but the file im trying to upload is a little too big. Im sorry. Thank you so much andplease if you can, help.

    Clearing your cache should fix that. Have you been using more than one viewer? Sometimes what you're seeing happens when two different viewers share the same cache.

  16. Beathag McMahon wrote:

    I'm in the market for a new skin. I thought I would ask here before I start shopping.

    I'm looking for a skin that looks like an Irish lass - fair (not goth pale), freckled, and goes with red hair. I currently wear blowpop's Elizabeth, which I love, but it is 3 years old. Any thoughts?

    Curio has good pale freckled skins, as does Mynerva and Dutch Touch. There's also a good red-haired pale skin at Redgrave ("Jessica"?).

  17. When you're disabling it, do you just try closing the preferences panel by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner? Doing that won't save your settings. You have to change settings and click the big "OK" button at the bottom of the panel.

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