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Theresa Tennyson

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Posts posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. 40 minutes ago, Beau Moody said:


    It dropped so low -- in my Regard --
    I heard it hit the Ground --
    And go to pieces on the Stones
    At bottom of my Mind --

    Yet blamed the Fate that flung it -- less
    Than I denounced Myself,
    For entertaining Plated Wares
    Upon My Silver Shelf --

    ---------  Emily Dickinson

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  2. 47 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    One type of applier not being used anymore hasn't brought about the death of appliers as a whole as predicted and so has no real bearing on anything.

    Most new technologies/systems drop into a social role that was being supported by another, earlier one. Once they become established, they generally don't eliminate the older one but they make huge changes to the balance of the economy. 

    When cars started becoming popular they didn't make horses extinct. When photography was invented it didn't mean the end of artistic painting. What they did was completely change their roles, from the primary means of transportation/graphic representation to a niche application.

    Before Bakes-on-Mesh, appliers were the only way of getting a texture onto a mesh body or head. Afterwards, appliers were reduced to a niche application. There are certain things they're useful for and anyone who thought they weren't was an idiot. (Go ahead and read the threads; you'll find me, who was one of the biggest proponents of Bakes-on-Mesh, suggesting their use for clothing layers.)

    For putting skin diffuse textures on a body? You can argue that they weren't ideal. For putting freckles on top of those textures? Sucked like a tornado in a trailer park.

    Which means that after BOM was introduced, appliers were much, much, much less important than they were before. If you're trying to state that's not true I'd be fascinated to hear your arguments.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    No it really isn't.  That's a real reach on a false equivalence.

    Oh and there were quite a few predicting it as I recall.

    Theresa Tennyson smiles.

    Of course there was.

  4. Just now, Gabriele Graves said:

    One type of applier not being used anymore hasn't brought about the death of appliers as a whole as predicted and so has no real bearing on anything.

    That's kind of like saying, "One type of petrochemical [gasoline] not being used anymore has no real bearing on the oil industry."

    And who exactly was it who was predicting the "death of appliers" in the first place?

    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    All the EvoX heads significantly rely on appliers for makeups, eyebrows, features, etc very few people are making BoM for those.  Most of these appliers were developed for heads after BoM was introduced.  On the body you still need appliers for asymmetrical tattoos because even though those are possible with BoM, nobody uses it.  Materials appliers are still used for heads and bodies.  If bodies don't support appliers then they also don't have these features.

    So yeah, the death of appliers  *crickets*

    It's interesting that you didn't mention the words "skin applier" once.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

    The main thing I remember when BoM was being worked on were all the people who were predicting that it would be the end of appliers and look how that worked out.


    It kind of... um... was? They're still used for makeup on some heads but as far as skins go they're pretty much history as far as I can tell. There's no such thing as a "Reborn skin applier."

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  7. 1 hour ago, steeljane42 said:

    About as good as campaign against the alpha cuts and "pure bom for everyone" by other two people did. And now LaraX has even more alpha cuts than the previous one, while two non alpha cuts bodies are: 1 - dead for a year (slink), 2 - dying (kupra). BoM purists are in shambles, probably.

    If you're talking about me, I never said that the alpha cuts would go away, only that they could. Personally, I basically never (intentionally) use alpha cut huds even if the body is set up for them.

    Now tell us how many onion layers the Maitreya and Reborn bodies now have in their default configurations.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, steeljane42 said:

     I think there's not a single person I know a bit closer who would still be using maitreya as their main body anymore, while in 2015-2018 it was nearly 100%.

    "Nobody I know voted for Nixon."

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  9. 1 hour ago, Fionalein said:

    Almost a month in and the bots that must not be named show less than 10% transitioned to the replacement. And that is after they had all the Black Friday sales to grab a new wardrobe.


    Draw your own conclusions.

    How about, "The people (both of them, basically) who are pushing back hardest against LaraX are the same ones who were pushing back hardest against Bakes-on-Mesh, and look how that worked out?"

    Oh, and "almost a month?" It's been eighteen Earth days. Is the weather nice on your planet?

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  10. 1 hour ago, Fionalein said:

    People don't complain because they wanna go tough with someone (well most anyways). People complain to be heard. And while I can simply speak with my wallet leaving LaraX creators on the dry I can also tell them I won't buy stuff that's useless to me. What creators then do with that info is up to them. It's called customer feedback and I am yet again surprised how many SL creators are completely alien to this idea taking it for.an insult.

    I once had a friend who was... Let's just say we were at a mutual friend's house and their mother offered J some coffee. J's reply? "I wouldn't pollute my body that way."

    Interestingly enough, J frequently complained about how other people were rude to her. Might have been a reason for that...

    • Like 7
  11. 6 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    What part of "it's time to move on" don't you understand?
    As I said in my last post, I enjoyed the discussion on these important matters but it's time to move on.
    What that means is that I don't want to talk about it anymore..

    Then don't talk about it anymore.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Shimada Yoshikawa said:

    Second Life Release (64bit)

    That's one of the "release candidate" viewers that's being tested by being sent to random users (apparently including you.) Note that there are changes to how animesh characters/attachments are being handled; bento hands might have gotten caught up in that:


    Try downloading and installing the "default" viewer that shows up on the big orange button on the download page. If the problem goes away you've discovered a bug.


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  13. 21 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Probably, merchants don't upgrade to v5 Autohide, because they would ACTUALLY have to GO to Maitreya and collect the free autohide kit off the wall next to the body vendor, and then change their workflow, edit their template "root prim with scripts in" that they link to all their meshes etc.


    Basically, to avoid spending 10 mins updating their production line, so their new content would be Real Lara 5.x compatible.


    Are you saying that people who are faced with the possibility of changes to their usual procedures either ignore them or work themselves into incoherent balls of fury about them rather than taking time to understand them?

    • Like 6
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  14. 9 minutes ago, Maitimo said:

    I just did a quick test of this, with me (on Firestorm) and my alt (on the official viewer). The newest versions of both viewers.  In both cases we see our own and the other account's hands the correct size.

    Maybe it's body-related? Lara 5.3 and Reborn, in our cases so, could it be a Legacy thing? Something to do with their hand AO? Can't imagine it would be any other body if the OP is seeing it so often.

    Two possibilities I can think of:

    1. OP's viewer installation is corrupted. Try a clean re-install.

    2. Rowan is right and it's a horrible new trend.

    It might be Bento hand animations that aren't getting loaded by the observing viewer. It would be similar to how some avatars get "starfish hands." That would be a reason that it would be body-dependent as well, because different bodies animate hands in different ways.

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  15. 30 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    as well the Stick feature so one could add specific names to them. That would have made the switch much more attractive.

    Save Sticks are modifiable; their name literally includes the phrase "(rez to rename)".

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  16. 13 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

    Play with the sliders for your butt. Because of the weighting and having physics enabled, your butt is larger at zero than it is at 10-12.

    I'm assuming everyone is starting from their Maitreya -->5.3 shapes. I've used a lot of mesh bodies and Maitreya's original pelvis is a rather odd shape - it's quite flat up and down and the widest point is way down at your crotch. If you remember Thomas Dolby playing a woman like a cello in the "She Blinded Me With Science" video? If it was a Maitreya-wearing woman he'd be playing a banjo. Your original Maitreya shapes were made, consciously or unconsciously, to work around this. 

    1 hour ago, Sabrina Nebula said:

    Why didn't Maitreya update their own clothes collection? I don't understand this. I've been there and every sign says "Not (yet) updated to LaraX". When giving out a new body and you want your custumers to stick with your brand, wouldn't it be important to be the first one who has a whole bunch of clothes for them? 😟

    Maitreya doesn't necessarily want people to change bodies today, they don't want users to change brands in the future. People aren't wearing Maitreya Lara 4.0 or 5.0 either (not even to mention Lara 1.0) - they're wearing 4.1 or 5.3. 

    There are a few things about LaraX that I'd liked changed and that shouldn't be too disruptive. I'm annoyed that they're still using the "add-on" klunkyness for BOM body smoothers instead of having them integrated in the body/main hud, and the fact that the body responds to auto-alpha commands meant for a different alpha layout is a flat-out mistake. And yeah, the dimples... They were there in the old body and I wasn't super-thrilled with them then, but now, well... yeah.

    Personally I'm just happy that the Petite system is now an actual body instead of the Rube Goldberg kludge that meant I had to detach and reattach the add-on if I didn't want the "skinny girl wearing cantaloupes that stick out of her clothes" when the alpha system failed upon changing outfits.

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Cinos Field said:

    Specifically I want Maitreya to pay creators to have a small catalog ready for launch, like Legacy did. That's probably the only reason Legacy took off at all. A "naked launch" is not great.

    Legacy was a new body; LaraX is a free update to a well-supported body a tremendous number of people already have. And if you remember, Legacy was yammering about their "deformers" that would supposedly allow you to use older clothes when it was launched. Meanwhile, it's been less than 24 hours since LaraX has been available.

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  18. 2 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    I DID warn people, oh about 25 or so pages ago. Nobody listened.

    It's a second rate clone of the FailX Classic, which was a second rate clone of Real-Lara with skinny arms and legs, and a bigger ass. Again, I think I mentioned this about 25 or so pages back. Nobody listened.

    *cough* 25 or so pages back, nobody listened.

    Has to be said.


    "I told you so!"

    Just like nobody listened to that lady who told us BOM would be a complete failure and it would be years and an extra L$3000 before any body makers adopted it. 

    Try to find a new skin that doesn't use EVO-X mapping. They've been scarce for a while. Lelutka introduced EVO-X in March, 2021. I literally have food in the back of my kitchen cabinets that has been around longer.

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  19. 1 hour ago, Cinos Field said:

    Well, I got the body, and zero clothes for it. There are very few clothes on the marketplace. What am I to do with this, wait a year until at least the basics are available? :P

    I don't know why it's so difficult for SL body creators to ensure widespread support on launch day. That's what everyone else in every field does, or they fail.

    So, you want clothing makers to try to sell clothes for a body that doesn't exist yet? There are probably plenty of things that are  ready to be released now that the body's in the wild.

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  20. 1 hour ago, Fionalein said:

    But will there still be a market? And no - please don't tell me about the creator backlog that will remain around for a while.

    Short answer - no. 

    A mesh clothing maker will assume that everyone who now has a Lara body will also have access to a Lara X body. If they rig their new tank top for a Lara X body, it will be a market of many bodies and few clothes. If they maintain the old rigging they'll be in competition with eight years worth of tank tops and lose the custom of those who want something for the new body.

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  21. What is it with Capital Letters? Why do people just Randomly Capitalize things? It seems like it's a Lot Of Work. I mean, I'd Understand if it was someone who was a Native German Speaker, because They Capitalize All Nouns, but if you Speak English, you'd be Going Out of Your Way to keep hitting the Shift Key. It's a Pain in the Butt - I Know this because I have to Do it to Write This Post.

    jUST cURIOUS...

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  22. 7 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:



    The overhyped launch of Not-Lara-Anymore 5.4 will be a complete fuster-cluck.

    Stock up on Real Lara 5.3 clothing while you still can


    And appliers, too. Because nobody's going to use BOM, right?

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