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Zen Evergarden

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Everything posted by Zen Evergarden

  1. I am a landscaper and decorator. I am willing to help you out based on what you can afford. Please lmk if you need my services. I have access to beautiful landscaping and home construction and interior design. My email is kayak4three@gmail to make sure you find me!
  2. add me! I've been looking for an RP sim
  3. WOW.. something is really wrong with SL and Firestorm Viewer right now... ugh! I wish I was more pc savvy. Why are there even 2 accounts listed for one person, but only on some?? see attachment..
  4. If you have to wear it on underwear layer, then you can't use all the layers... I had a tat on tattoo layer, tights on underwear and a corset on clothing for my maitreya body, and my tat layer just won't stay! Also, i noticed that the back of one of the legs also was missing a huge chunk of the tights... ugggh! heh
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