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Posts posted by Drakeo

  1. 21 minutes ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

    Concierge users (like me) use and post on the forum so we are part of the equation.

    If it was just for Premium users, the Concierge users (who pay a minimum of 1,950 USD a year to LL as a starting point) with the Non Premium User's would also be excluded.   Regardless, I have already stated my position which you kindly agreed with.

    Could I ask if your question is more about your own frustration with the forum. So that may be swaying your thoughts on this to a degree.  I.e. asking for a solution that doesn't actually solve what the real issue is?  

    I think my experience of a troll directly on these forums - well I can barely remember any - so you seem to be having a very individual experience, that others of us do not, is vastly different.   You just ignore, don't engage, or do engage but understand what that entails.     Conflict doesn't have to happen if you refuse to participate and direct yourself to other threads, whilst a dose of diplomacy can always help defuse if it's just a clash versus an actual troll.

    I personally believe It doesn't need a whole change to everybody's experience e.g. premium or not premium being "allowed" to post etc based on what I have read in this thread.  If every other poster was saying the same, there yes there is a community problem.  But when it one person, perhaps first best to see if my taking your own steps you can solve for the challenge you are facing without calling for a wider group of people to be impacted unnecessarily.  Taking responsibility for your experience, can be hugely empowering!

    Therefore, perhaps the better question to ask yourself, is how you can change the way you use the forums, to better your own experience directly.

    I disagree with you. This is about the  forum. not inworld. 

    Again I thank you for your inworld product.

    This is about abuse of a forum paid for by premium accounts a and large accounts like yours.

     There is no recourse for the troll.

    I will say this again please limit this to the forum.

    Fact a person can make an account.

    Fact that person does not have to login to SL.

    Fact that person  could never set a foot in SL.

    This isn't about taking away the basic account's so called rights to post. This is about setting a environmental filter that

    That may be archived to the fullest.

    You really think  a 30 day account that is a troll has the right to live for ever in the archives.

    I disagree. It only will hurt the "vested!" basic accounts and  truly hurt the resources

    of paid accounts.

    I really wish people would stick to the forum .


    • Haha 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    When is the last time you seen bot spam in here?

    You make my point that is because this is a paid for forum.  This means you need to create an account to join.

    You do not need land you do not even need to login to SL.

    You create a basic account login.

    This means people that could post in here never set a pixel inworld.

    Yet they are allowed to come in here and be archived for life.

    Not fair and simple searches in this forum proves this day in and day out.

    The system is to be learned from not trashed but changed.

    • Haha 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

    There have been innumerable valuable contributions to this forum by those who do not have premium accounts. Likewise, there has been plenty of valueless drivel posted on the forum by some who have premium accounts.

    The value of one's contribution to a community should not be equated to the value of one's contributions to its coffers.

    You make a wonderful point. but it is people like you that also suffer from the 30 day troll.

     You have vested time in here you post positive things to help people.

    how would you detour a  basic account in here that is archived his troll  thought into history.

    Damage is done it is archived for ever. And yes you a basic account vested and the premium account  suffer.


  4. 4 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    but but but... my alt IS premium, i'm not! :)

    ..and if being premium makes me a better person i might try it again for a while... but to be honest, i got most of my warnings , by a real Linden, during my premium time... oh perhaps was that to stimulate me to be even better...

    Give it a shot they have wonderful resources.  The hours for live chat help is not the best for a world wide platform. 

    But that said they new premium accounts really have come a logway.

    And you can see LL did listen  and learn from past mistakes.

  5. 6 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    It's a joint effort of both basic and premium accounts making that happen

    I think you make a good point. I believe there can be tweaks made to create a system that is fair to the premium user.

    what does a 30 day old troll have for a recourse. Only to be archived at the cost of the premium users.

     And or basic accounts that have become vested in SL forums.


  6. 26 minutes ago, TDD123 said:

    I take that moderation attempt more as Harley Linden' personal slip by cultural influence ( "Shouldn't capitalism grant rights and services to paying members only ?") than a projection of company policy.

    I wouldn't worry too much over it. Enough points are known and have been expressed why non-premiums contribute financially as  much ( if not more ) as premiums do. Let's say that at least they are able to do so if needed which will not change. Not even on OP's request.

    Of course the answer to OP's question remains a sound 'yes' ... even from LL's perspective.

    Yes they are allowed. I disagree with the system I am sure  a few tweaks could be done.

    Like basic account have a year in before posting to the forum.

    They can still search it. You do  not need an account to search knowledge base.

    SL has an extensive wiki  a few of them.

    They do not have live chat for a reason.

    This stuff isn't free. And rude behavior should not be part of the knowledge base.

    And to archive it for years to come devalues the the system.

    This is a point of view from a simple search .

    • Haha 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    A person's value on these forums, and in SL, is not defined by how much money they may or may not pay for the privilege, and I for one wouldn't want to participate in any platform based around that premise.

    I find the entire suggestion deeply offensive.

    I disagree with your post. I prove it to my self every day searching these topics. If your offended that was never my reason.

    My reason is there isn't any true  recourse for the troll in here.  Damage has been made.

    The thread has and will be locked the history has been archived. Only the premium accounts can truly suffer.



  8. 21 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    I thought we all said that already.  Silly me.

    I disagree. Because by the time you can enforce it  a new basic account that is made just to troll

    then the damage is done.  Take away there ability to login to a parcel that is part of the premium account 

    is severe.

    So I disagree with how this forum test bed has been run.

    I feel strongly that this is happening often.

    Way to often. I believe it devalues the knowledge base.

    I search things for secondlife it leads me to a topic and I get to see rude behavior.

     This seems to be the norm. 

    The people that replied in this thread most were very gracious or they was blocked

    from the beginning.

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Tari Landar said:

    Since only certain types of humor are allowed here....

    I think certain people shouldn't be able to use the forums, at least not post on them, only read. But, I don't think it should be based on their status as a premium or non-premium account. I think some people should be stopped from making a fool of themselves (I really don't know what to replace that with, lmao) before they can even start, at least once they've developed a rather curious, and not in a good way, sort of behavior. 

    Some people do themselves, the forums, LL(singular) and anyone reading absolutely no good and they contribute almost nil as well. Maybe we should restrict those people, so that others who are merely reacting to ridiculousness with further ridiculousness, find no need to do so.

    Or we could kindly ask those being, whatever it is they're being,  to stop reporting posts which are in equal proportion of ridiculousness just because they don't like it, lol. It's very strange behavior, really, but, to keep this on topic, maybe people who report posts they don't like just because they don't like them should be restricted to read only too, at least until they can find their big person panties again. 

    Or I can stop being salty and go back to read only myself, which is what I think I shall do.

    (there, on topic enough?)

    I thank you for your fine input. I am sure you put your heart into it.

    Thank You

  10. 17 minutes ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

    To the OP:

    I am not a premium user.

    I am a concierge user (so add some 000's to what I pay over the year due to region fees compared to premium user fees).

    However, I believe it's irreverent for the forums whether I am premium, non premium or concierge.  Forums are generally here (I find personally) for 3 reasons.

    1. Users to find answers and other users support that demand.  
    - benefit to LL - less support tickets, lower costs etc.

    2. To interact, communicate and participate in a community that has a common reason (in this case we all use Second Life).
    - benefit to LL - engaged users - remain users and the majority of users contribute to the SL economy*

    3. To share from land for sale through to buying things. 
    - benefit to LL - contributes to SL economy*

    Non premium accounts are just as essential for the SL economy in case that was another question based on the benefits I outlined.  

    They buy Linden Dollars and spend it on products and renting land or services in world.  For each purchase of Linden Dollars, LL takes a fee.  Each time they spend that money with a creator and that creator cashes out / converts into USD - LL takes a fee (large one).    Rinse, repeat in all the various activities that take part in Second Life.

    If LL cut off the forums to just a subset of "premium" conversely it would likely they cost them money as a result.  I don't suspect that is something on their agenda.   It seems more like the OP has a unique POV perhaps related to a direct experience that most of us don't share/or could be aware of.

    Thank you for that wonderful well thought out reply. I could not agree with you anymore.

    Thank you for your wonderful things you bring to this platform.

  11. On 7/10/2021 at 3:03 AM, Coffee Pancake said:

    stopped making Catznip on Linux when it became clear we couldn't continue to produce a viewer

    Your work and how much you gave is still used today.  I thank you for that.  I still maintain a build of the SLviewer.

    Have for a decade. It is a ton of work building libraries and keeping up.

    But you can grab it off the bitbuckit.  And for my personal viewer LittlePenguin You will see some of your work in it I think?

    It would be in the commits.

  12. 15 hours ago, Henri Beauchamp said:

    Oz created ”autobuild”, which basically made rebuilding libraries a nightmare,

    I found "autobuild" to be a wonderful tool and kept many of my libraries well organized. Sorry  you feel that way.

    For a team as large as his it was a very nice tool.

    The new enviroment build  has made things  much easier for me.

  13. On 7/10/2021 at 1:43 AM, arabellajones said:

    Linux, using systems such as Vivox for SLvoice

    This is a vivox issue.  Vivox drop support for linux.  Vivox  lead developer was mad he was unable to install Ubuntu. 

    I was openly vocal about this in the vivox forum years ago.

    Firestorm works with 32bit and 32bit windows voice.  My Linux builds of the SL viewer  work with 32bit and 64bit windows voice. use wine.

    Just set it up in debug settings.

    Kokua has a fine one also.  I really Like the Coolvl viewer fast and stable.   Not a fan of v1 interface. very good viewer.

    Since I build wine from source in Linux using my build of MinGW-w64  never had any luck with coolVL using wine.

    The install for the module  never finds my wine.

    I still Maintain The SecondLife viewer for Linux.

    Maintain all the non-common libraries to build it.

    It is in my profile.

  14. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Anyway, reading over this all,  I don't see anyone who backs your position.

    Well I am glad you so kindly put it that way.

    So you think that there should not be premium accounts. ?

    Do away with linden lab staff pay checks. ?

    Rowan I do not think you do!

    But this forum was built by Linden labs through your hard earned money.

     I  have no clue why they would build it for free.

    Do you see pop up  advertisement.?

    You see the a wonderful product brought to from premium accounts.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  15. I believe the premium accounts are the back bone of this forum.

     I believe it's never above anyone's head to understand the key role the premium accounts deliver.

    If you disagree that is fine.

    I see it as a Swiss Army knife. Thankful to all that use the forum.

    At some point you have to ask. Who is it for?  And of course the people that pay for it.

    And if it helps others bridge that gap so be it.

    • Haha 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

    Because they don't know themselves. They cast shadows, but it's hardly limited to this place; it's a universal phenomena, these days. When interacting with a user agent, are they a source of positive or negative energy? Are they a source of harmony or a source of dissonance in their interactions with other agents? Do they interrupt threads with diversions, accusations, or debasing assertions of obligate meaning without a strong basis provided? Are they truly good faith actors? 

    Maybe this is really a conversation of ethics. Have two decades of unending world war waged under false premise driven all the good societies underground, leaving only the zombies and unlucky up here on the surface? Maybe they want to help you, but they're doing Trolly Problem calculations about whether or not it's worth the risk to open the Shelter blast door and check you out. 

    That's what it feels like these days. It was such wonderful world, but some people couldn't stick together and hold fast to what makes us human, they let all the usual suspects plant al the usual poison memes, and gradually attrition whittled the ranks down. But people still need human connection, we still need the things and potentials this place represented in its heyday. And I firmly believe it's still out there for those ready to be found by it.

    What a wonderful philosophy.

    This wonderful forum brought  this wonderful post for all to read.

    Thank you.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  17. Just now, Rowan Amore said:

    Work on those reading and comprehending skills.  It's actually a post against allowing premium only to post on the forums.  If anything, it should be more new user friendly.  Yet they'll come here and read YOUR post telling them they don't belong here.

    Thank you for your kind reply. Will work on them skills.

    You  actually are brilliant sorry I missed  your first reply.

    This is an objective conversation. You showed the world why premium accounts should be happy to stand behind a fine product.

    Why this product  can help the premium accounts also.


    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  18. Just now, Rowan Amore said:

    As I already mentioned, new people post all of the time searching for help in one way or another.  Not allowing that defeats the entire purpose of most sections.  The Answers section.  The Land for Rent section.  Destinations and upcoming events.

    Thank you for your brilliant reply. this is the best form of advertising the premium accounts should be proud of.

    Rowan you made my day.

    • Confused 2
  19. 5 minutes ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

    What about all those that choose not to be premium but pump loads of money in to LL buying L$ or buying and paying tier to own private regions

    I think you have a wonderful point but This pertains to the forum.

    Just like the premium accounts that pay for the server space for the basic accounts.

    Not going to go there because the same thing hold true for the server space of this forum.

    • Haha 2
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