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Chaser Zaks

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Posts posted by Chaser Zaks

  1. While I will back Wili in regards to hacks, as people who hack into servers have various motives. Maybe it is for money, maybe they want to cause as much chaos as possible. I know there are people who hack into servers and just wipe everything, maybe after they take a copy of the database for themself.

    However, something is fishy (no pun intended, or maybe pun intended. Yes pun intended.) about all this. Something smells of subtle advertising, considering how active Wili has been on the forums lately, and then suddenly this thread gets necro bumped. Could be a coincidence, but feels suspicious to me.

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  2. The way I deal with stuff is:

    If someone is breaking the rules, I punish them. This includes those that retaliate, such as by using """defense""" huds or combat huds to grief the griefer, as this disrupts other people as well and just makes the situation worse. However, if someone is just a bystander and say, uses sitting to prevent being pushed around, they won't be in trouble.

    The same goes for forum moderation, if someone is trolling on the forums and calling someone names, and someone starts calling that person names as well, I will punish both users.

    I am a equal opportunity moderator, I will suspend or ban anyone who is breaking the rules, doesn't matter the context, or if they were trying to troll the troll. If I don't enforce it equally across the board, it just makes the rules look pointless because there isn't a clear indication on when the rules will be enforced, and instills distrust of the moderation.

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  3. These type of bots have been around forever. If you keep track of who enters your region, you'll see they pop in quite often.

    I doubt they do any harm though. My presumption is that they are a form of grid surveying bot that collect information regarding regions. Not a specific person or region, but every region. This typically includes region type, estate, owner, terrain height, and possibly parcel data, just to name a few. The reason for why new accounts are created is because people ban them from parcels and regions, meaning they can't collect this information anymore.

    While I would much prefer for bot owners to disclose who owns the bot, and what the bots purpose is, it isn't a requirement. However, LL does have a clause where they can start charging money if someone creates a army of accounts like this, but I don't think they have ever enforced that (Note: lack of enforcement doesn't mean it won't ever be enforced).



  4. Used to play roblox years ago when I was younger. Roblox is more akin to stuff like Garry's Mod and Blockland, as everything is "server based" and sandboxed, there isnt really a world, but rather many maps(gaming term).

    Second Life is more akin to High Fidelity, Sansar, Furcadia, IMVU, and VRChat, but not quite. The part that makes Second Life stand out is that all you need is the viewer to create, and the world is connected via regions and create really big continents that can be traveled, as opposed to being loosely connected via portals.

    Roblox most certainly is targeted towards the younger audience, but is that doesn't mean the features are lacking. It does have a hefty scripting API, and I've seen things that transformed it into something unrecognizable as roblox. But again, it does have a majority younger audience, so imagine COD kids except they can't swear.

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  5. I don't think there is a way to automatically disable these, not to mention doing so would break a other content such as prim water that is animated.

    You can try doing the following:

    1. To temporarily remove a object from your view, right click and select derender.
    2. To permanently remove a object from your view, right click and choose derender + blacklist.
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  6. 1 hour ago, Finite said:

    People still play on mainland? Only time I've been to mainland is by accident and I feel like I got sent back to 2008 whenever I do go. Am I missing something?

    Edit: Sorry if this came off as bashing. If there's something going on on mainland that's worthwhile, I'd certainly like to explore it.

    As a mainland parcel owner, mainland is a bit.. chaotic, and there are quite a few old builds still around. I kind of like seeing some old builds, they have a bit of charm to them(unlike the ground level skyboxes). I mostly like it for the roads and large open space(until 0 second security orbs smack me).

    Personally I hope LL one day has the moles finish up Zindra, maybe do a bit of modernization here and there too. But this is a discussion for another topic.

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  7. The governance team gets well over 1000 reports per day, from invalid reports such as someone upset that their gf/bf cheated on them, to very serious issues such as someone bringing down regions left and right.

    While it may seem that the governance team isn't dealing with the situation, I guarantee you that each report is looked at and dealt with accordingly.

    For privacy reasons, they can't reveal the progress, status, or outcome of a report, because what happens to someone's account is solely between the account holder and Linden Lab.

    I understand being left in the dark like this can be frustrating, it has frustrated me sometimes too, but I put those frustrations aside knowing that the governance team does look at each report, and doesn't toss them aside because "handling more ticket = more money for the employee" like some other companies do(if you know the gaming industry, you know who I am talking about).

    All reports are handled by people who have the genuine best interest of SL in mind. I have met a few myself (not on their main account, but on Governor Linden and other Linden accounts). They really do care and will handle the tickets properly.

    If you do have concerns about this, you can go to one of the governance user group meetings and ask questions there(please not that questions regarding the status or outcome of reports can't be disclosed): http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Governance_User_Group

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  8. I don't hide who I am. In fact I am very much a open book regarding stuff. It has gotten me in trouble though, such as getting ""DOXXED"" from my own public information(I'm just like "good job you posted stuff people already know"). I have had to remove some information temporarily due to harassment though.

    One of the reasons why I am so open about my personal life is because I myself have had to fight my way through many things, and I hope that my experiences can help others who are going through something, if not something similar, to what I may have gone through.

    I also feel it puts a bit more of "hey there is actually someone behind these pixels pls be nice" when people can see a face and name. But for others this can be off-putting, as now they know I am not actually a hyena.

    However, why someone would not want to make themselves known(or "hide" as you put it) is very understandable. I've talked with many resident in SL over the years and have came across these reasons:

    • Second Life serves as a place to escape real life.
    • They use second life to experience a childhood they couldn't and attaching themselves to the avatar would take away from that.
    • They fear that they would endanger themselves.
    • They are concerned about their career.
    • They are concerned about their family.
    • They are having an online affair.
    • They are actually underaged. (This is rare, don't bully/discriminate those who don't want to reveal their identity over this rare case)

    There are plenty of other reasons as well, but those are the one off the top of my head. Why someone may not want to is their right, and they may not want to reveal why.

    • Like 3
  9. My honest opinion, this concern seems disingenuous. You worry that bots are causing traffic to be calculated for the wrong reason, yet operate a system which attempts to monetizes and manipulates traffic.

    Agents that are marked as bots will not count towards traffic, and agents that are connecting with specific viewers(IIRC) get flagged as bots for that session.

    My view is that traffic is not something that should be sold, traded, or otherwise manipulated as it throws off genuine interest statistics of a location. Traffic should be earned for what the region or parcel is, not through bots, camping chairs, bought by paying residents to visit locations, or any other means.

    As someone who loves statistics and is working on a a project that needs accurate statistics, manipulation of stats is one of the worst enemies as I have to go and rectify those values, often deducting up to 75% of a regions popularity value if traffic manipulation is detected.

    This seems more like "I fear bot traffic is harming my business model", rather than a genuine concern over the accuracy of traffic.

    (Don't take this as me hating or disliking you, I'm just very blunt/forward with what I say.)

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  10. This should be fine as long as you own or have rights to the image in question.

    But please do be considerate with the tags and categories. I often see animated textures and pictures sold on the marketplace with irrelevant tags, or are in the wrong category. Specifically mentioning this because these tend to get added in the dozens, and reporting each and every one of them isn't something someone is going to do, as such they just stay incorrect forever.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

    This is true, but if IMVU can do it, shell out some kind of "money"...why can't LL?  Everybody (almost) likes money.  One resident who is on the forum from time to time doesn't like lindens...she gives them all away.  I guess she means her stipend.  She doesn't go inworld much, she said.    

    The question is how much is 4,000 credits?

    There is also the issue of, how does LL prevent people from making alt after alt to get credits? I presume they could probably track who does the tutorial and check against the ID0 and recently rewarded IP addresses.

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  12. This is laughable, they didn't even do their research.

    They claim to have "the most" of anything(around 30 million items). Second Life has around 21 million items on the marketplace, and tens of million items that are sold only in-world.

    Not to mention, IMVU's movement system is poopy. Literally just pose ball, no physics, no driving, etc.

    Second Life in actual size is 1,674,706,944 square meters(According SELECT count(*) * (256 * 256) FROM map_tiles_agni WHERE lastseen > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1 week').  Meanwhile, IMVU just has "thousands of chat rooms" of unknown size, which can't even be traveled for that matter.

    There is also the fact that IMVU is targetted towards teens, despite them also owning a p**n site known for donation fraud.

    Honestly, they make roblox look like competition.

    (In case you couldn't tell, I despise IMVU for various reasons.)

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  13. Money trees I think are allowed and still around. I've been wanting to "plant" one for a while to give something to new residents.

    I'm not quite sure on the policy regarding camping though. I know people used to get money for high traffic areas and LL phased that out because of camping, as well as made tweaks to the "traffic" calculations, but I don't think they have been explicitly disallowed.

  14. 1 minute ago, RowanMinx said:

    Is satellite effected by weather?  I know whenever it rained badly at my sister's, it would go down.

    Yes, we still have satellite TV where I live, and if the weather gets bad enough, it can cause issues. But technology is a lot better than it used to be, I remember when a slight rain storm would cause the TV to go out. It would take really severe rain filled clouds to take out the signal.

    As for internet, I'd say some corrupt packets may occur during any form of non-clear weather, but those would mostly either get corrected or re-sent without the user even noticing.

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  15. You should be able to use satellite. While it is fast, it has the issue of latency, which means requests may take a few seconds to initialize, but the stream will overall be fast. A good way to explain this:

      High speed Low speed
    Line based Fast and responsive Slow but responsive
    Satellite based Fast but delayed Slow and delayed

    So while assets may download fast, you will likely experience a larger than usual delay, imagine pressing "w" on a line based connection and you moving instantly, but pressing "w" on a satellite connection and you move about maybe 0.4 to 0.6 seconds later.

  16. If people didn't render for people who are blocked, this would raise issue with various stuff, such as:

    • Targeted harassment without someone knowing: Such as wearing attachments with signs without the targeted person knowing.
    • Region moderation issues: Blocking moderators to go under the radar.
    • Privacy issues: some people don't want people to know they blocked them.

    There is also the issue of LSL would be able to relay blocked chat.

    It's also important to keep in mind, facebook is a social media platform, and second life is a virtual world. One of these has physics and other unique things that would make mutual blocking an issue.

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  17. Would that club be allowed? Probably, but the definition of nazi and fascist has been diluted so much these days, it can mean anything(I.E. they are used as buzzwords/dog whistles, rather their original meaning), so it could end up biting them in the butt if they use it for the more extreme definitions.

    Typically, if I was to visit a club and they used political language in their rules, instead of just saying "Be nice and respectful to your fellow guests", I'd probably avoid it because it is just asking for drama(it'd probably even have a no drama rule, which we all know means "twice as much drama").

    Political opinions are not a "protected" class, so it would be allowed to forbid someone from visiting a region because of said opinions, however outright attacking a resident because of it would likely not be allowed.

    I'd however, rather spend my time visiting clubs that allow the freedom of opinion, rather than clubs that focus their time on finding out who has the wrong opinion that they didn't even bring up in the club. When I say allow freedom of opinion, I mean doesn't witch hunt people. Politics is not a good club topic, and if I operated a club, I'd probably tell people to knock it off.


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  18. I want to open this topic off with the following statement. If you are just going to read the title, please at least just read my opening statement:

    I am not calling for a ban of all political discussions. I actually like that we can create such topics, but unfortunately, such topics have gotten worse and worse over the time, and it is just leading to fighting and division in the community. I really do not like the fact that I even am writing this as a suggestion, it goes against my very strict view of anti-censorship, but I feel that the longer this goes on, the further divided the community will become. Maybe at a later date this could be lifted, but right now stuff is just too heated.

    As for the full potato:

    As much as I like freedom of expression LL has fostered over the many years, when it comes to political discussions, especially with how stuff is right now, people simply can't refrain from attacking each other.

    All the political discussions I have seen in General Discussions has ended up being a majority of the following:

    • Attacking other residents.
    • Name calling.
    • Insults.
    • Attempts to derail.
    • Calls for locking the thread.

    I do want to make it clear, this is not a call to ban all political content. If the topic is relevant, then it would be allowed, as long as it isn't a topic designed to create further division and harm the community.

    Examples of "good case" political threads:

    • Discussion about some legislation that will impact virtual worlds.
    • Lifestyles and Relationships, as well as Making friends: Looking for someone who has specific views or beliefs.
    • Role-play: A topic is in regards to stuff such as WWII role-play.
    • Favourite Destinations: A location which happens to be political.
    • Events and Activities: Discussion about a upcoming in-world virtual rally/movement.

    A lot of people come to SL to get away from the divisiveness of the current world, and I hate that I even have to suggest banning off topic political threads. It goes directly against my views of "censorship is bad" and it pains me to even write this, but every time these threads are made, they turn toxic really really fast.

    Perhaps if this rule is enacted, it can be lifted in the future, but I don't think people can restrain and behave themselves right now.

    As a long time resident of Second Life, I really do not want to see it fall to division. I've seen enough communities get divided, I don't want to see one that I really love fall to the same fate.

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