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Chaser Zaks

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Posts posted by Chaser Zaks

  1. The funny thing is, there isn't even a request made to the webpage when a map URL is pasted in the chat or similar.

    When the viewer sees something like http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/quiddity/128/128/23, it really sees secondlife://quiddity/128/128/23. (Not exactly how it works, internally it is a bit different is the same but the idea is the same and is the best way to explain it simply). It doesn't make a request to the url, nor does it try to resolve the domain. It is purely cosmetic.

    However, when requests to that page are made, such as opening it in a web browser rather than the viewer, it is automatically upgraded to https. There are no login cookies stored on the http variant, so no worries about people stealing those.

    While it is possible for someone to rewrite the DNS info, any upgrades to https would create an error.

    Besides, for people to eavesdrop on your connection or rewrite http requests or DNS queries, malware would have to already be on your network. Hackers are not some wizards who can say "SHOW ME WHAT IS BEING REQUESTED BY THIS IP!" and get all requests forwarded to them just by asking the ISP's routing servers. Malware needs to be on either your PC or another PC on your network(only if pernicious mode is enabled, which typically it isn't).

    Simply put: If people are eavesdropping your SLURLs, you have much bigger things to worry about.

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  2. IIRC, Welcome Island has always been inaccessable to anyone but new residents. Learning Island is where anyone can go regardless of account creation.

    However, if it is also learning island, it is kind of a double edged sword, because new residents get dropped there after welcome island, and I've seen people who have been on SL for a while and they are rather.. rowdy.
    I'd personally like for new residents not to get scared off by SL goons(as they call themselves), who trust me, are very.. not good for public image and not something you'd want new people to see first time on your platform.
    I'd also however, like new residents to be welcomed by experienced residents to help guide them and answer questions that would be otherwise take a while to figure out via navigating menus and searching help pages.


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  3. I personally liked the old theme better. Not to say the new theme is bad, for what it is, it pulled it off quite good. But the whole flat material design meme is overdone in my opinion. The old one had character, the new one just looks like everything else now.

    When I see material design, I think "bland, boring, corporate, emotionless, school uniform-esque style for the internet", it is like the whole corporate art style thing. It is a design that tries to play it safe by being as inoffensive as possible by not showing any character what so ever.

    When I saw the old design, I saw character, it was unique to Second Life, it had Second Life in it (the theme matched the viewer).

    I'm not saying that there isn't anything wrong with a dark theme, you can do a dark theme and it can catch on like Winamp's Bento theme. It is more so the lack of.. well.. character. The flat material design fad needs to go.


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  4. Race conditions.

    Imagine the following:

    1. 3 people have already liked a post
    2. You like the post
    3. Database adds a row to the likes list
    4. Server counts number of rows of reactions
    5. Database updates the post with number of reactions

    That is what normally happens, but in a race condition, this can happen:

    Imagine the following:

    1. 3 people have already liked a post
    2. You like the post
    3. Database adds a row to the likes list
    4. (Initialized by you) Server counts number of rows of reactions
    5. Someone unlikes the post
    6. (Initialized by person unliking) Server counts number of rows of reactions
    7. (Initialized by person unliking) Database updates the post with number of reactions
    8. (Initialized by you) Database updates the post with number of reactions

    The process thread handling the like for you was slower than the one handling the other person, thus puts the incorrect value.

    This happens from time to time, a easy fix is to just undo your react and react again.

  5. This is exactly what big media corporations want you to believe. They are in cahoots with the government by receiving behind the door skips on FCC regulations. The FCC will silence anyone who says otherwise but I'm not afraid of 3 letter organizations. The truth is the United States has been too free to too long and the Illuminati wants to take control back, they'll do it by taking the voice away from those who try to expose them first, and then it'll be easy picking because no one else will be talking about them. Don't believe me? Just a few examples:

    • Government wants to control climate change. Get it? C O N T R O L. It is all about control. What if the climate wants to be warm? Did they ever think about that? No, they want to make it do what they want.
    • Government wants to control internet speech. Again, all about control. This time so we can't expose the reptilians in the government.
    • Vaccine mandates? You know exactly why. Not microchips, but nanites. We have the technology to do this, that's what they hide in area 51. Guess what these nanites do? Thought control. Again with control.

    There is a lot more too. The Chinese government and Russian government are actually in talks with the U.S., the whole conflict is a sham to scare people of a impending war to try and get people to fund big government. Don't fund big government, fund yourself! Get yourself a nuclear bunker because the government isn't scared to sacrifice a few million civilian lives just to add more scare and gain more control. Get as much supplies as you need whenever you can. The government has been testing how people react to short supply in order to control emotions and chaos with the "covid" "virus". DO NOT BUY INTO IT! Next time stuff comes back into supply, stock pile as much as you can and stash it into your bunker. Don't let anyone else in, not even your neighbor. They watch people who know the truth and they are very likely to have replaced people you know to keep a close eye on you.

    Just the fact you read this I wouldn't be surprised you'd be on the list of people who know too much. Did you know they have a law to allow this? Search it. It is called Poe's law!

  6. 1q4ihf4ufnh71.png

    Absolutely not. The moment we restrict a single piece of artistic freedom, it opens a gateway for restricting stuff, and then suddenly we are at China level censorship.

    Personally, not a fan of smoking IRL. Have considered nicotine free vape but ultimately decided against it for now because of uncertancies of it's safety. But if people want to smoke away their lungs, in real life or in fiction, it is by all means their choice, as long as they do so respectfully such as doing it in smoking areas, away from doors, or in their own home.

    My avatar has smoked once or twice before, sometimes it adds to the mood/setting, especially if you are wanting to role play as a tough mafia guy who will probably break all three of your knees(yes, three, you have two but he'll find a third).

    As for children seeing such media, it is highly up to the parents to teach their children. Lots have lately just started giving them a phone and letting them watch youtube to keep them busy, but a lot of this is mindless "12 little <insert franchise character here> jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head.", with absolutely no educational value. Life lessons and education need to be taught by the parents, and not relied upon the wild west that is the internet.

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  7. 47 minutes ago, xxVi3perxx said:

    Tracephone phones are cheap 40 bucks to buy the smart phone up to 30 bucks a month for phone plan with 3GB data limit if I don't know if its open to where you reside at. 

    That'd be a big expense in my disability check. $40 for something I'd use only for SMS like 2 to 3 times a month seems like unwise spending to me.

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  8. If age verification is limited down to a government issued ID such as state ID, drivers license, or military ID, I'd be "ok" with it, not too happy about it.

    However, if they require cellphones, which quite a few sites are doing with 2FA or some form of verification, I am absolutely against it. I do not have a cellphone, I have VoIP number(but I can't use this because VoIP is blacklisted way too often). I cannot afford a cellphone plan because I am on disability. I know I am not the only one who is in such a situation.

    However, if age verification was added into Second Life, I would expect it to do something else such as lowering the minimum age requirement as well. Age verification would be pointless and possibly cause people to leave out of frustration(either because they can't verify a specific ID, or they don't have a ID, or other issues). That number has to be made up some how by increasing the number of possible residents, and since a lot of other virtual worlds allow anyone above the age of 13 to join while restricting those under the age of 16 to general rated regions.

    I am quite aware that the minimum age requirement is a controversial subject, but I am looking at the bigger picture of user acquisition and competing in a increasingly competitive market. Adult will still be adult, and only people over the age of 18 will go there. And people already lie about their age, if they were given access to G rated regions, it may actually have the effect of reducing under aged users in moderate and adult regions.

  9. I ended up making a user script(as I do for every change I want but it isn't a thing) for this. You can get it (and view the source code) here: https://gist.github.com/FelixWolf/8d6f2e5835c62747ad7097de4b83db6d

    To use it, you'll need Tampermonkey, which is a user script client. Basically it lets you run custom javascript on pages so that you can tweak sites how you want them to run.


    It adds a little block button like this:


    Once you click that, the thread disappears from view!


    To unblock threads, go to the top right of the page content and click this:


    Then click unblock on the thread you want to unblock:


    Once done, don't forget to click "Hide blocked threads" (in the same location "Show blocked threads" is at, it is a toggle!)

    • Like 1
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  10. Please do keep in mind that SomaFM does have to pay for servers, as well as "MP3 licenses"(even though the patent is expired, they still trying to get people to pay for it), royalties for the music that is played, and the DJs that work to curate/mix the music.

    SomaFM *very likely* as advertisements on their website. Residents who place the music URLs in their parcel are likely causing them to lose revenue. If I had a media service, and people took the URL and placed it else where on their parcels, I would likely be upset too, because I pay for the server.

    In the end, it is SomaFM's servers, they have the final say on what may or may not be done with their bandwidth.

    In the off chance that some people may believe that Linden Lab should pay SomaFM: It is not Linden Lab who owes royalties to SomaFM, but rather, the residents who choose to play music on their parcels.

    There are plenty of other media streams out there, as well as the possibility to set one up yourself. I run a 24/7 media stream off a $11.50/mo OVH server, using a combo of open source software, including icecast(Stream server) and Liquidsoap(Source server).

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  11. God please no, I hang around furries and knowing what furries do most of the time in SL.. I'd rather not smell that.

    But if I had to choose what my avatar would smell like, I'd probably end up hacking the values(as I usually do, just check my jira history for a list of times I've broke stuff doing this) and make something that is recognizable but you just can't figure out what.

    • Haha 5
  12. IIRC, Texture area is basically repeats per square meter summed. It is Second Life's version of Texel Density, which is basically the same thing but for faces.

    Simply put, Texture Area is the sum of this thing:


    So for each face of each object, add "Repeats per meter" together, and you get the texture area.

    Higher texture area means more interpolation.

    To calculate a texture area, you take the face you want to calculate, and figure out it's world space occupation, then divide that by the horizontal and vertical scale.

    Because of how this is calculated, I don't think it really works with mesh because mesh can have it's own UVs which are different from texture repeat, so a mesh can have a UV that repeats a million times, but H/V scale don't repeat, so that means it'd show up as the object's size divided by 1.

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  13. "Police blotter" history:

    Aside from this, it didn't show much:

    Community: Incident Report

    The Second Life Community Incident Report displays the 25 most recent disciplinary actions taken by the Second Life Governance Team. The date shown reflects when the incident occurred.


    Date: Thursday, April 3, 2008
    Violation: Community Standards: Assault, Safe Area
    Region: FlyinTails Airfield USF
    Description: Assaulting others in safe region.
    Action taken: Suspended 1 days.

    Personally, I'd like to see a return of the incident report.

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  14. I have a feature on my web server(Not yet "production ready" because it is my local network) that acts as both a asset CDN mirror and converter to formats designed for consumption by web applications.

    The way I do it is this: https://gist.github.com/FelixWolf/66e989a1eb1f7fff3be26219c2da561d

    That code is in python and can download the texture and convert it to png/tga/jpg, as well as extract any comments(which is useful for figuring out who uploaded it, when it was uploaded, what the average color value is, and it's original size before getting resized).

    The portion you want is where I use imagemagick to convert it from jpeg2000 to png or others:

    proc = subprocess.Popen(['convert', 'j2c:-', 'png:-'],
    result = proc.stdout.read()
    return (
            ('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="{}.png"'.format(Key))

    which is very much also possible in php (Also posting this because it is what I presume most people use). Probably a bug or two because it is untested and my php is rusty.

    function handleTexture($handle){
        $pConvert = proc_open('convert j2c:- png:-', array(
            0 => array("pipe", "r"),
            1 => array("pipe", "w"),
            2 => array("pipe", "w")
        ), $pipes, "/tmp/", array());
            //Write the content to the input pipe
            fwrite($pipes[0], stream_get_contents($handle));
            //Read the result
            $result = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
            //Read any errors
            //Store the status code
            $status = proc_close($pConvert);
            if($status === 0){ //Success
                return $result;
                return False;
        return False;

    The important take away here is "convert j2c:- png:-" which means to run the convert program from imagemagick, accept a j2c as stdin(-) and output a png to stdout(-). It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you specify a input format, otherwise you can become vulnerable to https://imagetragick.com.

    If you don't want to output it to stream to further process it, just replace "png:-" with a output file like /tmp/image.png.

    You can do all sorts of stuff with imagemagick as well, such as resizing if you want to do that: https://imagemagick.org/script/convert.php

    However, a much better solution is to use libraries that embed it. For me, this works, because I am not doing anything complex and I went over the process spawn to make sure it isn't vulnerable.

    PHP does support imagemagick, but I haven't used it: https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.imagick.php

    Pretty sure there is a python binding library somewhere too.

    • Like 2
  15. I'll only do a survey "about second Life"  in one of two conditions:

    1. You do your research on it and also actually go in-world and experience it for yourself, instead of just dropping a form link on the forums and leaving. 
    2. You pay me like the last survey I did.

    We see no.1 a lot, which is not enough to do a thesis. Researchers don't research lion behavior without seeing and observing lions first hand.

    • Like 2
  16. I'd prefer not to encourage threads that would just end with residents fighting each other. Case and point: every political thread we have ever had.

    Banning politics as a topic would be a better solution, with telling residents to go in-world to locations that welcome it debate politics(see: politics category in destinations guide). This would beneficial in various ways:

    1. Place owner can get moderators dedicated to the specific task of moderating those topics.
    2. Better for LL's public image, no more possible scaring away residents by making them think the community is toxic or making residents mad by assumed view on something by locking a topic.
    3. Voice. (which some prefer, some don't)
    4. More in-world engagement.


    As a retired moderator on a different site, I can tell you having to keep a eye on a specific thread 24/7 and go to bed hoping that the users behave until you get up is not fun and gets tiring really quick. It is especially difficult when I have other things on the forum that need attention, which was always because the report queue would not stay empty for even 10 minutes.

    Creating a whole sub forum for it would just be a nightmare for the forum moderators.

    When there is a place dedicated to the topic, it is different because it is one thing to keep an eye on and that's what the moderator of said place expects to deal with.

    I particularly didn't like to deal with political threads when I was moderating stuff on said different site(no name because advertising,but clarifying because don't want to misrepresent myself as a moderator), because if I did one thing wrong, people would take it as a view or opinion of myself, or worse, the company. So we just outright banned political topics, closed them with "No politics" and hid them away from view. No one could mistake it as a view or opinion, and we didn't have to deal with users fighting. It was a win/win solution.

    • Like 1
  17. So for those wondering about a reason, I am pretty sure that I know why:

    The whole gacha thing in SL, it has kinda turned into Japanese gambling. Gambling in Japan is illegal if it returns money, so they use pachinko balls instead. Players will buy Pachinko balls(L$), and the pachinko balls(L$) are then in turn used to buy plushes/toys/etc(Gachas), where then in a back alley they will allow you to sell said things for money(Marketplace). That's basically what is going on here. People play gachas, then sell their gachas. It is basically gambling and that is why LL is banning it.

    At first when it was "You get random item" it was fine, but it turned into redemption card re-selling which is the kicker.

    It doesn't help that various states are trying to crack down on lootboxes either, which is another thing that is going on that'd have a factor in this, and LL can't regulate lootboxes so that only players in X state or country can play, especially since California(where LL is based) is one said state cracking down on it.

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    • Confused 1
  18. It runs arch Linux. You can install Linux builds of the viewer on it, or use proton to run the viewer in a windows compatibility layer. 

    It features both touch screen and control inputs, and with the new control settings being rolled out soon, remapping the controls to the gamepad controls should be a brease.

    I have pre-ordered the 512GiB model, and will be installing firestorm on it as proof of concept and for mobile SL. Additionally remote play is a feature I will be exploring to see if I can utilize my GPU of my desktop remotely.

    • Like 2
  19. 10 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    They both get 23 hour bans because that's set as the default time in the notecard, I think.

    I don't really see what's being disclosed here.   I understand that someone could, theoretically, use this to gather sufficient data to identify someone's alt, but that's not disclosing anything -- how do you know whether I was banned for being someone's alt or because I didn't open the web page in time?  


    	ParcelAccessListReply Low 216 Trusted Zerocoded
    		Data	Single
    		{	AgentID			LLUUID	}
    		{	SequenceID		S32		}
    		{	Flags			U32		}
    		{	LocalID			S32		}
    		List	Variable
    		{	ID			LLUUID		}
    		{	Time		S32			} // time_t
    		{	Flags		U32			}

    ParcelAccessListReply returns results in unix timestamp, since the bans occur almost instantly within each other, someone with a modified viewer(such as myself, via list export) can see the exact time someone will be unbanned(provided they have access to the ban list).

    So for example, unpacked it will look like:

    835096de-9f7e-42d2-b92d-6dc6677f7d8f 1623264689
    918ff3eb-e8fe-4cfe-8bff-5963a461962e 1623264689
    796b1537-70d8-497d-934e-0abcc2a60050 1623264127

    In this example, Saltyalt and Parker Oh were both banned at the same time for being alts, while Chaser Zaks was banned at a previous time a few minutes or so ago for some reason(probably for breaking stuff).

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