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Drake1 Nightfire

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Posts posted by Drake1 Nightfire

  1. On 2/10/2023 at 4:01 PM, LexyMarie said:

    People are way too sensative these days for this kind of thing.

    I just got Perma banned from Reddit because I made fun of someone saying they didnt feel safe on the Secondlife SubReddit.

    Secondlife is the most welcoming diverse space ive ever come across on the internet.

    Just no,people would be reporting everyone for discrimination & if (Insert Minority) person didnt get enough points that proves everyone involved is a bigot yada yada yada,you know how it goes.


    Are we using the same SL? "the most welcoming diverse space" with tons of sims that wont let you in unless you meet their strict criteria, people who rage over the slightest thing, people who have "mess with such and such and i will hunt you down" in their profiles, and a million other hateful things? 

    I want to live in your LS where its all bubblegum and cotton candy. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, DemonicSage said:

    i only said cultured since some country's views are different from others so it was a mention since japan's laws are a bit questionable. so as to why i said cultured is more over the controversy behind that. lol like i am not a dead on Hardcore anime enthused individual. i watch it based on some well known voice actors and got introduced by it like john young bosch and so on. it was more just a discussion and see where people's views are. it's not to raise brows on but i know some people argue that LL tos regulations seem translucent and it great to get other communities voices and opinions herd. 

    And yet, you and everyone else who uses SL agreed to follow US and California laws as applicable. Japans laws have nothing to do with SL. 

    • Like 4
  3. On this note, can anyone tell me why LL didn't charge my CC on file directly for my premium membership? I got a "warning" email about it.  

    On topic, this sucks. Raising exchange fees is wrong. You want more people to join and stay, dont charge them more to do so. The economy sucks enough without having to pay more and more for the luxury of using SL.

    • Like 13
  4. 3 hours ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    Actually, I didn't mean to really put them in the trash.  Trash can mean "it's done".  But, fortunately, they can be fixed.  

    Where I live the Goodwill recycles most electronics. 

    What is really making most trash rotten is the food bits and the plastic used diapers that make the trash unrecyclable.  Diapers need a different way to be disposed of, as does wet food waste like a banana peel for example.  The wetness creates rotting piles of mold, fungus, and just a horrible landfill of trash that is now nearly impossible to detoxify.   My grandparents had almost no trash.  Food bits, even coffee grounds went into the garden compost and they used cloth napkins and handkerchiefs and cloth diapers.  We are the instant generations causing all these garbage problems.  But, throwing diapers of poo-poo into a landfill really does need to stop.

    Oh, I wanted to add, I believe California will soon only allow dry trash to be thrown out.  Wet things are going to have to be dealt with another way.  I've seen articles where people in California are saying they will make their own compost.  

    There were about 2 billion people on the planet in the early part of last century, we have quadrupled the population in 100 years. I think that has more to do with the garbage issue than anything else.  Disposable diapers hit the mass market in 1961. That is not my generation. I was born 12 years later. Don't blame our generations on things that our parents and grandparents made popular. 


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  5. 7 hours ago, SorachaNicEoghain said:

    yay-help.gif.c0fc3bae06d57c4f8cc1c41c46b1db6c.gifBut also yes if you intend to do the slexy. No anonymous holiday romances in sl, you hear! *wags finger

    But still also no.. You do NOT have to voice to have SLex.. You do NOT have to do anything you dont want to. Voice is not the expected default. The only constant expected things in SL are: rolling restarts, Sim crossing issues, MP issues, griefers at sandboxes, and LL saying "All is well." 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  6. 55 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    I don't even know if threads like this are started to call all us female avi's here men or if they are started to find the ones who are on voice.  Heck, they'd get farther trying to ring up the ones who say they do voice then those who say they don't.  

    But, law of averages says all female avi's who don't voice are men is illogical and the probability of that being true is nil, and there are those who know they are wrong because we know we aren't a man simply because we don't voice.  Calling others liars is not okay.  It's not beating a dead horse.  I think threads like this are trolling or someone is looking for who they *can* "ring up".    

    This thread, the threads about merchants not selling with Mod rights, is it ok to play as a different gender than you are, and many many other threads are ALL beating dead horses. All of them. Everyone knows you are not forced to use voice, merchants can sell their items however they want, and you can be whatever you want in SL.

    No one here said that female avs who dont voice are all men. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    If the headset is working without any issues and the sound is still clear why on earth would you throw them away and buy a new set instead of just replacing the ear cushions?


    Please don't fall for the idea that you (general) must replace everything every year or two like the manufactures want you (general) to do so they can increase profits and keep you (general) poor(er). It isn't always "cheaper" to toss something still usable and buy a brand new one made from finite resources.

    Sorry, I just have a hard time watching people waste so much while the landfills bury us under garbage. 🥺


    I have two 12,000 BTU air conditioners that i picked up on trash day in my city.. They needed the filters cleaned. $500 a piece for free. People will throw away things that can be fixed for pennies. I have a stacked component stereo system that just needed a new belt for the record player. with 4 foot tall Bose speakers because they thought they wouldn't work with a new system.. 

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, HeathcliffMontague said:

    Agree with 99 % of what you say, but can't quite agree on the latter. There seems to be more and more viewing voice as the normal thing to do. Just basing that on having made an effort to go outside my regular places such as MCs (getting more and more prevalent there too, btw) and actually exploring the grid quite a lot. Just my observation, take it for what you will.

    Just because many people use voice does not mean you are forced to. If people in laces you go to refuse to respond to your typed messages, go elsewhere. They are the problem. 

    7 hours ago, HeathcliffMontague said:

    Just a bit curious though. What does voice bring to your SL that a non-SL voice would not? We seem to be speaking (as it were) totally past each other here.

    As a content creator, 90% of the time i am in SL i am working in various other programs as well. Voice gives me the ability to converse with people while i work. I dont have to watch the screen, type out a response and wait for a reply. I do have my name tagged in the settings to play a sound when its typed so i can respond to those that type. 

    There are many ways we can all converse in SL without people demanding you use one method or another. 

    There is also a little button on my headset cord to activate and deactivate my microphone, so you dont hear my kids or anything else going on in the background.

  9. 3 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:
    4 hours ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

    Never understood why the I hate voice threads. It's OPTIONAL

    If it puts you at some perceived disadvantage because your voice doesn't match your avatar, if thats a concern for you, or whatever other reason, there are so many places with text chat only in sl. 

    I'd hate to see voice be removed as an option because many of us do use it all the time.

    And... After telling us "voice haters" how "optional" it is, you then spam us with the tired old "if you don't voice it's because you're a man" voice-spammer meme.


    THIS is one of the reasons we hate voice, the way you "It's optional and we enjoy it" types KEEP TRYING TO CONVINCE US WE NEED TO USE IT.

    Interesting how your mind automatically went to her saying that if you dont voice with a female av you are a man, when she said nothing of the sort. She said "if your voice doesn't match your av." 

    I have recently been wearing Viking garb, tattoos, hair and beard. Doesn't mean i should have a Norse accent. Or be able to speak it fluently. 

    No one is trying to convince you to use voice. If the people you are around get bent that you have a male voice in a female av, that's their problem not yours. 

    I was making clothing at a sandbox in my female alt and was approached by some newb on voice asking if i wanted to go somewhere private. I popped on voice and said "sure babe, your place or mine?" He lost his mind. I laughed my butt off at his closemindedness. 


    You do you, Boo. And don't read into things so much. 

    • Like 2
  10. 17 hours ago, HeathcliffMontague said:

    Returned from a bit of gaming and established that yes, Doom-alikes is sorta a place for me. To take a break. Most recent Doom generations of course, but prefer the sneaky method to the all out one . Tried lots all in between, liked lots, but... Escape from Tarkov? Give me a break!  The voice there is just nuts. Please don't kill me? Nope, not my cup of tea. Prefer my inventory to be intact as well.

    More power to you if that is your thing, but like I said I SL is a place for me to breathe. Not just just to land, drink Red Bull for 24 hrs and either go on a rampage, raid or sneak up on an unsuspecting foe. Team or not. Prefer not.

    Now, more than ever in 2023, SL is not a game. For me. And a place to be quiet if I so choose.

    Newsflash, no one is saying you have to use voice. No one official anyway. Everything else is just an opinion. 

    Use voice, dont use voice. 

    Use a voice mod, dont use a voice mod. 

    Quit, don’t quit.

    Noodles, don’t noodles.

    You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There’s a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

    In simpler terms.  You do you, boo. No one cares if you do or do not use voice. 

    • Like 3
  11. 10 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    The blog post does say they want people to file jiras and/or report issues.  Not sure if anyone in any of the MP forum threads has done so.  

    I filed one this morning.. 

  12. On 3/3/2023 at 8:45 AM, Rowan Amore said:

    It's been an ongoing issue...


    Whats funny is the Grid Status page says there are no issues.  LL needs to get their act together.  

  13. 5 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    But Drake, I HATE voice....let me say it again...I effing HATE it and I want to rant.

    Every time I encounter people using voice they ignore the texters...they totally dominate the conversation.

    I hate voice in SL.

    I try extremely hard to converse with the typers in a group as well as voice people. Why kills me is when someone falls asleep with their mic on.. I really dont need to hear your snoring and sleep noises..

    2 hours ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    People do look to date here though and some even to take real life.  

    I was just thinking out loud the other day that voice *would* be fun *if* we could talk to people in our own local area.  If I were looking to date, that would be a cool feature to somehow have area codes.  However, what I'm saying sounds futuristic.  SL voice, as it is, is a dinosaur.  

    SL, to me, is a 3D virtual chat room and a building platform, at it's core.  Though much of the building is offline now.

    You can, find a sim or group that caters to your RL area. I was in one that was just people from the Boston area. It was fun, but got boring as we all talked about the same news, weather and goings on. I would much rather talk with people from around the world and hear about their news and country. 

    If i want a date, i will hit the local pub. 

    • Like 3
  14. On 2/25/2023 at 12:53 AM, HeathcliffMontague said:

    Before you assume I'm anti voice, I'm not. I use it. As one of the available SL tools I might use.


    And yet, this thread rapidly turned into an Anti-voice thread.  

    Personally, I don't care if you do or do not use voice. Every time these type of threads pop up it turns into a cr@pshow of negativity. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

    That's nothing.  Recently I wanted to buy one color (just one body was fine) of just some pants and it would have cost me 1200 lindens.  I wrote a long semi- rant questioning the FATPACK idea. Here is a snippet from that post.


    You could contact the creator and ask if they would sell you the one color.. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

    That's why the thread title is what it is. It takes a special kind of conceit for a creator to think their vision for a product is superior to their customers' ideas of what they can do to improve or adapt it for their needs.

    It's true those creators have every right to use the SL permissions system to limit their customers this way. And customers can buy or not buy with those rights. But the reason threads like this one keep cropping up is that both creators and customers don't always fully appreciate the consequences. I'm not going to recite a litany of all the ways no-mod permission unnecessarily limits the value customers can derive from a product; many of those were identified earlier in this thread.

    But I will mention one here: Future-proofing.

    We were down this path before with introduction of first generation Materials: Under ALM, stuff without material maps looked like warmed-over garbage compared to items with normal- and specularmaps applied, and no-mod stuff couldn't be rescued. Sure, we got what the creator sold, faithfully represented, but it was an embarrassment for those creators (or should have been). Now we're getting next generation (PBR) materials and we'll see the same thing all over again: stuff with baked lighting and reflections are going to get that warmed-over garbage look, with no-mod stuff again stranded with no possible rescue by customers.

    Check out the recent Second Life University "PBR Materials" video and note the brass and chrome doorknobs. Imagine you'd just bought that house no-mod; you'd have grounds for disappointment now as you realize how lame it's doomed to look and perform going forward.

    (Of course, even with Modify permissions, a creator with a particular take on "Materials" could create an inopportune mesh model so the end user can't practically take advantage of PBR, nor first-gen Materials for that matter. For this kind of future-proofing, Mod perm is absolutely necessary but may not be sufficient.)

    How, exactly, are you going to add the correct Normal and specular map to an item that is mod without the textures to make the normal and spec maps? For instance a dress that has a tight weave texture but no normal map on it. How do you add your own normal map that would line up with the dresses textures? Perhaps it has lace on the edging, a little silk on the cuffs. Several fabrics on one texture. Normal and specular maps have to be made with the texture or they wont work. 

  17. 9 minutes ago, Rick Daylight said:

    Another example from RL, one that is relevant, especially since someone mentioned the DMCA.

    The DMCA specifically allows the modification of software on a device by the purchaser under certain cirumstances, even when the maker does everything legally and physically in their power to stop it. Such things as modifying the software to allow it to be removed are allowable, or change its function in such a way that does not infringe on the copyright holder's rights. For instance, you can't modify it to make it installable and thus salable on another device, or to run pirated software, but you can modify it to allow you to install other, legally acquired software on it even if the maker doesn't want you to and has put blocks in place.

    So, arguing that the DMCA stops us having mod perms... no. Just no.

    Except by the ToS you do not have the ability to change what a creator has said, by the perms set, that you can not. 

    The DMCA also says a creator of digital media as rights to say what can be done with their creation. 

    1 minute ago, Rick Daylight said:


    So... you seem to be arguing against having mod-perms (if I read things right)...

    yet you buy CPUs because you can mod them?


    No, they are arguing that a creator has the right to set the perms how they wish. According to the ToS that you agreed to. 

    The sad part is this is all an argument between a customers wants and a creators rights.  Wants do not supersede rights. 

  18. 21 minutes ago, Rick Daylight said:

    Ahh.. that old chestnut. Please show me the laws you refer to that say something about that, legally applicable in my country, and how it appllies here in SL. If I buy a digital painting off a website, I can modify it to my heart's content. If I buy a digital music dowload, there is no law to say I can't modify the music and use it personally any way I see fit. Here in the UK I am legally entitled to even make a copy of it onto a different media... why? Because we were given that right by our government to stop the greedy music companies from having total control over our rights to use what we bought. I can't legally resell it; that's different. Why is it different here in SL... because you say so? (wait for it... "you can't compare anything anywhere else to SL because... well, you just can't!!!")

    The DMCA applies to the UK as well. You also agreed to follow US law as it applies to SL when you agreed to the ToS. If you want to argue laws you should really know what you are talking about when you try. 

    How about this, The SL ToS says what creators can set their items perms to. You complaining about it, hell hundreds of users complaining about it doesn't outweigh the creators rights. Ability does not equate to rights here, they have the RIGHT to sell their items how they wish. If you dont like that, buy from someone else. Getting your panties in a twist because someone doesn't sell their creations how you want them to is the absolute in arrogance. "YOU wont change your items for me!!!!" What's next. You gonna whine about what someone wears? Their mesh body choice? hair color? Where does it stop?

    When does it go back to, "Your world, Your imagination."  Don't tell creators what to do with their imaginations. 

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