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Fauve Aeon

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Posts posted by Fauve Aeon

  1. 1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

    ... thus relegating premium subscribers to the role of recurring event scribes in service to their basic account friends. Yay?

    For a small fee, ofc.

    I’m sure someone with a premium alt already plans to build a business on it, charging less than it costs for free accounts to make their events but enough to make a profit. The SL world revolves on micropayments so why not, I guess? 

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  2. On 1/8/2020 at 2:13 AM, Alwin Alcott said:

    wouldn't be wrong if something was added.. but it's just telling what everybody knows

    Not everyone knows to attach them on center as in the tutorial which at least lets them stay still instead of bobbing and flashing about as people’s avatar moves...and I think judging from the brightness sometimes, far from everyone knows you can make a very small and dim one...

    I’d still prefer none and will pay attention more to my venue lighting as I set it up now, include one brighter area, and make it clear that we don’t wear attached lights there...so for me this resurrection turned out to be useful. 

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  3. 55 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

    What I'd really love to have, is good, smooth voice-to-text and text-to-voice conversions. Maybe some day...

    OK here’s the thing though, except for with punctuation I think that my voice recognition does really well I’m actually using right now for dictation

    there aren’t any corrections on this post so this is my experiment and I think it works pretty well I don’t really feel like I’m speaking in a stilted tone and even if I make a boo-boo in the conversation context catches it and it will AutoCorrect


    (but yeah, I’d need to learn to insert the punctuation and capitals)

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  4. 14 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    I live in fear of accidentally having my mic ON and falling over laughing at such a thing again.

    If you voice a lot it WILL happen. the mic will get left on, things will be heard.

    I guess I’ve been lucky in my friends groups because anyone with the bad kinds of noises, someone who eats the mic or who doesn’t heed the social cues for decently polite conversation will get told about it, for sure. In work groups, one facilitator and time keeper is a good policy. But a blow-hard is going to do same in text as voice, and a whiner will type out their complaints and strangely, people are way more willing to tolerate it more and for longer in typed chat, but many will address and stop it sooner if it’s in voice. Odd, hm?

    • Like 1
  5. The first group of people I met inworld used voice in the group chat every day together...it was on just about everywhere we went together and even when we we were all spread out on the grid doing this or that on our own. It was fun, there was always someone on to gab with it seemed, and if you didn’t want to talk you just typed instead. 2-3 people always typed, never spoke but they listened and it was a good fit for the group. No one either felt compelled nor left out. Maybe because I jumped into voice right away, it didn’t ever really seem odd to speak to people in SL? Now I wonder.

    Today, one community I’m in doesn’t use voice at all, another actually talks a decent amount, types some and hosts a weekly bardic for singing and telling stories in voice and text, mixed. A third never types in chat at all, only the occasional short group notice. 

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    Voice is pointless for those of us who are deaf or have hearing loss and/or tinnitus.

    Very true. Text is less than useful for people with vision or motor skill hindrance who can’t read or type well or at all. There’s no one good  ‘way’. 

    • Like 1
  7. 48 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    Otherwise it's a cluster of people talking over each other, followed by another cluster of people saying, "Huh?", "What did you say?", and "Sorry, couldn't hear you,"

    In my experience, that sorts itself pretty quickly in a group as people attune to hearing the verbal cues and pauses of everyone and of course actually listen. Just an observance, I’m decidedly not about trying to convince anyone else that voice > text. 

    • Like 1
  8. Voice for sure is my preference. There are valid reasons for using either over the other according to the circumstances but my mantra for this as for most everything in 2020 is TPO, Time, Place, Occasion. I’m on voice a lot both with people who are also in voice and those who type only but listen. I’m fine either way but I communicate better and easier in voice. Especially if we are doing something, I don’t have to stop walking, building, sorting etc...to type. 

    Yep,  I’d use a facial recognition software IF I tested it and it returned valid representations. I use video chat with friends and for meetings so this seems like it would feel similar Not for just walking around, because it would not really be worth it for that...but for interactive things with other people where it could optionally add another layer? Sure, I’d give it a go. I do use my mesh head facial expression hud manually sometimes...observant people have noticed. 😉

    No smell-o-vision though please? 🙃 

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    • Haha 1
  9. Unicorn for attention image.jpeg.96289b6bfc904c3b5d5362713db4e30a.jpeg

    I don’t think it’s a status thing to subscribe with a premium account. Lots of people have multiple premium accounts, either for group land benefits or just to have several styles of Linden Homes to play with. There are people with free accounts who sublet entire islands, run clubs, lots of things are completely possible to do with a free account. I admit that I’m anticipating premium plus and will weigh those benefits as well. But I have my own fancy crowns, and I’ll rest on laurels of achievement if I want some kind of ‘cred’ in this ‘game’, thanks. 

    I do however really like my my premium benefits. I see it like this: my SL premium account is the same yearly cost as my old IPSY Beauty subscription box and monthly, less than the price of the pizza we order once in a while. So I think the value is good in comparison, lol...I actually cancelled my IPSY, so I don’t just keep subscriptions that I don’t think are worth the price. FLickr, you’re next under the microscope.

    Cost Breakdown on things that have a $ value assigned:

    • Tier: Linden Home OR a mainland 1024 = $7/month - $84/year. With my Linden Home, I can also reserve the Bellisseria Fairgrounds as well if I need a party space. 
    • Stipend: L$300/wk ~ $1.16/week ~ $60.32/year

    $140.32, so this value exceeds what I’m paying ($99/yr) by $41.32.

    My partner’s stipend is L$500/week so his is an even better value. Our combined household value for our 2 accounts is like so: $198/year spent on 2 premium memberships, we recieve a $325.30 total value, so it’s a value of $127.30 over what we pay in annually.

    these premium perks don’t have a $ value assigned:

    • preferred access slots on a region save me so much time, I don't usually have any waiting time for most things anymore. I rank this perk highest in the ones with no actual $ equivalencies. Time is money.
    • 70 groups, finally I have enough! And believe it or not, only 4 of those are taken up by shopping/individual store vip groups.
    • ability to purchase and rent land directly if I wish to, no middle-man or sublet needed. Mainland parcels or whole regions. We wanted to add more land to my partner‘s mainland 1024, so this was convenient. 
    • priority live support. Though I never have needed it, if I do, I’ll be glad it’s there for sure. When my partner bought/sold a region, and in doing a name change, it was all fast and easy and we knew what was going on in the timeline process. 
    • premium sandbox access. I’ve never been bothered or griefed in one, I’ll use one more in 2020, I think, because why not?
    • event listing for premium accounts will be L$10 per event or L$50 for a series of 12 listings, I think this feature is going to be very handy.
    • occasional exclusive gifts. What can I say, I like prezzies! I look forward to them and appreciate the effort to give us ongoing things as a perk. Like a Seasonal Mole Surprise Box benefit? Something like that...
    • 90 day transaction history saved vs 30 days for free accounts. Sometimes I forget to DL it so this has been useful to me for record keeping.

    So no, please don’t wish for a special ‘premium’ icon, go distinguish yourself in some meaningful way if recognition is what you wish. the best crowns are the invisible ones anyway.   



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  10. 10 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    It better not be since LL is charging basic accounts 50Ls to post a single event. That is 50Ls per event.

    It seems to be a premium perk only, the ability to schedule recurring events. L$50 for up to 12 in a sequence. You can see the options when you create your event while signed in as premium. 

    “Basic members will be charged L$50 to create an event listing while Premium members will pay L$10. On the heels of this change, we will introduce the ability for Premium members to schedule recurring events.“


  11. 31 minutes ago, Drayke Newall said:

    Wouldn't it be far better and easier to have a drop down box like the maturity settings so you don't have to constantly reselect the tick box and then refine search after every new search.

    Fun fact...I have set my maturity settings over and over. I’m age verified with payment on file and the settings continue to randomly default to ‘general’. It’s been that way since I joined in 2008. 

  12. I liked so many of the animations in my kimono AO’s that I mixed and matched many animations from them into an everyday AO in the Firestorm built-in and I wear it with my regular things. Very calm. 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, BelindaN said:
    3 hours ago, Eva Knoller said:

    Lucky! I have yet to meet a bento head that isn’t “me”. I already blew my budget for Jan and it’s only the 8th. 😅

    I would NEVER blow my monthly budget that quick............/me whistles nonchalantly.......  ;)


    Bud—-get? That’s some kind of anti-freedom spending restriction thingie isn’t it? 

    • Haha 7
  14. 20 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    Preferences > Graphics > Rendering > uncheck "Enabled Attached Lights (Face Lights)"

    This is what I do in Firestorm when I’m out and about, does it work in the SL viewer, I hope?

    Lots of people still do wear really strong ones that wobble around with their dances and AOs. But they are bright and noticeable for sure! 

  15. 17 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

    people slavishly recreating their actual Real Lives there?

    In SL, I’m a ballerina, a costume designer for performances, a merchant, a balloon pilot and daily jet setter inworld. I live in a literal palace, as one residence of a few. I wear fashion that might shatter a RL budget into pieces. I make art stuff in both places and pass it back and forth, making exhibit spaces that would cost mad ducats and a staff to mount RL. 

    But I made friends in kind of the same way as I do RL, hanging around places I like doing stuff I like, finding other people who like to do those things too. 

    • Like 2
  16. 18 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

    TLDR; bolded section..



    If...people use it when listing things, which is not any more enforceable than any other MP listing requirement without expending hours of employee time to follow up on all the reported miscategorised Gacha items. I’m not sure there is any consequences for listing mistakes/misuse now besides delisting something with a message to fix the listing, so I’m not sure there’s strong incentive. 

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  17. I’m still #teamNoFacelight at venues. I may wear 3-5 lights for posed photos so I know how to light myself from subtle to wow but I still don’t wear any light when I’m out and about.

    I think it’s definitely something to include in the posted dress code if you don’t want people to wear facelights to your venue, especially if you have a specific lighting setup. Absolutely don’t want them on audience members if there is a live performance or filming!

    • If everyone in the club wears a spotlight, even if the lights stay still it will produce a ton of extra lighting, which affects the surrounding area. 
    • My avatar’s skin is pale and I don’t show up with my face and body details any better than my darker skinned avatar sisters in a dark club unless I wear very contrasting makeup and then it’s super ghoulish, not good thing! Yes, available light will glance off any shine all of us have on heads and bodies but it’s not like RL skin and hair where someone paler shows up more in dimmer lighting. 
    • down-light isn’t very flattering at all. 
    • I think having one more lit up area for photos and spotlight dancing in a venue might work better for everyone. 

    still too much, for photos only:




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