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Haldir Meskin

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Everything posted by Haldir Meskin

  1. I just want to point out that somehow people have gotten the idea that tinies use deformers. They *do not*. Please squash this myth. While there is a free tiny in the library, is use to be common to use the animations from the free tinies you can get from Yadni's as they use the original animations created by Kage Seraph, the inventor of tinies. Many people have stood on those shoulders without giving proper credit.
  2. "Once mesh comes, SL will have all the same tools any professionally built game has..........wanna bet SL's graphics are still lower in quality? Same tools available (Photoshop, Maya, Blender, GIMP, Poser, DAZ3D, etc)" Not even close to the same tools available. Yeah, most pro shops use those tools to a large extent, but they also use totally custom apps, both standalone and built within, and on top of, those packages. Tools that the general populace won't get a chance to ever see, much less use, for sl content. I know people in here like to think they've figured out the universe of gaming because they've learned a few generic tools, but no.. you're not even close. Mesh isn't the holy grail, like some might think. It brings along a host of issues of it's own. Some things will look good, some not so much. For the added flexibility that mesh lends on creation, it takes away on modification. The only word you need to know is.. modular. Other than that, yeah, what Penny said. Spot on, on all points.
  3. It just blows my mind that somebody would think they would be entitled to some compensation for their works appearing for whatever reason in an advertisement or whatever for another product. Seems very non-business minded to me, like, that's FREE advertising guys. Some of it advertising so good you could NEVER buy it, and yet you moan that you weren't PAID for it?!? Say what? I can think of one avatar maker that got in a snit because some of his work was actually seen on tv (not gonna name names as I don't care to send business to him due to other past questionable/hypocritical behavior).. wow.. I wonder who all would have paid megabucks to be put in that position? Crazy world it is. Some people think so backwards it's ridiculous.
  4. "maybe we should all concentrate on those merchants who offer their items with " no copy" "allow transfer" option." Woah woah woah. Where did this "we" come from? I certainly have no intentions of concentrating on nc/trans items. Don't presume to speak for others. There are plenty of "us" that prefer our items to be of the copy variety, what with the asset server being what it is, and has been for years. Those less fortunate have the run of many, many freebie places where you can get outfitted in some perfectly suitable pixels. They want to wear the clothes that cost a whole dollar to buy, well then by golly they can deposit a dollar and buy them, or *gasp* learn to create something and sell it for the money.
  5. "What i understand is that the movie business these days uses 25 and 30 frames per second. Simply because the human/brain eye doesn't seem to be able to process more." You have misunderstood, or been given incorrect information. The movie business can get away with that low fps due to 2 things, motion blur, and the fact that the fps stays at a constant rate. We do not have those things in most real time rendered environments, thus more fps gives a noticeably better experience. We can see much more than 25-30fps. In fact it has been proven by the US Air Force that the limit is somewhere past 200fps. An interesting article is here... http://amo.net/NT/02-21-01FPS.html
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