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Victoria Lenoirre

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  1. I checked, the search removal option now works. Yes, I know about the Movelock but at the time I didn't think it was an issue. Now I see that it was because there were little signs that he is a toxic person.
  2. I hope he will get tired of my lack of response. But some people try to provoke me. I am usually not the type to show much emotion especially when someone gets mad. This is a good idea! I also am removing my name from search. I found this option in Firestorm. Thank you!
  3. So I would need to provide evidence that he is a menace to get him in hot water? I hope it doesn't come to that, but I will lay low. And if I get other harassing IMs, will AR again. The jerk does not know how to shut up or calm down, so upset about a game....like really? Thank you.
  4. I am being harassed by an ex-friend for the 2nd night in a row. He has sent me mean, unwanted messages. He's being offensive. I have ARed him twice. Can I report him for griefing if I do not have proof from the pushes/bumps meter? He has a griefing tool that can lift an avatar many meters up and then send them flying away. One time he sent me around 100 meters away from my original location. At first it was funny, then it wasn't. This person has alts. We met through that game, Tiny Empires. I left his "kingdom" and he got sooo very angry with me. Last night he wrote "you deserve anything that comes to you". How many reports do I create until someone stops him? Do we want someone like this inworld who will harass and harass if he's not happy? He seems to like to target women. I even wonder if he would try to hack into my accounts (my alts are only used for Tiny Empires and building) and try to get them banned? So I will have to be on a password-change schedule. Any advice, please?
  5. I've been using Qavimator for a month or so. I really like the interface and find it easy to learn, except when working wit arm positioning. I want to do some dance animations. How many frames can I use? Minimum and maximum number of frames? Also, is there a way to have 2 models in Qavi? Thanks!
  6. Mickey said: Talking inworld, most people have never even heard of redzone. But you can betcha these people dropped their IP address in several locations over the last six months. Hate the fact that they don't have a clue. They don't know? Last night a good friend was detected by redzone by the next sim over. She got a popup or something. So she tp'd out as fast as she could. She has alts, as do I, but they're only for managing land and working. I should wear my Green Zone hud more often.
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