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Everything posted by Zarithiel

  1. A, the new rules are fantastic. My housemates and I no longer have to deal with people who push the line because we can point to Linden policy. I also noticed that in the other adult roleplay sim I play in, there's been a sharp drop in a stars that look are trying to push the line.
  2. Interesting. I found a video thing that has a visual difference between a working class corset and the kind the wealthy wore for the Edwardian figure. https://youtube.com/shorts/N8AozMsTLOw
  3. I'm a bit confused. Nonbinary is a gender identity not a physical sexual characteristic. Do you mean androgynous?
  4. As part of my general education for my engineering and art degree I had to take a humanities class on Race, Ethnicity, and/or Gender. I found one that was basically an examination of the kyriarchy. (Kyriarchy is an intersectional feminist system of oppression that encompasses sexism, racism, ableism, ageism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Catholicism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, classism, xenophobia, economic injustice, the prison-industrial complex, colonialism, militarism, ethnocentrism, speciesism, linguicism and other forms of dominating hierarchies in which the subordination of one person or group to another is internalized and institutionalized.) Among the topics we discussed in this class was femininity, feminine beauty standards, ageism, and the infantalization of women, and how it's a system of oppression. Here is a recent article in a blind peer reviewed scholarly journal on the subject that explains it better than I could. But there is a very strong correlation between modern western (and some eastern) beauty standards and youth, to the point that as a society ladies spend huge amounts of money trying to look younger so they are more beautiful, going so far as to inject paralyzing toxins into their faces and having invasive surgeries to look younger. And we don't really question it, or think about it, but as a society we subconsciously and collectively inflict and oppress both ourselves and others with these standards. So it's totally understandable that a lady who wants to be pretty and cute subconsciously makes her avatar look younger. But it's also understandable that others may clock that push towards youthfulness as being under 18 and be uncomfortable with it for their own protection. This is especially so if that person is an adult sim owner/estate manager or plays in adult spaces. I think it's important to recognize and be mindful of the correlation between youthfulness and beauty when it comes to making an avatar if you are concerned with being reported. As an aside, I keep seeing people being hyper judgemental of the height of others while often claiming they're being discriminated against for their own height. And yes, some people in SL will judge based on height for lack of knowledge or ability to articulate the issue. Imagine someone who is obviously an adult. Let's say, Beyonce. Now, let's say Beyonce, shaped entirely like Beyonce was ten feet tall or three meters. She's still an adult. Right? Now let's say we have Beyonce shaped like Beyonce but she got hit by a shrink ray and now she's 6 inches or like 10cm tall. She's still an adult. At any height, a whole adult Beyonce is still a whole adult Beyonce. Now, imagine a young Macaulay Culkin straight out of the first Home Alone movie. He's a kid. That's how he's shaped. It doesn't matter if you grab an image of him and make him ten feet tall or six inches tall. He's still a kid in that movie. If you had a toddler who was house sized, that's still a toddler. It's not height, it's proportions. And I'm not talking 36-24-36 style proportions, but head unit proportions, like we folks in the art world use. This tool uses idealized proportions (8 heads tall instead of 7.5 which is apparently the height of an average human. (The adult human head is like 7-9 inches tall, so 5 ft 7 in on the generous side.)) seen in Greek sculptures to create a calculator for modern sculptors to scale their sculptures. Your avatar can be 7-9 heads tall and be one foot tall or ten feet tall or ten thousand feet tall and still be a whole adult. The problem I often see with the avatars of the, "I want to be short and cute and my real life height everyone else is just a giant," crowd who then worry about being clocked as a minor isn't their height. It's that they scaled down their sliders but didn't scale down their heads to match making themselves unintentionally 5-6 heads tall, which is incidentally seen in someone who is like 6-12 years old. And some folks are seeing this and something in their brain is saying something's not quite right but they can't put their finger on it so they assume it's height. And the fix for this is super simple: Scale down the head a little. Measure if you're really concerned. That's it. But what do I know? I'm one of those fantasy creatures people judge, deride, and look down their noses at for being tall. And yes an avatar age check station is not really tenable.
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