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Posts posted by TenMell0w

  1. Hey all, 

    For those of you who have made a number of outfits... & then later started using RLV and created '.outfits' there...

    How are you (for lack of a better word) 'syncing' them, or maintaining some form of relation between the items in your 'Outfits/[OutfitName]' and '#RLV/.outfits/[OutfitName]' folder - or do you not?? I really like the idea of being able to switch my outfits by a chat command (eg: te wear outfitname), but just curious how you all are going about that.. if at all? 

    I still use the defaults 'Outfits' folder as its easier to Save\adjust current a new ones using the Outfits menu (in Firestorm) but then to take that one step further and sync it to an RLV/.outfits would be amazing!! 

    The thought of being able to change outfits using a chat command sounds really appealing to me and I'd find it easier (and quicker) to change by using the command, than scrolling through my inventory. 

    Note: This post is not asking for help on how to use outfits in RLV, it's more about the management of the content.


  2. Hey everyone,

    Wanted to let you all know about Body Talk... pretty sure it's my new favorite spot, as i find myself her more than often than not! It’s still a fairly new venue (maybe a month??) and not as well known yet, but it's an amazing bar, and I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I do. Please check it out! :) 

    The atmosphere is vibrant and lively, and unlike many places, people here actually engage in public chat rather than just sticking to IM's which is genuinely refreshing to hang out with others who are really talking and interacting! The layout is great, with a bar area and plenty of seating to watch the dancers. Speaking of which, the dancers are stunning!! Seriously!! You can tell that a lot of effort has gone into their avatars, and it shows (or the owner is just that selective!)! 😜 ... either way... I love that!! 

    I’ve met some fantastic people and had some awesome nights (and days!) here. It’s quickly becoming, it not already, my go-to hangout spot!! 

    Hope to see you there soon! :)

    SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pitcairn/155/27/23

  3. 14 hours ago, Cristalle Karami said:

    There is a box of useful Legacy things and inside the box is a box of auto-positioners that you can attach to every outfit, so you don't need the HUD and you don't need to save the feet in any particular state.  These auto-detach.  The Box is the MeshBody Welcome Box.  

    The info here from you and others has been invaluable here!! Thank you to you and @Ze Helix... i just took the time to create 5 transparent, but very small objects, each containing a diff foot position\height script and saved them with each of my outfits. All 5 set to attach to RIGHT hand foot, as the feet are set to LEFT hind foot. So now instead of having multiple same-named 'feet' objects per height, it's a single 'foot' worn (and a single foot to manage) with all outfits along with the correct height for the shoes in each outfit. 


    I also started the names of each of my heights the same as the feet, so I can quickly see both together in my current outfit...

    'Good Times!' for sure here... and while there are still annoyances with my avatar here and there... the feet are no longer one of them! 😜 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    You make copies of the feet.  Set one to high, one to mid, one to flat.  Then, wear those copies with the correct height for the outfit.  Save the outfit.  You wear the flats copy with another outfit,  save that outfit.  


    1 hour ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

    "[FEET] Legacy (f) (Classic Fit) (1.6)" is what you are looking for.

    You can copy this item into your outfit and wear the copy then use the Legacy HUD (you don't need to copy this, it'll just work on whatever copy of the feet you are wearing) to set the foot shape. Then whenever you wear that specific copy of "[FEET] Legacy (f) (Classic Fit) (1.6)" it will still have the foot shape set :)

    It's a shame you often cannot rename copies like this though, would make managing things a ton easier... when this is the case I often copy variations of objects into subfolders to aid in finding and using them later in outfits.

    GOT IT!!!! Thank you BOTH so so much!! Granted, its not the most intuitive way of going about this, (but then again, when is anything to do with your inventory in SL!?) but I'll take it as it works! 😜 

    I now have 3 "same name"  'copies' of the "[FEET] Legacy (f) (Classic Fit) (1.6)" and i'm using the respective one in each of my outfits. The ability to NOT RENAME your inventory is BEYOND FRUSTRATING!! Not just for the foot shapes, but.. so many other things. I get that you can't MODIFY items, but there really should be a separation of 'item (content) modification' and 'item renaming'. 

    Thank you both again! :)

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    There should be another folder that has the body in it.  That's the Create folder.

    The male body has attached feet/hands while the female does not. 

    Just done a re-delivery and put the body, feet and hands on. I've looked through the rest of the contents here and i'm not seeing each foot pose as 'individual items' - or something that will get me closer. 


    Even looked in the 'Legacy Fit deformers' and didn't see it there either... :(


  6. 12 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Doesn't Legacy still have separate feet and hands?  If so, you can save a COPY of the correct feet in the outfit folder instead of a link to the original.

    Ahhh... Are you referring to these?? ... if so, then permissions on my shoes won't allow for me to drop them into the shoe. (ie: the shoe's content tab). Maybe its something else?? 


    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Doesn't Legacy still have separate feet and hands?  If so, you can save a COPY of the correct feet in the outfit folder instead of a link to the original.

    Ah! That would make sense and I totally get what you're saying, but... not seeing them in my current unpacked Legacy body items. Could you point me it the direction of where they are? I bought my legacy body about 3 months ago, so it might be possible i may need a redelivery for this.

  8. Hi all, 
    Is is possible to SAVE a foot position in the Legacy HUD with a foot position?


    ... and now for the tl:dr;

    Legacy HUD feet positions:

    I have several outfits. Some have heels, some just regular sneakers and some i'm just barefoot. While I'm aware of the height adjusting needs when it comes to standing on the floor 'properly', this is a separate issue & i'd love to know if there is a way to save the foot positioning of the Legacy body with an outfit.

    If there isn't an elegant solution to this.. what are some workaround that you doing to accomplish this? Right now, whenever i change outfits, i'm constantly having to go into my HUD and adjust the foot shape to account for the different shows I'm wearing, and there HAS TO BE A WAY to do this.. right??

    Even if the solution involves something from the MP... please, let me know! I'll pay for a solution to this annoyance. 


  9. Hey all, 

    Is it possible to somehow link an AO Set that you can create and configure in Firestorm with an outfit that you can set and configure via the #RLV\.outfits folder? 

    Use Case: I have multiple outfits configured via RLV and by typing te wear [myoutfitname] the outfit changes as expected, but I then have to MANUALLY change the AO set, to match the 'persona of' the outfit I have changed into, and honestly.. sometimes I forget to do it.  

    I have tried copying the #FireStorm\#AO\[AO_Set_Name] and pasting it 'as a link' in the RLV\.outfits\[outfitname] folder, but this does not work. 

    Anyone ever been able to get this work; and if so, how? If i have to buy a script off the MP to do this, then i'll buy it! 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    I normally use the foot height adjusters that come with my body.  I make a copy, adjust for a specific shoe and then tuck that into the shoe folder.  I don't make outfits but you could then easily have the correct height for any specific shoe saved in the outfit.

    Thank you! I'll take a look at this approach and try to figure that out! 

  11. 4 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

    Sure, just save a specific shape with that outfit.

    Of course the best way to adjust hover height quickly (in Firestorm at least, I assume other viewers have it) is to right click your avatar for the pie menu thing > appearance > hover height. I have this window open constantly since SL requires so many hover height adjustments. This window is separate from the "hover height" in your shape.

    Hi! This is what i'm doing currently. Looking for a way to automate this. (Set height value based on outfit i change into). 

  12. Hey all, 

    Quick post here for a quick question...

    Is it possible to SAVE your hover height WITH an outfit?? I find that with certain outfits i'm having to  adjust my height so that I'm 'standing properly' on the floor, each time I change. If this is possible, I would love to know the trick to it! I'll even accept a 'workaround' or 'non-elegant' solution, or even a paid script from the marketplace for this, as its driving me mad! lol 

    I am NOT wearing any kind of specific 'show base' object, that would force my avatar to be taller\shorter, but i do wear high heels with some outfits. 

    Thank you. 


  13. On 4/23/2024 at 4:01 PM, niko89bg said:

    For me finding good pair of pants for my avatar is a big struggle. I still haven't found a good pair. They either look bad, cheap or are laggy. Guess I will walk around without pants :D

    I just picked up a couple of colors of the Kojima Jeans at Deadwool. Really like them so far! :)

    You should grab a demo and check them out! 

    • Like 2
  14. 2 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I think Gabriel has good quality mens clothing, if you like their styles. There are others, but since I don't use my male alt much, I can't remember the store names. I suggest joining the L'Homme Magazine group to find quality mens items. I consider it to be kind of the GQ magazine of SL.

    Thanks for the recommendations and I have just now joined L'Homme Magazine group! May even join their Discord too! 👌🏽

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    A few ways that quality clothing might be defined in SL:

    There is no break-through showing the body under mesh clothing when the avatar is in commonly represented positions.

    The clothing shows realistic texture and shading, especially creases and pleating.

    There is minimal stretching of textures when the avatar moves.

    BOM or system layer clothing has clean lines at its edges and wraps realistically where the edges of textures meet.

    Damn!! You nailed it! haha.. YES to all of the above! 

    I do agree with you though @Sid Nagy... Just because an item is expensive... that doesn't necessarily deem its 'quality', but yeah.. If you take this list @Persephone Emerald wrote out... I don't think I could have laid out my idea of 'quality' any better!! 👍🏽

    • Thanks 1
  16. This is awesome!!! Thank you so much for the info! 👍🏽:)

    I've re-arranged my outfits (in terms of their contents) similar to how you have. One BASE (Naked) avatar, and then outfits that include ONLY the clothing (and yes, all links!) & the HUD's for the items that I'd want to modify based on the outfit i'm wearing that item with. 

    Additionally, I've added my HUD's to the 'Favorite items' window in FS! - Can't believe I missed this feature... That's a defo game changer for sure! 🤩

    Still not sure on the 'diff Alpha layer setups for particular outfits', but I'll continue to figure out an elegant solution for that one tonight. 

    • Like 1
  17. 4 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    ...outfit folders that simply have the links to clothing items (shoes, accessories etc) you Add to your avatar (or Remove to get naked again). ...

    Interesting!!! So, each of my outfits contain my 'body its parts and its clothing', and i do 'Replace' on every Outfit change, but I understand your 'Add to avatar' on the every change logic completely!! So, I'll give that a shot! I was honestly torn between doing it my current, and your way, at the start... just opted for the opposite of what you're doing! 🤪

    I also use the FS veiwer and I do utilize the 'AO Sets' panel a lot but, OMG... Favorite Wearable Items!! Thanks for that tip!! AMAZING!! I think this may have 'solved' my minor inconvenience that I was alluding to with the HUD's. Still, I wish the 'current setting' of the clothing was stored with 'the out fit', but this feature AND adding some hud's to certain outfits, is a great way to minimize the 'frustration' i was having, so again... Thank you!! 🫶🏽

    While I have your attention too... How do i store a particular mesh body Alpha config with an outfit?? Is that possible? (I'm using Sig Gianni)

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    Lapointe & Bastchilde, A&P, hoorenbeek (spelling??), and there's some at toksik as well. Those were my go-to stores when I was getting my male alt all fitted up, and if a guy asks me in world, but that was a few years ago now, and I actually haven't spent money on his clothes in three years maybe, I'm sure there are more quality menswear these days. At least I hope so.

    For women, the list is endless. I could list at least 20 amazing women's clothing stores just for outer wear. \o/

    Thanks for this! I do have a couple of times from L&B and Hoorenbeek, but haven't heard of the other 2, so I will check them out! 👍🏽

    & Yes... there are soooo many places for female avatars!! Very similar to RL in some regards there for sure!! 😆

    • Like 1
  19. My preference is individual items for each color, not a 'single item with pallette', as I like to create outfits. 
    1 outfit will have a WHITE top, the other will have a BLACK top. Easy. done. 
    Reason: It's a little frustrating that the color of the 'single' garment is 'the last one i set it to' as its stored\set in the HUD, so each time I change outfits, I then have to load the HUD and change it. Sure, its a 'minor' inconvenience (all things considered), but little things like that will turn me off particular purchases. 

    Hope that helps!

    • Like 1
  20. Hey all, 
    I shop at (mostly) Cold-Ash & Deadwool. I would say a good portion of my inventory is from these 2 stores. They fit my Sig Gianni body amazingly well and I would (personally) consider them 'high-end'! Problem is though... at the rate i'm buying clothes.. I'll end up with ALL both have to offer soon, so i'm now looking for other stores of this 'caliber'. I've looked but finding them is either proving difficult or i'm just to picky?? 😊

    So i'm here asking you all for some suggestions on some stores to check out that offer the same level of quality I get at ColdAsh & Deadwool for male clothes.



    • Like 1
  21. Hey all, 
    I shop at (mostly) Cold-Ash & Deadwool. I would say a good portion of my inventory is from these 2 stores. They fit my Sig Gianni body amazingly well and I would (personally) consider them 'high-end'! Problem is though... at the rate i'm buying clothes.. I'll end up with ALL both have to offer soon, so i'm now looking for other stores of this 'caliber'. I've looked but finding them is either proving difficult or i'm just to picky?? 😊

    So i'm here asking you all for some suggestions on some stores to check out that offer the same level of quality I get at ColdAsh & Deadwool for male clothes.



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