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Everything posted by TenMell0w

  1. I just picked up a couple of colors of the Kojima Jeans at Deadwool. Really like them so far! You should grab a demo and check them out!
  2. Thanks for the recommendations and I have just now joined L'Homme Magazine group! May even join their Discord too! πŸ‘ŒπŸ½
  3. Damn!! You nailed it! haha.. YES to all of the above! I do agree with you though @Sid Nagy... Just because an item is expensive... that doesn't necessarily deem its 'quality', but yeah.. If you take this list @Persephone Emerald wrote out... I don't think I could have laid out my idea of 'quality' any better!! πŸ‘πŸ½
  4. This is awesome!!! Thank you so much for the info! πŸ‘πŸ½ I've re-arranged my outfits (in terms of their contents) similar to how you have. One BASE (Naked) avatar, and then outfits that include ONLY the clothing (and yes, all links!) & the HUD's for the items that I'd want to modify based on the outfit i'm wearing that item with. Additionally, I've added my HUD's to the 'Favorite items' window in FS! - Can't believe I missed this feature... That's a defo game changer for sure! 🀩 Still not sure on the 'diff Alpha layer setups for particular outfits', but I'll continue to figure out an elegant solution for that one tonight.
  5. Interesting!!! So, each of my outfits contain my 'body its parts and its clothing', and i do 'Replace' on every Outfit change, but I understand your 'Add to avatar' on the every change logic completely!! So, I'll give that a shot! I was honestly torn between doing it my current, and your way, at the start... just opted for the opposite of what you're doing! πŸ€ͺ I also use the FS veiwer and I do utilize the 'AO Sets' panel a lot but, OMG... Favorite Wearable Items!! Thanks for that tip!! AMAZING!! I think this may have 'solved' my minor inconvenience that I was alluding to with the HUD's. Still, I wish the 'current setting' of the clothing was stored with 'the out fit', but this feature AND adding some hud's to certain outfits, is a great way to minimize the 'frustration' i was having, so again... Thank you!! 🫢🏽 While I have your attention too... How do i store a particular mesh body Alpha config with an outfit?? Is that possible? (I'm using Sig Gianni)
  6. Places in the sales are really hit and miss for me, as I find that the majority of what is being sold is older gear, but.. that said.. I will check them out again, to see if i haven't missed a hidden gem! Thanks!
  7. Thanks for this! I do have a couple of times from L&B and Hoorenbeek, but haven't heard of the other 2, so I will check them out! πŸ‘πŸ½ & Yes... there are soooo many places for female avatars!! Very similar to RL in some regards there for sure!! πŸ˜†
  8. My preference is individual items for each color, not a 'single item with pallette', as I like to create outfits. 1 outfit will have a WHITE top, the other will have a BLACK top. Easy. done. Reason: It's a little frustrating that the color of the 'single' garment is 'the last one i set it to' as its stored\set in the HUD, so each time I change outfits, I then have to load the HUD and change it. Sure, its a 'minor' inconvenience (all things considered), but little things like that will turn me off particular purchases. Hope that helps!
  9. Hey all, I shop at (mostly) Cold-Ash & Deadwool. I would say a good portion of my inventory is from these 2 stores. They fit my Sig Gianni body amazingly well and I would (personally) consider them 'high-end'! Problem is though... at the rate i'm buying clothes.. I'll end up with ALL both have to offer soon, so i'm now looking for other stores of this 'caliber'. I've looked but finding them is either proving difficult or i'm just to picky?? 😊 So i'm here asking you all for some suggestions on some stores to check out that offer the same level of quality I get at ColdAsh & Deadwool for male clothes. Thanks. TM.
  10. Hey all, I shop at (mostly) Cold-Ash & Deadwool. I would say a good portion of my inventory is from these 2 stores. They fit my Sig Gianni body amazingly well and I would (personally) consider them 'high-end'! Problem is though... at the rate i'm buying clothes.. I'll end up with ALL both have to offer soon, so i'm now looking for other stores of this 'caliber'. I've looked but finding them is either proving difficult or i'm just to picky?? 😊 So i'm here asking you all for some suggestions on some stores to check out that offer the same level of quality I get at ColdAsh & Deadwool for male clothes. Thanks. TM.
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