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Everything posted by BriannaLovey

  1. Something simple like this bool gpu_is_intel_gpu() { std::string gpu_name = gFeatureManager.getGPUString(); boost::algorithm::to_lower(gpu_name); return gpu_name.contains("intel"); } void configure_texture_multithreading_thingy() { gSavedSettings.setBool("RenderGLMultiThreadedTextures", !gpu_is_intel_gpu() ); } would alleviate the need for the user to disable an obscure debug setting in order for the viewer to perform optimally. But nope, why bother testing stuff when you can just wait for users to run into problems and deal with it later?
  2. If this were any other company, they would have already tested out a variety of hardware with this and determined which hardware to enable/disable it with. Unfortunately this is not the case. As for what RenderGLMultiThreadedTextures actually does, it uses multithreading to load textures into memory. The performance gain for this is going to depend more on your CPU, internet connection, and disk read/write speed than your GPU. PCIe bandwidth for your GPU connection will of course be a factor too, but most motherboards use 16x.
  3. This will likely never happen unless LL tears everything down and starts from scratch. Which they already tried with Sansar, and it didn't go very well.
  4. It isn't an either/or. Ceka explained the problem quite well though: The more laws are created, the more difficult and expensive it becomes to navigate the growing labyrinth that is the legal system. Monopolistic and near-monopolistic entities have the incentive to keep pushing for expansions of the law in order to further fortify their monopolies in their respective industries. Appealing to the safety of children is the most low-hanging fruit as far as manufacturing public consent for this goes, since it takes advantage of our deep-seated parental instincts.
  5. Yep. LL is going to capitulate to any jurisdiction that their target demographic exists within. I don't have children, but if I did I would likely limit their Internet access to a bare minimum set of whitelisted sites/software. No amount of laws will be able to truly protect children from the horrors of the Internet if they cannot be enforced.
  6. Since 6.6.17 probably won't be maintained anymore by the Firestorm team: If you are still having this issue, would you mind clicking on the "View Report Details" button and pasting the text here?
  7. Could go either way. I have no idea which they will choose.
  8. Imagine if this was done in real life...oh wait. https://www.motorbiscuit.com/new-law-allegedly-could-allow-police-shut-down-vehicle-universal-kill-switch/
  9. Not different at all, but there is no guarantee that they will use existing premium branding, or even put it in the same package as premium. Doing so would be optimal as far as marketing goes, but it would also mean not being able to extract as much revenue.
  10. They won't be using their own implementation, so it should go smoothly.
  11. Since Vivox is only built for Windows and MacOS, getting it to work on Linux is more trouble than it is worth. So it hasn't been worth the trouble for me. Now though, I will probably turn it on to listen to people who do use it if they prefer not to type. I don't like talking on voice myself since I am better at typing and don't want to disrupt those around me IRL. In general regardless of whether or not you use voice, it is always good to reduce reliance on proprietary dependencies.
  12. My prediction is that access to non-Apple-friendly adult content on SL will eventually become locked behind a subscription service as age verification laws are created in more jurisdictions.
  13. You may not be safe there either, unless LL provides the option for the viewer to be downloaded outside the Play store. Or if they release the source code to it and allow us to compile our own, which is also unlikely for reasons I won't go into now.
  14. SL's rigged mesh implementation is still done on the CPU, whereas other games use the GPU for it. If you are in an area with lots of other people with high-poly rigged mesh, this is at least part of why you will experience lower performance.
  15. Removing paywalls is trivial with archive.is: https://archive.is/QayRZ
  16. I am just pointing out the incentives here. As I have said elsewhere, the child nudity ban is a canary in the coal mine for other things to come.
  17. Blame Apple and Google. LL wants to sanitize their platform in order to get it listed on the mobile cyber-cattle stores in order to get more money (as businesses tend to pursue,) and they supposedly frown on child nudity (as well as lots of other stuff in SL) quite a bit.
  18. Closed-source software in general is always going to be a security issue if the software developer cannot be held accountable.
  19. They reap what they sow. Firestorm had superior UX and features to the official viewer, so many people used it. Why didn't LL adapt based on what their users wanted? Who knows.
  20. I run on 8GB of RAM all the time, works fine as long as I don't maximize my draw distance and keep ALM turned off.
  21. Adult content will eventually become a subscription service in tandem tightening of age verification policy.
  22. I can't say I like it at all, but I definitely see things heading in this direction.
  23. This guy thinks you need a gaming PC to play Minecraft; best to not take his opinion too seriously.
  24. Again I ask. If this was really the case, then why not block 6.6.17 like was done with previous releases?
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