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  1. Op here while yes I did used AI it's mostly because code stress me a little such is when I see huge amounts of text. Tough thanks to ai I was able to understand and sometimes write code a bit. Not intense code but yeah this is how I began.
  2. Hi ! I'm actually looking for a scripter for 2 thing. The first one would be a public, private addition to a script i have already made (basically a owner system, add and remove) The other one is that i know the is Ai bot that can act as a Sub to you aka these (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Submissive-Doll-Gynoid-Fembot-AI-RLV-Control-System-Now-with-ChatGPT-Its-Not-Mine-and-Nanite-Interfaces/21703124) but what about the opposite ? Would there be a way to using a chatGPT ba se to create a bot that could interact with Open Collar or cuff or any RLV similar to what this does https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RF-Fairy-Bot/10187508 (tough this doesnt have chatGPT) It doesn't need to be ChatGPT but i'm just use to it
  3. Ok i tought i rewrote it ok but it still doesn't work. Tough this time it seem to at least be able to read OwnerID as in I can access the menu and i'm the UUID provide here . //These are the setting that you could change if need be. // float maxArousal; // Denial level value // Parameters for vibration levels float RedLevel; float YellowLevel; float GreenLevel; // Parameters for vibration sounds string RedSound; string YellowSound; string GreenSound; key OwnerID; //===== Do not change !! ====// string notecardName = "Config"; // Put name of notecard to process in quotes. // Put all the headings for your config notecard here: list listNotecardHeadings=[ "[Vibration]", "[Sounds]", "[General]" ]; // Leave the rest of these glabal varibles alone. // script-wise, the first notecard line is line 0, the second line is line 1, etc. integer notecardLine=0; key dataQueryId; key headingQueryId; list listNotecardData=[]; string strNotecardHeading=""; integer bDataserverReady=TRUE; string strTimerReason; // The reason the timer is being used. integer iNotecardHeadingNo=0; list buttons = ["Vibe level", "Denial"]; list vibrationButtons = ["OFF", "Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Back"]; // Added "Back" button list denialButtons = ["OFF", "ON", "Back"]; // Added "Back" button string dialogInfo = "\nChoose the vibration level :"; string denialInfo = "\nChoose if you want the denial option:"; string dialogMenu = "\nChoose your options."; integer denialON; integer menuMaxCounter = 60; integer menuCounter; integer menuOpen = FALSE; key owner; key ToucherID; string currentsound =""; float currentvolume = 0.0; float currentanimspeed; integer RATE = 7; // Animation rate (speed) integer FRAMES_X = 4; // Number of frames horisontally integer FRAMES_Y = 4; // Number of frames vertically integer ALL_FRAMES = 16; // Number of all frames integer FACE = ALL_SIDES; // Animation face (ALL_SIDES or Face number) integer dialogChannel; integer listenHandle; float currentPAamount = 0.0; // We all start from zero arousal float closeness; //avatar arousal state integer menuPage = 0; CloseMenu() { llListenRemove(listenHandle); menuOpen = FALSE; menuPage = 0; } ShowMenu(integer page) { menuCounter = menuMaxCounter; llListenRemove(listenHandle); listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", ToucherID, ""); if (page == 0) //main { llDialog(ToucherID, dialogMenu, buttons, dialogChannel); } else if (page == 1) //vibes { llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, vibrationButtons, dialogChannel); } else if (page == 2) //denial { llDialog(ToucherID, denialInfo, denialButtons, dialogChannel); } } // bool fnCheckNotecard() integer fnCheckNotecard() // You can leave this function alone. { // Check the notecard exists, and has been saved if (llGetInventoryKey(notecardName) == NULL_KEY) { llOwnerSay( "Notecard '" + notecardName + "' missing or unwritten"); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } // this is called from dataserver fnProcessData() // Put your own code in this function to process the notecard code. { llSay(0, "Processing lines from " + notecardName + " " + "section " + strNotecardHeading); // use if else statments to seperate code for processing diffrent sections of the notecard: if (strNotecardHeading=="[General]") { llSay(0, "Processing General!"); } else { llSay(0, "Not processing General."); } // while loops can be used to go through all the lines of data in your section. integer i = 0; integer length = llGetListLength(listNotecardData); while (length > i) { llOwnerSay( "Line: " + (string)i + " " + llList2String(listNotecardData, i) ); ++i; } } // This is the function that starts the reading and processing of the notecard. fnInitReadData() { // Cleanup: notecardLine=0; listNotecardData=[]; strNotecardHeading=""; integer length = llGetListLength(listNotecardHeadings); if (length > iNotecardHeadingNo) { strNotecardHeading = llList2String(listNotecardHeadings, iNotecardHeadingNo); ++iNotecardHeadingNo; headingQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName, notecardLine); // this line runs asynchronously } else { iNotecardHeadingNo=0; bDataserverReady=TRUE; // for testing, you can comment out. llSay(0, "Dataserver done"); } } default { changed(integer change) { if (change == CHANGED_OWNER || change == CHANGED_INVENTORY) { if ( fnCheckNotecard() ) { llSay(0, "reading notecard named '" + notecardName + "'."); if (bDataserverReady==FALSE) { llSay(0, "to bad. Dataserver not ready. Try again."); } else { fnInitReadData(); } } else { llOwnerSay( "Notecard '" + notecardName + "' missing or unwritten"); } } } state_entry() { OwnerID = llGetOwner(); llSetTimerEvent(1.0); dialogChannel = -1 - (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString( (string)llGetKey(), -7, -1) ); llSetLinkTextureAnim (LINK_SET, ANIM_ON | LOOP, FACE, FRAMES_X, FRAMES_Y, 0.0, ALL_FRAMES, RATE); llScaleTexture(0.5, 0.5, ALL_SIDES); llOffsetTexture(0.25, 0.25, ALL_SIDES); llStopSound(); // Read values from the notecard integer lineNum; string lineData; string notecardName = "Config"; // Specify the notecard name here integer numLines = 0; for (lineNum = 0; lineNum < numLines; ++lineNum) { lineData = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName, lineNum); list tokens = llParseString2List(lineData, ["="], []); string paramName = llList2String(tokens, 0); string paramValue = llList2String(tokens, 1); // Process the notecard parameters if (paramName == "maxArousal") { maxArousal; } else if (paramName == "RedLevel") { RedLevel; } else if (paramName == "YellowLevel") { YellowLevel; } else if (paramName == "GreenLevel") { GreenLevel; } else if (paramName == "RedSound") { RedSound; } else if (paramName == "YellowSound") { YellowSound; } else if (paramName == "GreenSound") { GreenSound; } else if (paramName == "OwnerID") { OwnerID; } } } touch_start(integer total_number) { ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); if (ToucherID != OwnerID) { llOwnerSay("You are not the owner!"); } else if (!menuOpen) { ShowMenu(0); } else { ShowMenu(menuPage); } } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { list re_list = llParseString2List(str, ["|"], [""]); string preParseTask = llList2String(re_list, 0); integer i = llSubStringIndex(preParseTask, (string)owner); string task = llDeleteSubString(str, i, -1); if (task == "arousal") { closeness = llList2Float(re_list, 2); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (menuPage == 0) { if (message == "Vibe level") { menuPage = 1; // Show vibration level buttons ShowMenu(menuPage); } else if (message == "Denial") { menuPage = 2; // Show denial level buttons ShowMenu(menuPage); } } else if (menuPage == 1) { if (message == "Back") { menuPage = 0; ShowMenu(menuPage); } else { if (message == "OFF") { currentPAamount = 0.0; llSetLinkTextureAnim (LINK_SET, ANIM_ON | LOOP, FACE, FRAMES_X, FRAMES_Y, 0.0, ALL_FRAMES, RATE); llStopSound(); llScaleTexture(0.5, 0.5, ALL_SIDES); llOffsetTexture(0.25, 0.25, ALL_SIDES); } else if (message == "Red") { currentPAamount = RedLevel; llLoopSound(RedSound, 0.75); llSetLinkTextureAnim (LINK_SET, ANIM_ON|PING_PONG|LOOP,ALL_SIDES,2, 2,0, 4, 75); } else if (message == "Yellow") { currentPAamount = YellowLevel; llLoopSound(YellowSound, 0.50); llSetLinkTextureAnim (LINK_SET, ANIM_ON|PING_PONG|LOOP,ALL_SIDES,2, 2,0, 4,50); } else if (message == "Green") { currentPAamount = GreenLevel; llLoopSound(GreenSound, 0.25); llSetLinkTextureAnim (LINK_SET, ANIM_ON|PING_PONG|LOOP,ALL_SIDES,2, 2,0, 4,25); } CloseMenu(); } } else if (menuPage == 2) { if (message == "Back") // Added condition to go back to menuPage 0 { menuPage = 0; ShowMenu(menuPage); } else { CloseMenu(); if (message == "ON") { denialON = 1; // Set denial to ON llSay(0, "The Denial function is activated!"); } else if (message == "OFF") { denialON = 0; // Set denial to OFF llSay(0, "The Denial function is deactivated!"); } } } } timer() { if (menuOpen) { menuCounter--; if (menuCounter <= 0) { llOwnerSay("Menu has timed out."); CloseMenu(); } } // Apply denial if enabled if (closeness >= maxArousal) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "caeilarousalup|" + (string)llGetOwner() + "|" + (string)(currentPAamount * !denialON) + "|noanim", ""); } else { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "caeilarousalup|" + (string)llGetOwner() + "|" + (string)(currentPAamount) + "|noanim", ""); } } // you should leave this code alone, (except you can comment out the testing lines). dataserver(key query_id, string data) { bDataserverReady=FALSE; if (query_id == headingQueryId) { if ( data == strNotecardHeading ) { // we found it ++notecardLine; // goto first line in section // Get the data from the section dataQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName, notecardLine); } else if ( data == EOF ) { // it doesn't exist llSay(0, "Section " + strNotecardHeading + " not found."); fnInitReadData(); } else { // keep looking ++notecardLine; headingQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName, notecardLine); } } else if (query_id == dataQueryId) { if ( data == EOF || llGetSubString(data, 0, 0) == "[" ) { // End of section fnProcessData(); fnInitReadData(); // bDataserverReady=TRUE; } else if ( data == "" || llGetSubString(data, 0, 0) == ";" ) { // skip line ++notecardLine; dataQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName, notecardLine); } else { // for testing (you can comment this line out) llOwnerSay( "Line: " + (string) notecardLine + " " + data); listNotecardData += data; ++notecardLine; dataQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(notecardName, notecardLine); } } } } and the config note card ; General Settings [General] maxArousal = 0.5 OwnerID = "d9bc42e0-a217-465c-9872-6a118c953e98" ; Vibration Levels [Vibration] RedLevel = 35.0 YellowLevel = 25.0 GreenLevel = 15.0 ; Sound Settings [Sounds] RedSound = "728b5bbe-f910-94ea-28b2-327696cf9d6b" YellowSound = "a0b41909-f15e-a692-c5d2-078d9a2678fc" GreenSound = "ec0cf6ac-b031-c8ed-cb25-10b11d23d7f0"
  4. i tought i was or so i didnt understood properly. Can you help then ?
  5. umh hi ! seem like i still need help to figure out why whats writen in the notecard cannot be red. The script can be save and every found fuction does work but the sound. If I leave the UUID in the script no problem but as soon as i try make it in a notecard its problem time. Sorry its is a long script (didn't find a spoiler button so...) : and the notecard is named Settings, the UUID of sounds does match with what is written in the notecard yes it says in the error window when i click on Red (or any other color) : [11:46] Could not find sound ''. Settings : //// Change these settings to what you like ! //OwnerUUID should be the UUID of your owner //MaxArousal is the level which it will stop going higher. (Between 0-1) //Red, Yellow and Green level are the force of the vibration. //// [Settings] OwnerUUID = "0" MaxArousal = 0.5 RedLevel = 35.0 RedSound = "728b5bbe-f910-94ea-28b2-327696cf9d6b" // UUID of Red vibration sound YellowLevel = 25.0 YellowSound = "a0b41909-f15e-a692-c5d2-078d9a2678fc" // UUID of Yellow vibration sound GreenLevel = 15.0 GreenSound = "ec0cf6ac-b031-c8ed-cb25-10b11d23d7f0" // UUID of Green vibration sound list buttons = ["Vibe level", "Denial"]; list vibrationButtons = ["OFF", "Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Back"]; // Added "Back" button list denialButtons = ["OFF", "ON", "Back"]; // Added "Back" button string dialogInfo = "\nChoose the vibration level :"; string denialInfo = "\nChoose if you want the denial option:"; string dialogMenu = "\nChoose your options."; integer denialON; integer menuMaxCounter = 60; integer menuCounter; integer menuOpen = FALSE; key owner; integer RATE = 7; // Animation rate (speed) integer FRAMES_X = 4; // Number of frames horisontally integer FRAMES_Y = 4; // Number of frames vertically integer ALL_FRAMES = 16; // Number of all frames integer FACE = ALL_SIDES; // Animation face (ALL_SIDES or Face number) string currentsound =""; float currentvolume = 0.0; float currentanimspeed; integer dialogChannel; integer listenHandle; float currentPAamount = 0.0; // We all start from zero arousal float closeness; //avatar arousal state float maxArousal; // Maximum arousal level (default value) integer menuPage = 0; // Parameters for vibration levels float RedLevel; float YellowLevel; float GreenLevel; //Parameters for vibration sounds string RedSound; string YellowSound; string GreenSound; // Owner's UUID string OwnerUUID; CloseMenu() { llListenRemove(listenHandle); menuOpen = FALSE; menuPage = 0; } ShowMenu(integer page) { menuCounter = menuMaxCounter; llListenRemove(listenHandle); listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", OwnerUUID, ""); if (page == 0) //main { llDialog(OwnerUUID, dialogMenu, buttons, dialogChannel); } else if (page == 1) //vibes { llDialog(OwnerUUID, dialogInfo, vibrationButtons, dialogChannel); } else if (page == 2) //denial { llDialog(OwnerUUID, denialInfo, denialButtons, dialogChannel); } } default { changed(integer change) { if (change == CHANGED_OWNER || change == CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } state_entry() { owner = llGetOwner(); llSetTimerEvent(1.0); dialogChannel = -1 - (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString( (string)llGetKey(), -7, -1) ); llSetLinkTextureAnim (LINK_SET, ANIM_ON | LOOP, FACE, FRAMES_X, FRAMES_Y, 0.0, ALL_FRAMES, RATE); llScaleTexture(0.5, 0.5, ALL_SIDES); llOffsetTexture(0.25, 0.25, ALL_SIDES); llStopSound(); // Read parameters from the notecard OwnerUUID = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_TOTAL_INVENTORY_COUNT]), 0); maxArousal = llList2Float(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_TOTAL_INVENTORY_COUNT]), 2); // Updated index // Read vibration level settings from the notecard RedLevel = llList2Float(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_TOTAL_INVENTORY_COUNT]), 3); // Updated index RedSound = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_TOTAL_INVENTORY_COUNT]), 4); YellowLevel = llList2Float(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_TOTAL_INVENTORY_COUNT]), 5); // Updated index YellowSound = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_TOTAL_INVENTORY_COUNT]), 6); GreenLevel = llList2Float(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_TOTAL_INVENTORY_COUNT]), 7); // Updated index GreenSound = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_TOTAL_INVENTORY_COUNT]), 8); } touch_start(integer total_number) { OwnerUUID = llDetectedKey(0); // Check if the ownerUUID matches the UUID specified in the notecard if (OwnerUUID != OwnerUUID) { llOwnerSay("You are not authorized to use this menu."); return; } if (!menuOpen) { ShowMenu(0); llSetTimerEvent(1.0); // Start the timer when the menu is opened } else { ShowMenu(menuPage); } } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { list re_list = llParseString2List(str, ["|"], [""]); string preParseTask = llList2String(re_list, 0); integer i = llSubStringIndex(preParseTask, (string)owner); string task = llDeleteSubString(str, i, -1); if (task == "arousal") { closeness = llList2Float(re_list, 2); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (menuPage == 0) { if (message == "Vibe level") { menuPage = 1; // Show vibration level buttons ShowMenu(menuPage); } else if (message == "Denial") { menuPage = 2; // Show denial level buttons ShowMenu(menuPage); } } else if (menuPage == 1) { if (message == "Back") { menuPage = 0; ShowMenu(menuPage); } else { if (message == "OFF") { currentPAamount = 0.0; llSetLinkTextureAnim (LINK_SET, ANIM_ON | LOOP, FACE, FRAMES_X, FRAMES_Y, 0.0, ALL_FRAMES, RATE); llStopSound(); llScaleTexture(0.5, 0.5, ALL_SIDES); llOffsetTexture(0.25, 0.25, ALL_SIDES); } else if (message == "Red") { currentPAamount = RedLevel; llLoopSound(RedSound, 0.75); llSetLinkTextureAnim (LINK_SET, ANIM_ON|PING_PONG|LOOP,ALL_SIDES,2, 2,0, 4, 75); } else if (message == "Yellow") { currentPAamount = YellowLevel; llLoopSound(YellowSound, 0.50); llSetLinkTextureAnim (LINK_SET, ANIM_ON|PING_PONG|LOOP,ALL_SIDES,2, 2,0, 4,50); } else if (message == "Green") { currentPAamount = GreenLevel; llLoopSound(GreenSound, 0.25); llSetLinkTextureAnim (LINK_SET, ANIM_ON|PING_PONG|LOOP,ALL_SIDES,2, 2,0, 4,25); } CloseMenu(); } } else if (menuPage == 2) { if (message == "Back") // Added condition to go back to menuPage 0 { menuPage = 0; ShowMenu(menuPage); } else { CloseMenu(); if (message == "ON") { denialON = 1; // Set denial to ON llSay(0, "The Denial function is activated!"); } else if (message == "OFF") { denialON = 0; // Set denial to OFF llSay(0, "The Denial function is deactivated!"); } } } } timer() { if (menuOpen) { menuCounter--; if (menuCounter <= 0) { llOwnerSay("Menu has timed out."); CloseMenu(); } } // Apply denial if enabled if (closeness >= maxArousal) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "caeilarousalup|" + (string)llGetOwner() + "|" + (string)(currentPAamount * !denialON) + "|*****nosound", ""); } else { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "caeilarousalup|" + (string)llGetOwner() + "|" + (string)(currentPAamount) + "|*****nosound", ""); } } }
  6. Hi hi ! So i'm trying to rigged something to go on maitreya body shape (and other when I do understand how). I already know how to rig but my problem is that I can't seem to properly place the object. I got suggested in the past to place a prim where I want on the body then use those cord in blender. Tough when I they both dont match. to take note : The item is the plug worn on the breast there. This object is the same that is in blender but unrig so that I can get the coord. The item was worn on lef pec and chest but both didn't work.
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