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Everything posted by cirleen

  1. The last thing I can think of that I really like about SL is in the forums, how @Luna Bliss @Leora Greenwood @Marigold Devin and @Persephone Emerald always cheer me up. I also enjoy @Love Zhaoying's jokes, if only he would only learn how to joke properly and not the way I do. And, of course, thanks to my husband @BillFletcher for introducing me to this insanity where I fit right in.
  2. What about Linden Lab Passenger, Second Life Shotgun, and Second Life Back Seat Driver? Those linden labs make me want to upgrade to an In The Trunk With Duck Tape On My Mouth account.
  3. I really couldn't tell you what sims I like better, the ones that are realistic or the ones that are like art sculpture. Some of the sim builders are absolutely amazing.
  4. No, it's true, there's a bunch of them that hang out on a lawn a ways North of the little seaside shopping mall at Fisherman's Wharf. But it's greatly exaggerated, I mean how often do we find someone hiding in the back seat of our car? Unaware, I absentmindedly walked right through the bunch of them one day and all I remember was a guy begging another to share his pot and the guy said maybe later and left. It's an apt metaphor for some forum threads where there's the biggest "eeeeewwwww" you ever saw, and I agree. The longer the "eeeeewwww" the worse what's happening in the thread. And that's another thing I truly appreciate is that forum participation is not mandatory. No one knows a word about us unless we choose to write.
  5. Yay! You found it! Maybe it dates me because I remember it as a scrap of paper taped in a window. I love the SL hamsa logo, even when it appears in an unknown and nonspecific place. Especially when a beautiful pier is visible at the end of the cross street. I hope they don't change it, if it's not fixed, don't break it. At risk of someone starting a new logo design topic, I'll say that's another thing I like about SL/LL is the logo.
  6. There's the whole point of this thread, you can see it right there. Thanks Quartz Mole, you do a good job. It's just the truth.
  7. It's a real low key building, I like looking at it in street view on google maps. I can't find it there, but I know there's only one tiny little identification sign in one of the windows that says "Second Life." No one would ever know if they walked by.
  8. There's two kinds of people who focus on negative things outside themselves. One kind is depressed by it the other kind is critical of it. It doesn't sound like fun but I guess they enjoy it somehow. To each their own.
  9. That's the new trend. Even this quiet neighborhood I've seen guys running down the street checking if car door handles are locked at 3am. Don't leave good stuff in the car and lock it. There's been stories about people hiding in the back seat too. It doesn't take much to be careful.
  10. It doesn't take too many employees to mess things up at work, bosses, supervisors don't forget things like that and usually know all those little things that are going on. Some correction is eventually made but we'll never know.
  11. Same thing, the fence fell down & my neighbor's got one of those double L last names. I texted her or else I would have misspelt it when we split the repair. We spell things the varient way cuz we want to.
  12. I love the diversity of things to do, especially the feeling of not being obligated to do things I'd rather not. That works in RL too. I agree, I think LL should apologize and compensate Sid for what happened in Motown. See? If LL hired me as a moderator things like that could happen, Quartz Mole could take vacations. And what about skins for those Senra avatars and will someone please work on the head. Yes and I know, banned back to my cubicle again. And Strawberry's off today.
  13. I would move right to Battery Street in San Francisco right now if LL hired me to do moderation. All I would ask is a desk right next to Strawberry Linden. I'd get me all the inside news right away, how could you not want that? Fisherman's Wharf is like a trolley ride away. But it would sour as I threw my two cents worth all over the place about things like SANSAR and got banned back to my cubicle. I'd whine to Strawberry about it.
  14. This thread. It didn't turn out like I expected. I only created it for Quartz Mole. I like the way he never blows up when he realigns our threads where conversational street traffic has been diverted through corridors in buildings. Quartz Mole never loses his temper or writes in capital letters. We're freely allowed to complain about SL and LL, the sky's the limit for complaints but going offrail and tipping over is something else. I hate to clean up after a party and the US Utah facility will record all internet communication like a time capsule for posterity. Retractions are not allowed and apologizing is no fun. I made this thread so at least Quartz Mole would get some appreciation and thanks for recognizing how to do, what I see, is good moderation. I wouldn't want to be called Carlene, so instead of giving this topic a title like "Let's Tell Quartz Mole That He Does An OK Job" I misspelled Linden Lab and now I'm up for being called Carlene.
  15. That is so cool. You should run a server so we can come visit you.
  16. This part toy poodle dog I have will bark and viciously attack anyone in an attempt to get them to pet her.
  17. hmmmmm. I fastidiously tried to correct my glaring misspelling of 'Linden Labs' but decided that OCD'ing about it was far more enjoyable as I go about changing my keyboard wear to perhaps something more outdoorsy.
  18. Many seem to have legitimate complaints about how governance had at some times been juvenile in the past. I never had a problem with it. Someone once told me that people often ask for the trouble they get, through what they do. That's why I dress more formal, oops. I'd rather be creative than worry about that, but some people spend all their time dwelling on the past. SL shows us some pretty wide possibilities of what can be done in the right now. That's valuable. edit. ok, example. What are you doing? Here it's evening and I'm sitting in the backyard watching the stars, drinking bottled water, and listening to soft rock imagining that I'm in ancient Greece. I got my little doggie right next to me on a leash. Life is good, right?
  19. I knew it! This place is a casino where we gamble that everything's going to work. It's a risk. It's table poker. edit. I do feel sorry for you about that. What else can you do?
  20. Some people like to chase negative things. Some people think the whole world is negative, except for themselves. The enormous, almost endless possibilities in SL may be the most valuable thing about it.
  21. Thanksgiving is a US holiday in November to consider what we are thankful for. It's best sprung unexpectedly early to get it over with before anyone buys turkey. Anyone who has ever tasted paper towels knows that turkey tastes like paper towels. Not even buttering it up will help. Everyone has their wishlist for improvements but I'll summarize this Thanksgiving list of SL/LL things we might be thankful for. 1. Meeting cool people where adult age is not an issue. 2. Being tolerated. 3. The Motown region or other favorite sims. 4. Not being ruled by a mob. 5. LL employees make good money. 6. Blues clubs, DJs, dancing, movies. 7. The property rights system. 8. Flying, diving, outer space sims, jumping off waterfalls. 9. Nature. Art. 10. Having a creative space. 11. The destination guide. 12. Free to join. No ham for Thanksgiving either, it doesn't taste like pork. How about pizza?
  22. That's insightful, the original intention was likely that LL was a computer lab but it seems like it became a social lab. It's obvious in the diversity of Derekmate's music topic, and maybe moreso in the forums than in SL itself, there are people from different backgrounds who get to know each other and manage to get along or help each other in some way, at least it seems that way to me.
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