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Valencia Skydancer

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    Valencia Skydancer

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  1. It is not really bad. The people who complain about people having alts are usually the griefers and doxxers of SL. Remember to never give out RL identifying information to anyone in SL. People will act like you can trust them. I’ve been in S L like 15 years. Every time I trusted someone with rl info I regretted it. No one should know who your alt even is. It is no one’s business but your own.
  2. Thank you. I loved the ranches, but more options is great. I can't wait to try one out. I plan to redo my upgrade in January.
  3. This isn't really on topic for mainland, but Dust has vendors you can buy. Caspervend I had trouble with, the items are no copy and the last one of an item wouldn't deliver. The free sell scripts from mystory also break a lot. I bought the vendors from Dust, and they don't seem to break. I bought the 500L one. But I honestly feel safer with the signs I made that link to my marketplace. So I put up like a url giver and it just leads to mp. So many in-world vendors broke on me and led to a bad customer experience. I love having an in-world cafe and hangout, but I sell the stuff on marketplace.
  4. i can't wait to be able to use sl anyplace.
  5. I only know a little about using webhooks for discord. But a friend wants to know if there is a way to get SL chat into youtube live chat?
  6. It was really fun chasing candies with you guys. I was so sleepy, but made it to midnite with 400
  7. It is ok, it is still fun to explore and look for buckets. ❀️ Thank you to the moles and lindens.
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