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Spooky Shadow

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Everything posted by Spooky Shadow

  1. 1024sqm. 351 prims. On protected water. Less than a minute away from the Sea of Fables which some say is the best place to boat on the grid and I do agree with them. Beautiful area and Sansara is open to boat through all of the continent as it has riverways connecting all of the larger bodies of water and even a channel going up to the continent to the north. If you find the way can also get to Bellisaria from Sansara. $7500 is also unheard of for land on protected water but it is the weekend so let's go nuts!! Taking about $25-ish here for protected water.. insane. Make me regret it. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dowden/13/204/52
  2. Let us know when the orb is turned off so we can look at it normally.
  3. Located in Sansara which has the best boating on the grid with all of the open seas, riverways, and connections to other continents. One of the few continents that you can boat most of the entire continent. 1024sqm 351prims right on protected water and right by the infamous Sea of Fables; which is huge and filled with a lots of fun destinations. The Sea of Fables itself is made up of around 30 protected water sims. Aside from that you are also in close distance to Mare Secundus which is also another large sea. You can spend weeks boating around Sansara and still not see all that there is to see all from your boat as all is wonderfully connected through the riverways that Sansara is known for. You can even boat west and see where it all began; the 1st sim on SL ever over in Da Boom. Ready to go and use what is there or return it and build your own vision of paradise instead. Available and priced to sell!! $18,750 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Munck/186/32/24
  4. Last few hours of the FLASH sale and $25k sale price. On protected water. Quick trip to the Blake Sea area and Nautilus. Low lag.
  5. Just so no one is confused. The parcel is on the opposite side of the world from the Blake Sea and Nautilus and most everything the OP listed and no connection to them at all. You cannot fly nor boat to Nautilus or the Blake Sea from there. It is also not against protected Linden water. Stay vigilant.
  6. Reduced to $2500 which is $10-ish dollars for land. You own roadside land in one of the most beautiful areas of SL for $10. Put down a house and some trees and you have a great rental that you can rent for at least $L500 a week for, if not more. How can you go wrong?!
  7. 1632Sqm 560prims. Available. $7k!! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Egremont/41/109/35
  8. Everyday this property gets better and better. Live the Blake Sea dream without paying Blake Sea prices and suffering through Blake Sea lag.
  9. Sill a beautiful area without many available parcels and waiting for you!
  10. 1728sqm 593 prims ROADSIDE in beautiful Fishers Rest. Beautiful area. Beautiful roads. Right on the Circuit La Corse roadway. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Brendon/155/37/30 $3000 won't last long in this area.
  11. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trabushkja/240/70/22 3440sqm 1181 prims. On protected water. Sailable water and has access to the Blake Sea sailing up the east coast all on Linden waterways. Low Lag. Quiet area. Good neighbors and no obnoxious builds. On protected water. You are even on the linden tour pod boat route and can hop on when the pod boat passes in front of the parcel and it takes you up into the blake sea too. Fun way to tour the area and get right into the heart of the Blake Sea. Nice trip up the coast and you don't even have to steer. Fun trip when you are feeling lazy or hop in your own boat and take the trip yourself. I have taken it dozens of times and just a lot of fun and a great way to have access to the Blake Sea without paying Blake Sea prices or Blake Sea lag. $34k and it is all yours.
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