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Spooky Shadow

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Everything posted by Spooky Shadow

  1. Cool little spot right on protected sailable water. Located in the northern section of Sansara which is a great continent if you like boating around. Huge network of waterways and open seas. SOLD. Thanks so much!! Enjoy. Great piece of land.
  2. 1024m 351prims Roadside on the very lovely and popular Circuit La Corse. Beautiful area. $1995http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Glashtan/58/21/67
  3. You should learn how to not accuse people of lying and keep the forums a pleasant place for others. Move on. Have fun! If you can't then please message me privately so this doesn't keep going on in the forums. Not the place for your attacks. I would be happy to discuss this with you privately.
  4. You and Kali need to work this out as you are saying that my humor didn't warrant her anger and she is saying that it was the worst thing I could have said so her anger was warranted. I hope you two can work that out. I am sorry that she took it as anything other than how it was intended. I am sorry that this upset you too and took away from the point of the topic.
  5. You can change my "joking around" to "accused" all you want and that is on you. For reasonable people it isn't an insult. A lot of anger and drama on SL over things that do not need or warrant anger and drama. I am sorry if she took it as an insult. Wasn't intended that way nor has anyone else ever take it as that, in my experience. There are enough places that are popular and have a good vibe going in local. More my speed. You do you!
  6. I didn't insult anyone and that was one experience out of a few I described, in my original post, that has led me to see that SL is less sociable, in my experience. Your experience may be different.
  7. It went just that way. TP'd in. Said hello in local. No one said anything. 10 minutes later I kidded around due to the quiet and got the the female part of ownership yelling at me. I didn't engage other than stating it was kidding and left the club. She was upset about my kidding around that avis that were there are bots. Also not uncommon for crowded clubs to have little to no one talking in local, as many others have said. I didn't realize I was banned till there was a live singer that I enjoy who was performing there and tried to TP in to see her. There is nothing more. She may have been in a bad mood that day. Sometimes we snap at the little things when we are having an off day. I have no reason to lie about this nor is it my way nor does it make any sense to. Maybe something happened at the club before I got there and why people were quiet. Just sharing my experience as to why I feel SL is less social. This interaction I will also add to why SL is less social as your friendship with the owners seems to be the reason why you are here in this thread and replying to me in the way that you are. We all have off days. It happens. We aren't perfect.
  8. 1024m 351prims Roadside on the very lovely and popular Circuit La Corse. Beautiful area. $2995 REDUCED TO $1995 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Glashtan/58/21/67
  9. 1024m 351prims Roadside on the very lovely and popular Circuit La Corse. Beautiful area. $2995http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Glashtan/58/21/67
  10. 🤩 1024m 351prims Roadside on the very lovely and popular Circuit La Corse. Beautiful area. $2995http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Glashtan/58/21/67
  11. $12,950 which is right under $10/sqm http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Behrii/35/7/24
  12. 1024m 351prims Roadside on the very lovely and popular Circuit La Corse. Beautiful area. $2995 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Glashtan/58/21/67
  13. YAY MoNdAy!! $12,950 which is right under $10/sqm http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Behrii/35/7/24
  14. If it isn't transfer on the objects then they will not transfer but people can still use them just can't move them around. They won't automatically return once the sale is done. I've sold decorated parcels that have since been resold and the house and landscaping I did is still there and being enjoyed by someone else. You are selling the land and that is what you are basing your price on. The furnished/decorated/landscaped part is just a bonus for them and a good bonus. Sometimes people keep and use it and sometimes they return it all as soon as they buy the land.
  15. The insults and ban from [the club] was more of the point on how it is less sociable and how quickly people turn to anger now. I am better off. You are right about that. One of the least friendly experiences I have had on SL. Zombie clubs have always been there. That is very true. A friend, from long ago, used to say that they are just mourning their lost social lives as why they are quiet.
  16. 1104m 379prim Roadside on Rt 12 reduced to $1,000http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Monty/49/12/49 512m 175prim Roadside on Rt. 8 reduced to $500http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Quist/13/182/49 512m 175prim Roadside reduced to $500http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maemilkkot/151/199/53 640m 219prims Roadside on Rt. 3. reduced to $600http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paratrea/19/210/99 4 left!! 🥳🥰 1 Left
  17. Derender+blacklist is wonderful and opens up views that are blocked or gets rid of ugly builds. Don't let neighbors decide your world.
  18. Spooky Shadow


    Sold. Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy your new home!!
  19. $4995 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/November/197/215/83
  20. 1104m 379prim Roadside on Rt 12 reduced to $1,000http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Monty/49/12/49 2896m 994prim Roadside on Rt. 8C reduced to $2,896 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Che Che/95/78/55 512m 175prim Roadside on Rt. 8 reduced to $500http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Quist/13/182/49 512m 175prim Roadside reduced to $500http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maemilkkot/151/199/53 640m 219prims Roadside on Rt. 3. reduced to $600http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paratrea/19/210/99
  21. Reduced to $1/sqm or right about there. Buy it and enjoy or flip. Wonderful on the mainland!! Summer is ending and time to get back to RL so these are all $1/sqm. 1104m 379prim Roadside on Rt 12 reduced to $1,800 $1,450 $1,104http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Monty/49/12/49 2896m 994prim Roadside on Rt. 8C reduced to $3,495 $2,896 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Che Che/95/78/55 512m 175prim Roadside on Rt. 8 reduced to $500http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Quist/13/182/49 512m 175prim Roadside reduced to $995 $750 $500http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maemilkkot/151/199/53 640m 219prims Roadside on Rt. 3. reduced to $850 $600http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paratrea/19/210/99
  22. Lowered to $12,950 which is right under $10/sqm http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Behrii/35/7/24 Have a wonderful weekend!!
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