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  1. CALCULATE POSITION AND ROTATION FOR REZZED OBJECT, RELATIVE TO THE REZZER integer iChannel = -39251389;//an arbitrary channel key kOwner; default { state_entry() { llListen(iChannel,"","",""); kOwner = llGetOwner(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if(llGetOwnerKey(id) == kOwner){//if the object sending the message belongs to the owner of the object containing this script (the object) list temp = llGetObjectDetails(id, [OBJECT_POS,OBJECT_ROT]);//read its position and rotation on the region vector vMyPos = llGetPos();//read the position on the region of the object containing this script (the rezzer) vector vObjectPos = llList2Vector(temp,0);//pull out the object's region position rotation rMyRot = llGetRot();//read the rezzer's rotation on the region rotation rObjectRot = llList2Rot(temp,1);//pull out the object's rotation. vector vOffset = (vObjectPos/rMyRot) - (vMyPos/rMyRot); //calculate the object's offset from the rezzer, correcting for the rezzer's local rotation //this formula gives what the result would be if the rezzer is at ZERO_ROTATION and the object is in the same position relative to the rezzer //that is, so many metres in front of the rezzer/behind it, to its left/to its right rObjectRot = rObjectRot/rMyRot;// //does a similar correction for the object's rotation, so it's "facing the rezzer/with its back to the rezzer/looking to the rezzer's left/looking to tje rezzer's right right " float f = llVecDist(vMyPos,vObjectPos); if(f>10.0){ llOwnerSay("Warning: the object "+name+" is "+(string)f+" metres from the rezzer. llRezAtRoot fails if the rez position is > 10,0 metres. Consider rezzing the "+name+" at the rezzer position, sending it the final destination in chat and using llSetRegionPos to move it there"); } llOwnerSay("[\""+name+"\","+(string)vOffset+","+(string)rObjectRot+"];"); } } }
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