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Everything posted by junkurosu

  1. i think im just curious to what fun is gone at this point...now its just bantering about if LL should, um, *checks notes* make sure people arent doing things against their terms of service that they agreed to?
  2. so this is happily ever after now right? everyone read the TOS and are doing nothing wrong, lovely, wonderful, case closed!...what do you mean theres more pages?
  3. id like to highlight i said there were sites you could copy paste that into. (also, the dancing jigs is just a silly little joke. can you imagine how funny that would be? and also maybe a lot harder to read, with all the text dancing around i guess) but, to quote me, i never said that you could do that in the actual viewer. but if you want to make it easier for yourself to read text on a screen, you can. the onus is fully on you though to do it, and while i do like accessability for someone who not only also has bad eyesight but a multitude of other problems that makes text on a screen severely hard to read, it's not LL's problem. would i like some assistance? of course! but thats still on me if i break TOS because i took no effort at to read it.
  4. i mean, i dont expect a terms of service to play a little video for me and do a dancing jig, so no i dont think so. i mean would it be nice? probably! but ive yet to find a terms of service anywhere that has a fun and entertaining step by step guide with a virtual assistant to read it off to me. i think they want us to put a little effort in reading the thing. respectfully, this is moving the goalposts a little too much. anyone can do a little legwork and make the whole thing a breeze to read through if they wanted to, is my point
  5. well, there are actually sites in which you can copy and paste text to read it back to you if you'd like it to. pop on that subway surfers video, and violà! you've now read the terms of service
  6. maybe they should play subway surfers in the corner while someone narrarates it to all of us!
  7. wait, wait, wait, i want to throw my hat in the ring before the eventual closing! please! ive been lurking for way too long! as far as as AI chat monitoring overlord hypothetical goes, is it that the AI police dog will sniff into our IMs for potential TOS violations? trying to go over how it was hypothesized how it works (words being flagged) as much as i dont particularly want my IMs dissected, its their roof, their rules (if this purely hypothetical situation gets put in place. just to make sure i say it for the 10th time. h-y-p-o-t-h-e-t-i-c-a-l) so...what then? lets say the AI sniffs around my IMs and sees how much i like to talk about dolls. so, they rush to my IMs in the fastest pace possible that would make chris hansen blush and! well...find out im just a doll collector, whos talking about their doll collection. so i gotta ask, what then? you can say all the scary words you want, but if the loud linden alarms get rung in their office and it turns out in the investigation of your instant messages that youre just engaging in some adult on adult fun....what then? what do you thinks going to happen? unless its believed the AI will be weilding the banhammer, which hey i guess i agree- thats a really bad idea! but all of this is still just pure, um, hypothetical. (said it enough times yet?) and i highly doubt theyll make banning a fully hands-off experience.
  8. these are so cute and afforable!! this is a great find, thank you!
  9. wait, you mean i shouldn't have been only buying the left shoe and not the right? but i thought that was such a steal...
  10. i'm currently checking the KC Couture shoes and theyre really lovely !! but oh my gosh, please, ill cosign that notecard and if she ever does make those reborn sizes ill probably go on the most insane shopping spree in there.
  11. ive been using a reborn as of late and one problem ive run in is shoes. now my favorite shoe store was ingenue, but i cant particularly find anything with a similar style and they dont really make shoes for reborn. (and i wish they did! i would even buy them again if thats what they want!) i dont mind a good heel, but i also dont really wear very high platforms. my avi is intentionally a bit tall, so while i love a good shoe that makes me look like im on stilts, i tend to try and fill my closet with shoes that wont make me look too giant! im also extra picky in the sense that i also dont really like them open heeled either...so, can a nitpicky person get some reccomendations? 😖 cute flats and kitten heels welcome!
  12. first one looks like MIWAS' idol hair!
  13. unfortunately someone had already asked on the photo i found with no answer, and it seems the flickr account might be abandoned as the store the ad is from is no longer around. 😢
  14. this hair is really cute, but i cannot seem to find it anywhere. can't tell if maybe ive been glazing over it but ive been to several hair stores with no luck. the closest it looks like is VCO's jihyo hair, but this one is a twin braid and not a single braid like VCO's style. im holding out for a hero here!!
  15. oh wow i am not used to the forums exactly so i completely didn't know there were more replies until now! thank you all so much for the help ^__^! ill certainly be getting this one and laying it down. time to have a little fun!
  16. thats so cute! now all i have to do is successfully convince my roommate for us to get a dog...thanks for the help!
  17. weird question i guess! but i wanted to know if there was some kind of security orb that told you when someone was in your parcel. honestly, i don't even really mind if people use my place for whatever they want, but whenever i enter someones house on accident (random teleporter damn you...) the owners seems to pop up magically like they knew i was there! so either im the unluckiest person on the planet (likely) or that theres something that tells you when someones landed on your parcel. rambling aside, i do want to just scare a few peole who enter my place...
  18. honestly i think its fun that you mention GaiaOnline, because i use SL for just about the same thing (which is predominantly dress-up). hanging out with people is fun of course! id find groups with your interests, that's usually how im able to meet and talk to people outside of sitting at a social place and chatting. it can be pretty hard to socialize, a lot of people keep to closed group chats or dms but dont lose hope! i would put some of your interests in your bio, honestly i find that works best as despite the fact that i almost never initiate conversations with people if i see a game or anime i like ill end up trying to chat with them anyways... the learning curve in SL is....really, really steep. since everything is practically user-generated it can be really hard to learn the ropes, but me and my friend wrote a guide once for our own friends so if you have any questions id hopefully be able to answer them!
  19. i would greatly love this (even created a forum profile just to support the idea!) while i never was able to get into lolita fashion due to the pricing in RL i am very much living my dream of wearing lolita fashion in SL. tea parties and little events would be so fun and id be totally happy to join!
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