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Everything posted by LexyMarie

  1. So they wasted millions & its not even a viable product,you dont feel any kind of ways about that?
  2. Ide be happier if they nuked all the old garbage strewn across mainland & all the stuff that holds the grid back & made things run a bit better,cleaning up MP is meh & if all they gotta do is login once every two years I cant see it doing much anyway. All that money into Sansar aswell instead of just putting it into the main grid.
  3. From a Secondlife perspective yes Im suprised because in 13 years Ive never saw Secondlife as a place where people get easily offended & ive always thought of it as one of the most welcoming diverse spaces on the internet,hearing someome say they didnt feel safe sort of offended me if Im honest & I think I took it to heart.
  4. Well I learnt a lesson,not sure if it was the one I was supposed to learn but yeah I learnt a lesson
  5. People are way too sensative these days for this kind of thing. I just got Perma banned from Reddit because I made fun of someone saying they didnt feel safe on the Secondlife SubReddit. Secondlife is the most welcoming diverse space ive ever come across on the internet. Just no,people would be reporting everyone for discrimination & if (Insert Minority) person didnt get enough points that proves everyone involved is a bigot yada yada yada,you know how it goes.
  6. No not at all,infact I will very often not like the sale item but like the creator & quality so end up just buying their stuff because the sale took me to their store that I otherwise wouldnt have found,sometimes I feel like the sale item is worth too muchto be on sale & buy something extra,like 187's phone cases I always buy the sale item & buy atleast one extra at full price because its $280L which ammounts to about £1.50 in RL money & you cant even buy a coffee for that theses days,not that I like coffee anyway but I digress. Another reason is that most things in SL baring a mesh head & mesh body cost litteral pennys & the creator probably put in hours to create that thing & even mesh heads from Lelutka at $4000L converted to RL money isnt even £/$20 & thats alot of work for that money & I dont begrudge them that. Another reason is that apart from big creators like the afore mentioned Lelutka who are obviously a team of people,most creators are just regular folk looking to make a few extra £/$ to feed themselves & their family & I cant begrudge them £1.50 for something that probably took them hours to make. In my 12 years in SL across 2 main avatars Ive probably spent £10k(uk) & my only regret is that I cant do it all over again now mesh has become a thing. I also play video games such as Warframe but I dont ever buy their premium currency because I know my money is just going to a faceless corporation. People need to get out of this mindset that Secondlife purchases are expensive because theyre really not when you consider the time spent to create some of these things. Ive had multiple creators message me before now & give me personel discount cards because Ive brought so much of their stuff or just to say thank you & my reply is always the same," Youre welcome & thank you for creating things for us"
  7. Personally I hope the mainstream stay away from secondlife because it will be sanitised into boring homogonised pit of normality.
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