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Boy Reaper

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Everything posted by Boy Reaper

  1. Oh I love love love this so much so avant garde!
  2. Feeling a little extra today, might delete later
  3. Oh I love the simplicity of this, you look great!
  4. Oh absolutely heart, soul, and wallet. lmfao!
  5. Lmfao I noticed the same thing right away. Daddy dom long legs over here, we love to see it.
  6. I had a limit on my posts I guess because I haven't really used the forum before today. I did answer your question more than once though its a stylistic/aesthetic choice, its not complicated. You come off pretty weird continuing to push the issue lmfao. Just want to note getting a lot of offended people in the reply's here even though I made sure to include the caveat that all avatars are awesome, many of you clearly know what I meant by high quality avatars(as in literally high quality mesh bodys and heads, quality indicating the work, time and complexity put into the models by creators of these next gen parts) but still chose to be snippy and passive aggressive when I made it clear I'm not here to fight or throw shade on anyone just looking for more avatars that match my style. The weird passive aggressive comments and cliquey behavior are really not a good look especially directed at someone new to the forum.
  7. How is it not the same type of question? Its an aesthetic choice there's really no need to be dramatic lmfao.
  8. I just want to say this isn't meant to offend or throw shade at any specific type of avatar, furry, monster anime etc those are all great in their own way! But I often find myself feeling kind of lost in a sea of animals or outdated human avatars, I know other players exist like me who have the latest humanoid head the latest bodys etc etc they pop in and out of popular stores but I can just never seem to find a place where people like us congregate and hang out. Anyone else feel sort of the same way as me? Alternatively does anyone know if such a place exists ingame where people with avatars like ours hangout or meet each other? Edit: Getting a lot of offended people in the reply's here even though I made sure to include the caveat that all avatars are awesome, many of you clearly know what I meant by high quality avatars(as in literally high quality mesh bodys and heads, quality indicating the work, time and complexity put into the models by creators of these next gen parts) but still chose to be snippy and passive aggressive when I made it clear I'm not here to fight or throw shade on anyone just looking for more avatars that match my style.
  9. I agree that they do have technical issues, the new player experience for example is horrific but frankly I think a lot of those issues can be solved or patched up with UI and control updates to make someone just stepping into the world have an easier time figuring it out. But this meme that all "Zoomers"(the current gen of 20 somethings) are all ADHD monsters who cant control themselves if something takes more than 5 min to setup or need like flashy colors and action to get immersed by a game I just think is plain wrong. There are tons of younger people that play IMVU which is like a proto form of Second Life so obviously these types of games are not dead as far as the market is concerned, I've met plenty of people in game who have jumped ship from there too and they are younger as in under 30 lol. I think a lot of the people who think Second Life is just an old person home or some kind of archeological dig and that's how its going to be until it fades away are just ignorant of the untapped market out there. I can't blame the people who think that way though because its not exactly obvious what's going on in this type of gaming space(SL,VRChat,IMVU) since the typical indicators you see in other types of games don't really exist for this genre. In the end I get the feeling LL is just waiting for the chance to sell off the company for stupid money and are happy to keep the game in pseudo maintenance mode in the mean time, I don't blame them for wanting to do this BTW. But the way I see it is it really would not take a lot of money to just try some actual marketing and really sell the parts of the game that people care about in said marketing(dress up customization etc).
  10. My general impression has been that the people who call the shots at Linden Lab have basically just dropped the ball with marketing during this whole metaverse hype. So many company's have put themselves out there in the past couple of months many of which are crypto scams or other such ridiculousness that have no intention of running any kind of serious "metaverse" platform and yet its basically crickets from Linden Lab when they have a platform that has been running for years and that has all the things that accompany a platform of this age(content, population etc etc). I'm relatively new to Second Life and thus have sort of fresh eyes on this whole thing compared to some of the other users here. It seems like most everyone wants to change this restrict that, upgrade the engine etc etc but frankly I think all Second Life really needs is some serious advertising. Its not as if it would be difficult to pull people in, this game massively appeals to women who are the #1 consumers/spenders and now more than ever women are online and not afraid to explore online spaces like they may have been years ago. Throw up an add on YouTube spend the couple thousand dollars, market all the bodys outfits heads customization in general and watch as you get a massive influx of new players who are willing to spend the money to play with all these advertised customizations. Its still so baffling to me that this hasn't been capitalized on at Linden Lab, just YouTube "Second Life" and you will see the angle you need to play. It wouldn't even be expensive lol.
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