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Everything posted by benchthis

  1. Thanks, I've gone cross eyed. It hurts my brain. When you say there are 2 types of reflections, that's the probes right 2 types of reflection probes 1 users can create with a prim or one that we assume will be in a region we are? Or the cubes UV map behaves differently than a UV map of a sphere? I never heard of cube environment map before, is that what that means? Also, I did not have screen space reflections ticked, not sure if that had anything to do with anything but my computer sure did not like that major lag. Also did not have the reflection detail set to realtime. No idea if that had anything to do with anything. When I try to create a reflection probe from a cube it creates a transparent sphere scaled at 5 meters. Not sure if by creating my own within a larger reflection probe in a region, which I have no idea how they got the reflection probe so large, would goof anything. I have not tried to scale the transparent sphere I can create yet. Wonders if the reflection probe must be sphere. I thought I heard that within a box/cube shape would be the reflection probe for room spaces. Not sure what happened to the cube/box probes? Sure we can create a probe from a cube but it auto turns into a sphere when made into a reflection probe?
  2. I think every cool setting offered in third party viewers is located in official viewers debug settings. It's painful going through every debug setting to find something that could control FPS and I hope this isn't the one because it says it's obsolete (would be cool to know when it became obsolete). The value is confusing, i'm not messing with that one. Still looking to see if there's a non obsolete setting.
  3. That would be cool to cap the FPS in the official viewer, i've never seen that setting. For me it's not really lag it's just the computer fans going crazy prolly due to higher FPS? Anyone know what the debug setting for this is so it can be capped in the official viewer? I'd love to try this.
  4. I figured out why my PBR Material was swirling. In the editing material window the base color, metallic-roughness, emissive, and normal were set to blank instead of non. I was able to edit my PBR materal by clicking each of the spaces and selecting None instead of blank. Attached images showing difference between the good and the wonky. I noticed something odd though. After realizing my problem I deleted the red glow hollowed cube and there was a good lag time updating that to the other models around. Not sure what the object refresh rate is we know based on strawberry's reflection on the floor that avatar updating is very fast but when objects move or change there is noticeable lag time. I have a few more experiments to dabble with later on. pretty cool. Going to have to to make something extremely cool soon to test.
  5. Would it make more sense to make last minute tweak decisions in world vs going back and forth back and forth. Leads to burn out. If there's a problem with additional maps have to outside SL again and again. upload upload. not fun. It seems like something like this would not be so difficult to create.
  6. Hopefully it will be more efficient when it's finished. Another good reason to have the additional maps generated in world is because in world our color data is perfect to our world. If we are uploading 100,000s of maps that are not native to our colors could spell problems. The SL system imo would run better with more native tools, especially when it comes to color. Even though one program like blender says these new maps are true, when uploaded to SL there's chance the colors would not match or be as true. We're going to get the best results if the PBR material maps were generated in world. just a concern.
  7. We should be able to not only generate the additional maps in Second Life, we should be able to also tweak those maps They want to build it correct the first time. There you go.
  8. If I made a model in blender and create the UV map and add texture to that UV map in blender. When the model is uploaded to Second Life the materials panel will see the UV map with original texture map. from there SL should be able to generate the metallic and roughness map, generate emissive map, and generate normal map. Sorry my wording is strange.
  9. Meta is already creating 3D worlds and models (shame they are being managed by someone whom clearly has no idea what they are doing). At this point Second Life should be able to generate UV maps based on a base color map.
  10. It would be most optimal to be able to avoid using a 3rd party programs to create maps. If I were building the materials panel I would make it where based on the base color map, option to generate metallic and roughness map, generate emissive, and generate normal map. I've noticed that each of those map types has a fee to upload. LL can still earn revenue have a fee to generate map button, I would say avoid the fees because the content created will generate revenue passivly. If the goal is to make materials as simple for users as possible this to me would tick that box. And then for the products we've purchased in the past that are mod we can generate maps for those objects as well.
  11. Figured out something cool, from the test grid we can create new material by clicking inventory and clicking the plus + icon. That's pretty simple. I was just thinking; I wonder if we can create materials like we can notecards and scripts and we can. Maybe the material can have a drop down menu with all the the basic materials to choose from to populate the data in all the fields or if the materials folder will contain premade materials?
  12. This has some pretty good demonistrations of what PBR will look like. The cool thing about how SL is doing it is way easier for me to understand than setting it up in blender. I never learned PBR in blender because of the nods and was too confusing. With this SL system at least I was able to create my first PBR material today. That's crazy cool. They're goal is to make it user friendly. I don't have substance painter. I moded a material I had but just goofing around. Getting the material file was little wonky. I started watching this lots of pretty things PBR this uploaded 7 years ago.
  13. If so then it will be a feature only accessible to a minority of high end creators and developers. I personally use ipad pro with apple pencil and dabble with the affordable app called procreate and also got into nomad. There's bunch of programs that do not require subscriptions that are affordable. Procrate added I think it was last year where users can paint directly on 3D objects and get the UV Map from procreate Sculpt in nomad put that file in procreate paint it back n forth. Tedious. Everything is tedious. Even Ipad pros and pencils are coming down in price some of the newer ipads support procreate without being pro.
  14. You'll notice PBR in this video in the ballroom on the floor mostly but disney's latest creations it's all over the place and it looks beautiful.
  15. these are not just glowing metal balls. imagine geometic wallpaper patterns with metallic and reflection, flooring. When new residents see the power of PBR they will stick around.
  16. I'm able to make materials now. I made a wonky brass and a wonky chrome. I had to go back to the PBR SLU video where Strawberry Linden Rezes the sphere and then adds the material to the sphere and then she brings up the edit materials window kind of shows how that window is supposed to look. Tomorrow i'll dabble with finding PBR material values and looking for PBR charts for default material piddles. I did notice a couple of problems. First one was taking a cube and making a mirrorish shape applying the material, what's odd is when the object is rotated the material rotates too, wierd took screen shot the 3 in the back. like the reflection is upside down when object is upside down. When same objects are rotated they behave differently. With spheres noticed something wonky that put a seam when dropping a chrome material I made to it. It did not mess up when I went into build tools PBR searched for a blank material and then entered the values of the wonky one. My piddle area is here secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Rumpus%20Room/179/238/23 Just in case.
  17. I'm going to cheat a bit, just uploading the GLTF file and going to make copies of that material, change name, mod values, and make templates. I did get it the material uploaded to SL woot. now I can play.
  18. Just in case anyone else is dabbling don't click download, right click the download button and save as. If you click the download button will bring up bunch of scripting stuff.
  19. Thanks, this will connect a lot of dots, I can feel it. Collada I've used that file type before when dabbling with texturing. You're process is bringing in a model into second life also brings in the material if the collada is file is uploaded. Vs searching for a material only gltf without the model. The collada would be uploaded to SL using upload model or upload material? I'm trying to upload a material only, but I like the way you do it because in blender I can see how it's all set up. I'm a nod noob.
  20. Hehe, I'm trying to upload materials I found for free here: Dull Brass PBR Material – Free PBR Materials But after downloading 3 different zips and saved to desktop unzipped the upload materials browser does not like any of them. Wondering if anyone has a link to materials that can be uploaded to sl for experimenting and what is the supported file type. Edit: found the file type I think. GLTF or GLB. Wonder if blender can convert them.
  21. Opps I made a goof my bad I had 0.05 in my problem one. I think I should wear my glasses now. False alarm. Sorry.
  22. Sweet I think I found another one, searched PBR viewer notes for Omega and nothing came up. Apparently when applying the following script to a cube on the test grid the x axis rotation appears to be at least 50% slower than the Y and Z omegas. Works fine on main grid but test grid problem. Not sure if it's a test grid problem or what. Here's the script I used that shows the problem. default { state_entry() { llTargetOmega(<0.5,0,0>, 1, 1); } } Above is the problem one. If you pop the next two scripts into 2 cubes you will see what I mean on the test grid. default { state_entry() { llTargetOmega(<0,0.5,0>, 1, 1); } } default { state_entry() { llTargetOmega(<0,0,0.5>, 1, 1); } }
  23. This LSL portal Link works, not sure what's going on with the other ones. Be nice to have the lsl portal on the main building knowlege base page vs having to hunt for it.
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