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Everything posted by Zxass

  1. I am looking for a job toward I can create products for shops. I can do skins, gestures, phone cases, clothes (all body type). I will be able to make this all myself ONLY if you give me many reference photos and exactly what you want (colors, addition design info, body type) to contact you it is best to either message me through here or any of the others below. Prices will be discussed privately as I would like to know they hours and day you'd like me to work. Thank you and have a nice day. IG:kxxllz IW: zxass
  2. I'm looking to create clothes for a business/whatever you need. I can also do phone cases and gestures. You will have to provide me with full perm mesh and depending on what you want prices will vary. I should be able to get the item done within 1-5 days . If you're interested or want more information you can contact me here or IG (kxxllz) or IW (zxass) Thanks.
  3. Hello! My name is Dexsi I'm looking to work for companies, meaning I want to create for you! I can do full perm mesh clothes (best at tops) I can also make gestures. You will have to provide me with the full perm mesh which you can look at on marketplace and send to me, also send me the "vision" you have for what you want so I can have guidance! I do work 24/7 on this so you can always contact me on Instagram if I'm offline. Prices will be discussed privately as I need to know what you specifically want! My contact information will be below and I hope you consider! IW: Zxass IG: Kxxllz
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