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Psyche Starling

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Posts posted by Psyche Starling

  1. 1 hour ago, Jinx Lavarock said:

    No I was straight up told by someone who knew and spoke with the creator of the bodies. I was not making any assumptions

    And it's called Piggu. Not really a complimentary name!

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    • Confused 1
  2. On 11/4/2022 at 7:42 PM, Lindal Kidd said:

    I got a PG bed with a sleeping pose in it. I put my avatar to bed and logged off. Sadly, when I logged back in, she was already awake. She never told me what she'd been up to or with whom she'd been up to it.

    I didn't tuck her in any more after that.

    I used to do this too! It was like a little ritual when I logged off. I'm not sure why i felt the need.

    • Like 1
  3. And the thing is...Classic is lowercase-c curvy! I demoed them both and I could get all my curve needs from Classic if I bought it. It didn't seem that far off from Freya.

    I still haven't pulled the trigger, but I've started saving the Classic sizes when I buy something that has them, so it's clearly still niggling at my brain.

    • Like 2
  4. 47 minutes ago, Sasy Scarborough said:

    the lists are so long that there is no way anyone even close to being on a budget can even consider the whole list, even without a monetary restrictions by the time you get to the bottom even at 50-100L a hit you are looking at thousands of lindens spent, so the stores on the bottom are essentially paying to be on a list that many can not even get to them on, and if they can buy every item, when do they use it, wear it or enjoy it?

    Does anyone really buy everything on any given sale list, or prioritize the ones on the top? I look through it and see which things I actually want. Some stuff's not my style, some stuff I'll never use. My favorite thing might be down in the V's. And I figure everyone else does the same thing, but their favorites won't be the same as mine, because their tastes and needs are different. I might be looking for a house and you're looking for shoes and both stores get a few lindens.

    • Like 2
  5. 49 minutes ago, JeromFranzic said:

    I'll put in my two cents for the Ca'lum heads. They have a few of the features of more expensive heads for very little L$. I use several for myself when I want an alternate look, and my small stash of four alts.

    The creator's store is in the marketplace. I use this one with my younger male alt sometimes + Belleza Jake.



    Good call. Just got one of these for one of my own alts. Quick and cheap way to get a unique look if you're not planning to spend $$$$.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, LydiavonK said:

    I guess it's only one attachement that causes this. See the numbers in your outfit. Hope that helps... 

    This is a very good point. Try taking off each bit of your outfit at a time, see what happens. I bought an outfit last year. Put the whole thing on at once. 500K, yikes! So I started removing bits, and it turns out that almost all of that came from two ornamental flowers on the belt that almost weren't even visible. Wearing the outfit without the flowers gave a totally reasonable complexity number.

    • Like 4
  7. So, that's pretty high, and the risk is mostly that few people will see your awesome-looking getup because they've got their settings lower. I usually have it set to jellydoll anyone over 100K. Once I'm at an event, if my computer is running it OK and I'm curious, I might decide to render some of the jellydolls. But it all depends on how well my puter is behaving.

    My own avi is usually under 50K in public, though I'll go higher if I'm just hanging out in my house with one or two people.

    • Like 2
  8. I'll put in a plug for the one where I have a house! Toor is a really lovely sim with trails to ride and lots of horse people around. There are organized horse events if you're into that, but it's also a nice place to just take a leisurely ride around. 

    • Like 1
  9. 48 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:


    With a mesh body, you can use just about any shape, including one that you've created yourself. It's a lot trickier with mesh heads, because different brands are rigged to the skeleton differently. It's best to start with the shape that comes with the head, then tweak it with the Appearance sliders until you get the look you want.

    You can also get good head shapes by buying skins (especially if you pick ones designed for your specific head, or at least your brand of head). My trusty head shape that I've had for over a year is from a skin I don't even use anymore, but I liked the face shape and have kept using it with different skins.

  10. The body shapes that come with heads/face skins are often kind of arbitrary, because they don't really matter. They figure you're just going to adjust the body to be what you want anyway, but they have to fill something in there--it can't be a "shape" without any body numbers. Kjartan has the way of it.

    • Like 3
  11. To me, Marketplace and in-world sales serve totally different functions. In-world sales are where I look around for things that catch my eye, buy them, then figure out later what to do with them. MP is more for "the event is in an hour, and I need a knee length dress with squirrels on it NOW" 😄 It's not as fun as inworld, but easier if you just have a really specific query.

    • Like 2
  12. 4 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    I'd be fine too in those circumstances. But at the time you discover it for sale at half the price months or a year later, some people bought it the day before (or much nearer the time) at the full price. As a merchant, it was those people who I wouldn't disappoint by reducing the price. But, as I've said, that's just me and conscience.

    That I figure is fair game. I might kick myself for not waiting another day, but if you go by that rule, you can't ever discount anything and that's just silly IMO. 

    • Like 2
  13. On 10/12/2022 at 6:02 PM, Persephone Emerald said:


    I've been able to match Nuve face skins with body skins from 7 Deadly Skins, Lumae, Ritual & WYRD without a noticeable seam, using Lelutka EvoX heads with Maitreya & Belleza bodies.


    I found to my delight that my preferred Glam Affair tone (I think it's Fair) matches without a seam to my preferred Velour body tone (Icy). A matching Glam Affair body skin also came free in my Maitreya folder, but I like the painted details better on the Velour, so was tickled when I realized they matched.

    • Like 1
  14. 49 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Since I do not like shopping in SL - the searching, finding the place, going there, finding the item, etc. - is there any possibility I would like shopping more if I tried Sales? 

    I assume this would require me to join individual store groups, receive their group messages about the sales, etc.  So, I suppose those notifications make it easier.

    Unless y'all get some of your "Sales" info from different "shopping" websites and blogs. (Avoid the SPAM! Read a Blog!)

    I get almost all of it from Seraphim. They'll have blog posts that show the different sales, with landmarks where you can find the items. You don't need to join the store groups, just go to the blog on the weekend and see what's there.

    • Like 3
  15. On 10/5/2022 at 4:21 AM, Ceka Cianci said:

    There are those.

    Then there are the others that have them no mod, because they couldn't charge us for using the color pallet in the tools to color the full perm mesh that someone other than them made. hehehehe

    Since I figured out how to work with full perm mesh myself, I've gotten pickier about buying template clothes for sure. Want me to buy the fatpack just to turn the sash blue? Fine, I'll give Meli Imako my money and turn it blue myself.

    • Like 4
  16. 1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    One thing I would keep an eye on is, seeing what gets updated to the new body from your current wardrobe..

    It may be worth waiting until the holidays when bodies and heads usually go on sale, then see what's made for it..

    You may be able to get a decent wardrobe for the new body just from redeliver of a lot of things you already have and not have to spend much at all on clothes. Plus the body itself may go on sale as well. :)

    That's what I did when I picked up Legacy on sale--massive redelivering spree, didn't really need to buy a lot right away. 

    I've been demoing the Gen X bodies, and right now I don't think the Classic is different enough from Freya to make the switch right away, though I suspect it will be the final death knell of anything new being made for Freya. Still, my older clothes aren't going away, and I have more than enough bodies (lol) and can wait for a sale.

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