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Everything posted by TheAwkwardMochi

  1. Maybe it's just me but employing a whole bunch of people because some can't tell a minor and an adult apart is really excessive. If you're an adult and you constantly find yourself mistaking minors for adults, that's between you and the police. That's actually completely incorrect. It was a staple piece of ladies' underwear (also worn by a lot of men), and came in multiple forms and flavors, including but not limited to pregnancy corsets (sic!), sports corsets etc. By the time the Victorian era came around, the corsets also were significantly cheaper due to the mass production and wearing one was not just a fashion choice, but an expectation, since going without a corset was seen as really inappropriate.
  2. I'm not sure if pornography is really that bad altogether, if er..."used" wisely. After all, it's been around since the dawn of civilisation, in one form or another. But I completely agree that adult content in SL is a positive thing, for all the reasons you mentioned, and perhaps many more. Whether it's about pushing our boundaries in a safe environment, enjoying some rather exciting time with complete strangers and parting ways afterwards, or forming long-term close relationships, the adult aspect of SL can be a place to celebrate, discover and become more accepting of various aspects of our own - and other's sexuality. I'll pass on sharing my own experiences though. I'm really innocent. All the naughty photos on my flickr are completely staged and I'm basically an angel XDDDD
  3. Oh that sounds fun. Thanks, now I know what I'm gonna do for the next 1209189656 hours online 🤣
  4. SL is not meant for children to begin with, and potential users of "any" age are not the target audience. It's a very safe place - for adults. If you give people a platform and tools to create, sooner or later they'll make adult stuff. That's how it works - how it always worked. It's rather naïve, asking questions about whether or not SL should be a platform for Adult activities and creations, in a world where Minecraft porn exists. (I know that some of you are now going to feel an urge to google that, but please accept an unsolicited piece of advice - DON'T google that. Trust me.) The power of SL is that it is what you make it. You can spend years on there making art. Or scripting. Or exploring. Or playing dress-up with your avatar. Or engaging in the wildest forms of debauchery. Or listening to music and chatting about weather. Or whatever in between. Taking a whole aspect of it out would mean that it no longer can be what you make it. And it would certainly use a lot of its appeal.
  5. Maybe I'm cheap, but Evox Noel. I just love how amazingly versatile that head is. I created all sorts of shapes for it, from babyface looks to really realistic features.
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