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Everything posted by portexploits

  1. I clicked this one about ten to twenty times and it's not responsive. https://gyazo.com/3153f589067298cd5277c8bf7b8b6350
  2. The picture that was presented to me is in the original post. There is no mention of the toolbar. Also, sometimes that HUD that pops up at Social Island is non-responsive. I have even tried to go through the entire "guide" to get rid of that pop-up and was not responsive. That might be true for the person I was trying to help as well. Meaning, maybe they couldn't go through the pages of the guide. I don't know.
  3. No you're missing the point. It's not about being difficult or not. I can easily tell you calculus isn't difficult. But you might disagree. As stated, this person has right-clicked on it, tried to "detach" it for months. That's the common thing to do with HUDs. They recently checked experiences, with my help, and that didn't work either. We tried changing home locations, and many other things to no avail. Some of these things that we have done are a lot more "complicated' than the things you said. I am a software engineer, I write scripts for SL as well. I didn't even know how to get rid of it. I found the solution by coming here. It's not about people being dumb or not. It's just a poorly designed system.
  4. I suspected something similar. I thought maybe she had her home set to "Welcome Island." She does not. But when I went to see her to try and help her. She does live on mainland. That can be considered as a linden parcel. The HUD doesn't detach when she goes to a private sim. I'll bring her to a private sim, and do what you said, have her login there and see. Thanks I"ll try it.
  5. Yes, she sent me some screenshots of the experiences. I saw the experience there, but the option for it to be blocked is greyed out. Thus, it can't be blocked.
  6. I have encounter this issue in Social Island. I go there and get a blue pop-up on my screen. Sometimes I can right-click on it and detach it, sometimes I can not. I have to restart. The viewer I use is Firestorm. I am trying to help someone and they have one of these pop-ups on their screen for four months. She has restarted and it's still there. I thought maybe she had her home set to "Welcome Island." She doe snot. This is the pop up on her screen. https://prnt.sc/1bc11cz How do we remove these type of pop-ups?
  7. The main issue is the Abusive Report. If this is the report feature in-world. That won’t work because most of what I have is on video. The in-world report feature takes a screenshot, it doesn’t show what these people are doing, and you can’t hear them speaking through their microphone as you can with the videos.
  8. I am sorry to ask, but what is an AR? The name calling, was someone calling me dirty names that are not appropriate for a G rated sim, where it occurred.
  9. Thank you. It's more than in just the group chat. As I said, I have countless videos of these people griefing me, and calling me all types of dirty names. But overall, that's why I asked. Not sure if anything can be done about these people.
  10. I was a player of Progeny for a while. Progeny is a vampire game within Second Life. You can bite other vampires(which is usually fighting) and you can bite humans(people who are not in the game) To fill up on blood. My friends and I would get attacked a lot when I first joined. When I learned how to fight better I went after a lot of the attackers in the game. Frankly, I would win and they didn’t like it. In a time frame of months, I paid fifty dollars every month to the game's Patreon. I would estimate about five-hundred dollars in total. I was banned by the moderators(diabolics) of the game. I did nothing more than play the game. I pushed the bite button on the HUD. Turns out these aggressors and bullies are friends of the moderators of the game and they complained which got me banned. It’s politics. These people gossip, create drama, lies, and they make me look so bad. Today a Progeny group notice went out saying I have alts in the system(just trying to make me look worse), and the moderator was saying stuff about eating people’s faces. The issue with the notices is that it leads to a chat discussion in the group where a lot of people were talking badly about me. Frankly, It’s just a form of harassment and bullying by a community with over 3,000 members. It’s only a selected few that do this harassment and bullying. I have videos of these people harassing and bullying me. They would physically push my avatar around the sim, swearing at me, saying derogatory things towards me. I tried to handle this type of harassment against me within Progeny. But, they are just too corrupt and biased. Once again, politics. Is there anything I can do about these people trying to put me on blast, and their harassment towards me? Anything about the hundreds of dollars I lost in the game for no reason? Someone told me I should take legal action.
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