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Everything posted by 5p4c3

  1. Okay, for those asking for a picture; I won't be in world for some time, but here is the marketplace link. Apparently other reviews complain of overcomplexity as well, which is really a shame because I do really like the avatar. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MAIA-Complete-Robotic-Avatar/19127314
  2. Thank you everyone for your responses. I think I'll try to find another avatar that I like enough since it seems over 300,000 is really pushing it for what is considered acceptable! Again, thank you!
  3. Hopefully this isn't a dumb question, but I have a complex android avatar that I adore. But I noticed today it has a very high complexity. Or what I assume is very high. Really I haven't been playing Second Life much until recently, so I'm just guessing it's considered lofty. My computer handles it fine -- no stuttering or lagging after I fully load in which only takes a few seconds. But I was struck with the thought; what if it's not the same for others on the sim I'm in? I don't want to tank other's performance because of my avatar. So this is what brings me here. I really want to know if perhaps I should switch avatars. Though I would hate to, I'm willing to do it as to not be a spoil sport. My complexity with no HUD attachments is about 366,651 according to Firestorm which seems very high, but I've never used a fully mesh up-to-date human avatar so I have nothing to compare it to know for sure.
  4. I like board games. If you don't mind my robotic company, I would like to join and try something new!
  5. 1. I really like robotics and 5p4c3 could stand as a serial number. 2. I like the video game Portal 2. My favorite character from the game was a malfunctioning personality core, the Space Core. With a little imagination 5p4c3 looks like Space, which is what I answer to. 3. I'm a geek.
  6. [Any actual friendly people in SL?] There's got to be. I would love to find some. I feel like if you don't have an attractive avatar that many people ignore you, or worse are even cruel to you. I've been told to change my robot avatar a few times; some nicely, others not so nicely. So, if anyone wants to hang out with a robot let me know. I'm friendly and really the robotic aesthetic is just because I really enjoy them in entertainment likes movies and books etc.
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