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Posts posted by Robberinthemuseum

  1. 56 minutes ago, archangel969 said:

    I rarely take pictures of my avatar. I am usually completely and almost obsessively, focused on my surroundings and whether everything looks right and whether i can improve anything. But here's one at the front door of the old sailor's (corner) house.

    This is actually because I became quite introspective because I suddenly 'came out of the closet' in a topic by Love Zhaoying  as autistic. No idea anymore why I made this statement, but now that it's out, I'm also kind of relieved. I only got the diagnosis at an advanced age, late last year. Actually, it's a combo of autism and ADHD. Very convenient combo but not really LOL. My autism wants regularity and routine, my ADHD wants stimuli and adventure. But. I've never been bored in my life so you can consider that a big advantage! Anyway, the diagnosis has explained a lot for me. Better late than never. Since this is the topic where I post the most and where I actually feel a bit at home too, I thought it appropriate to make this statement here too. It doesn't change anything else of course, but for me the diagnosis was extremely important and there is indeed a life before and after the diagnosis.


    Spiffingly handsome! 

    • Like 4
  2. Just now, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    I know somebody with an animesh pig, it's better than an animesh kid because while it's EVERY bit as annoying while "alive " and moving around, you can delete all the scripts in it, and pretend its dead and re-rez it in the "smoke house" for RP bacon.


    Omg! 😆

  3. 2 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

    Oh definitely. 

    There is nothing wrong with true genuine family role play though where everyone is dressed modestly and acts appropriately. 

    A lot of people in SL enjoy emergency services RP. I've been involved in a few and played my role as a kid. One time I got stuck up a tree. The police had to corden off the street, fire rescued me with their ladder and ambulance crew took me to hospital to be checked over. 

    My point is that child avatars can enrich RP situations when done properly. The crews afterwards stated how powerful the RP was because they were all concerned about this boy who might fall out of the tree and get hurt. 

    Yes you're right. I'm maybe overly cautious. I have a zoobie baby with my sl partner and he can often be seen toddling around the parcel calling me Dada. It's adorable. That's about as far as I go with kid rp 😁

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    No one seemed to have an issue when they said Second Life isn't a dating site. AND a lot of people say that.

    That's a whole other can of worms isn't it? 😆. I think the issue is the legality of the whole thing. Some people are making questionable video content in sl using child avis and sharing it in Discord groups.  This is considered cp and against the law. So it's a legal issue. One of the reasons I won't ever do any kind of family rp or anything like that. I'm not sure I'm even allowed mention any of this in the forums. But it's very serious and the people creating this content need to be arrested in rl IMHO 

    • Like 6
  5. 20 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

    For a lot of child avatars, myself included, it is a way of experiencing the childhood we never got to experience the first time around. The appeal of SL is you can be anything you want to be, even things you can't be in RL. I have my RL to be an adult and do things like work and other such responsibilities etc. 

    You don't seen to understand but you also seem to want to. If you really are interested you should Google the 10 ACEs of trauma (adverse childhood experiences) I experienced 8/10 growing up. 

    Okay I kind of get it. But children in rl are very restricted in their movements and generally don't want to go to galleries etc. I go to therapy too because of a *****ty childhood. I am NO therapist 🤣 but I will stick with my unsolicited advice of wearing a different avatar for when you are being yourself in sl by doing more adult things and not a child. 

    • Like 3
  6. 14 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

    Thank you, someone gets it. 

    Although I would argue it makes child avatars second class citizens anywhere in SL, even G sims. TOS states child avatars are not allowed in the presence of nudity and it does not specify rating type, so even though nudity is not allowed on G sims, that doesn't help me in this situation. 

    I can plan out my day and look forward to story time on a G sim, yet the moment an adult turns up and is naked I'm now the one violating TOS. 

    I think LL need to make things very clear. 

    1. If a child avatar is on A land (and wasn't lured there) then LL should throw the book at them. Nude adults have nothing to fear. 

    2. On G land, LL needs to make it extremely clear that it is the adults who need to be held to account since kids will have modesty layers anyway. Furthermore, G land is the place in SL where real life children can be. Child avatars and real children should feel safe on G land. We should probably leave anyway, I'd want to after being exposed like that, but I shouldn't fear I'm going to be AR'ed and banned. 

    M land is ambiguous because nudity is allowed but so are child avatars - but not in the same place. I think LL should require clear signage, rules and advertisements for such places so the expectation and presence of nudity is obvious and unmissable. 

    For child avatars there is too much at stake. One mistake is too many. 

    Lastly, I hope people realise this also means child avatars are no longer allowed in places where nude skins are advertised or perhaps even art studios where nude art is on display. 




    Why don't you make a dinky for adult situations? I don't always present the same way either. Sometimes I'm a wolf, sometimes a small otter, a centaur and a molten lava creature. I don't understand why you have to be a child all the time, especially if you want to do more adult things like go to galleries and shop for something other than candy etc. I think nude adults on g rated sims are already breaking the tos. I don't think you should have to worry about that. 

    • Like 3
  7. 31 minutes ago, archangel969 said:

    Love the intention of this thread but my gosh, what a lot of rules! Only to simply be kind? Is that so f**ing difficult? I didn't know it was up till now LOL.

    In my opinion forum rules are only to avoid extreme racism and extremely offensive behaviour. We are all grown ups here, aren't we?

    I enjoy my rl, sl and various forums I'm part of. This one definitely has the greatest variety of personalities. I love them all. Permanently horny dudes, photographic geniuses, cat ladies, psychologists, artists. I love how most people feel so sure they have amazing character reading skills. This error creates some very interesting discussions where nobody is arguing their point, but arguing against who they imagine the other person is. I happily have no idea who anyone is, I just enjoy and treat everyone well. 

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    They know you're not.


    That's something done to "friends". You're no friend of mine.


    You come across as insincere as this whole thread.


    I live in the UK, I've met Irish people fairly often, and no, it's not something you see all the time.

    Backs away slowly 👀. Alright Maleficent I will leave you to your misery. I am always open to friendship. I think you're hilarious. 😘

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Much of what you said makes a lot of sense to me.

    A strong emotional response is the first clue that I better slow down and not say anything just yet. I question why I'm feeling so strongly about what they said before responding. Likely there's something within myself that could be interfering with how I'm interpreting their comment, and I need to discover what this is If I'm to come from a clear place with my response.

    That strong emotional response. I find, I can't help needling people who come across as self important or passive aggressive. I hope they know I'm poking fun as a form or endearment. Where I'm from (working class Irish) we tease each other all the time and discourage people we're fond of, of taking themselves too seriously through light hearted ribbing.....I'm regularly reprimanded by moles here, but I swear it's unintentional and purely cultural. Any Irish people in the forums know what I'm talking about.

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    • Confused 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    She's said, several times, she uses a Utilizator Kemono body.

    It's an old fursona body with built in options for "human feet" that make it suspiciously child like when one replaces the furry head included with it, with a "human" Utilizator M3 series or M4 series child like Anime head.


    I have no idea what any of that is 😆

    sails through your property dressed as a naked Jack Sparrow yelling, "THIS IS PUBLIC SAILABLE WATER ARRRR" ....throws a 0 second security orb

    • Haha 3
    • Confused 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, Aya Sweetheart said:

    I didn't see anyone with a problem having a modesty requirement... just in how the rules are implemented and what it means for existing paid for content being unusable.  I think they need to change it as well and remove the "cannot be removed" part... and make it say you are not allowed to remove it and be nude.  Otherwise, anything with any tattoo layer can be covered up and "removed" as its completely hidden.  A BOM layer that must be worn to keep modest should be fine.

    I never thought of that. That's a good point.

    Yeah, the anime stuff doesn't phase me, it's the 8 year old looking avis who want to go to adult areas who freak me out. I think some people who have homes in adult regions should just live somewhere else or wear an adult avi. Why are they so stuck on the age of an avi. I have a number of avis. Maybe they could dress as dinkies if they want to go to adult areas or something.

    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    Stupidest comment on this thread. Sorry, not sorry.

    Ouch 😆. It's how I feel though. Child avis weird me out at the best of times, apart from Phoebe. People who have a problem with modesty patches have more going on than we all should be exposed to in sl. That's my opinion 🤷‍♂️. It isn't a stupid opinion. 

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