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Posts posted by cariboustag

  1. 7 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    It has nothing to do with attachment order, it's only used for the order in which rigged attachments are "drawn" on the screen. It helps with alpha-glitches.

    This is what I had originally meant, but was too inarticulate to voice. I appreciate everybody's help deciphering my nonsense.

    • Like 3
  2. 16 minutes ago, Orwar said:

       Are you referring to the alpha priority? If so, see Rowan's post above. If not .. What?

    Nope, Rowan got it. I KNEW I should've saved that image. Surprised anyone understood my insane rambling, but I'm thankful.

    • Like 1
  3. It's your favorite recluse back with a question again! Excuse my phrasing if the terms are wrong, but the idea is there. I remember reading on one of the many, many threads here a specific list of which attachments attach first, or prioritized on the skeleton. Such as, I don't know, things attach to Avatar Center would attach first. (Incorrect example, probably, but that's the gist).

    But now I can't find the thread, or the post, and it's driving me practically mad. If anyone has any idea what I'm on about, a helping hand would be much appreciated. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, or I'm entirely mistaken, feel free to call me a lunatic.

  4. 2 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    Now if only there were pants for men that could be layered easily.

    I rarely have trouble getting shirts/sweaters/tops/jackets to fit over mens pants, but getting them to play nice with boots is a whole THING.

    You've just described the horrors of fitting pants that still plague my waking thoughts.

    I HATE clipping so it's really just a nightmare. Please give us options, creators.

    • Like 3
  5. 47 minutes ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

    3 new HD skins by Tres Beau at the Genus store. I am impressed. The pale tones don't seem like an afterthought like they do with many skin makers, they aren't washed out and lacking in detail. Very pretty. This is the Annie skin on Strong Face W002. The skins also come in a regular SLUV version.



    This has to be one of my favorite looks yet; the skin and hair combo is very ethereal. Nice to see pale skins out that don't look like corpses. (No offense to our undead friends.)

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I found the "Tastefully Naked" version distracting because I kept looking for "stuff" where there was just a "blur".

    Apparently I wasn't as risqué as I thought, then!

    1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I'd adopt and/or capture you!

    Is that a promise?


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. Peeve: Insanely high ticket prices for a very tiny venue. The Mountain Goats will be playing in my hometown, but the cost of tickets is astronomical. Paying that much to be crammed into the smallest place possible? Sadly, gotta pass.


    EDIT: Good news. It was the ticket site scalping the prices! The actual venue is cheaper. NEVERMIND. Seems like it's possible after all!

    • Like 2
  8. 50 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

    Very cool; I had never heard of that book but it is $0.99 on Kindle today so I just bought it.  Looking forward to reading it...  but maybe not at night....

    It's a very fun read. Appreciate that you looked into it, and decided to check it out.

    Felt like making my own cover for it would be more interesting than just copying the real-world counterpart. Besides, the 'book' in-universe probably doesn't match it either. So I just went nuts designing.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    Layers, layers...click for the Flickrs.

    The one that immediately comes to mind is Ascend. Plenty of coats and jackets with built-in shirts.

    FinerThreads has some nice stuff in that style.

    Odiren, too, for tees, jackets, flannels.

    Erauqs has similar styles, too. Especially the tees with the sweaters draped over and tied in front. Those are kinda cute.

    Cordewa's got some of that, too. Layers, n stuffs.

    Maybe Meva, but definitely check in-world because they've got a whole Mens dept. Flickr is hard to sift through.

    Maybe Bron. They've got a 400L gift card offer right now if you join their 30L group. Can't say for sure if they have what you want entirely as I've never actually shopped that store. Gotta spend the credit by August 27th.

    Lastly, try Native Urban. Coats, jackets, tees, suits, turtlenecks, shirts. All that good stuffs.


    For @Bazzilla - anything with layers. Definitely more layers. Clothes that work well together are a rarity, so if you can build some outfits or separates designed to work with one another, we're all gonna love ya. 😄

    I went on an absolute BENDER looking and demoing all these stores, the only one I already knew was Ascend. Thank you so much!

    • Like 2
  10. 47 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:


    Snapshot doesn't do it justice, because I'm afraid I'll crash the laptop, but w00t, yayee for the pile of people hanging out for the live read for Lovecraft's birthday at Innsmouth~!

    I wish I could display everyone properly, but we get some really fancy folks, and my laptop is an Elder Thing. I'm just glad the stars are aligned enough to take a snap.

    I would've shown up, but I for sure would've crashed immediately.

    There in ghoulish spirit, of course.

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