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Posts posted by cariboustag

  1. 13 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

    -Do you use the option to look at others' LookAt targets?

    -Do you prevent others from looking at your LookAt targets?

    Personally, no to both. Mostly because I find them unsightly; and secondly it really doesn't matter in the long run. We look at each other, that's what we do. Staring at each other's avatars is most peoples past time here, so I'm not sure what the whole commitment to acting like we don't peek at whoever just dropping in next to us at an event, or some such.

    As other people have said, I can see the reason for turning your own off for either drama reasons because people find the strangest things to be mad at (Why be angry someone's appreciating you? Silly to me.) or for animation-based reasons.

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  2. On 11/2/2023 at 4:28 PM, Persephone Emerald said:

    It may help to imagine a personality or backstory for your avatar, then create your look around that.

    This is how I make every one of my avatars, funnily enough. I can't do it otherwise. It's the years of designing my own characters in my art I suppose. I've always started with an idea of a person or a central theme to adhere to. None of them have to be super in-depth, but I need at least some sort of vibe, or core idea to this person, or else why am I making them? Anyone can make a cute avatar, sure. But that's not my goal. It makes it almost mandatory you hunt and shape and do weird things if you choose something interesting.

    I also loved hearing the backstory, very intriguing! Made me want to share a little of mine for my usual guy I trot around on here, this blonde dork, you know him by now.


    Dude's a private investigator in Arkham, Massachusetts, after his years of a middling music career fell through. There's more, but that's pretty much all you need to know. I'm sure you can extrapolate most of the themes and shenanigans of that backstory better than I could tell it

     But! I'm waxing on a bit and not giving actionable advice.

    If you really want some easy tips for unique looks; most people have said it. BOM is your savior, just slap a ton of things onto a skin until it's completely new is my modus operandi, and it works pretty well. Tattoos, imperfections, details, just anything you can cram on there, chances are you'd be the first person to combine them all in such a way!

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  3. I always felt those abandoned mainland parcels or the very little used stores you see along the roadways gave off a very cursed vibe. Bonus points if they're especially outdated with nary a mesh to be seen in half a kilometer. Something so desolate about it, I suppose. There's beautiful places on mainland, but I'd rather curate accordingly because it really does give an air of strange futility that I'm not ready to grapple with at like, 2 PM on a Tuesday or whenever.

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    • Thanks 1
  4. There's some intelligent and some... well, let's just call them interesting takes here.

    As for my personal experience as a man interacting with other men; this just occured.

    Had an interaction with a guy where he barked at me repeatedly. Usually, that'd be horrifically rude, but since he was a literal dog and I was an actual cat, I feel like it was in order. I don't think running around and goofing off as animals is the typical fare for most guys on SL though. He was a nice chap, anywho. Not a single word the entire 15 minute interaction. What a blessing for my reclusive tendencies.

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    • Haha 2
  5. 58 minutes ago, Orwar said:

     .. Just got to pick out the animations, as I've scavenged together about 500 of them. 

    Feel like this is a peek into my swamped-in-animations future. Can't help just snatching them, 'What if I need this extremely specific sit or weird pose for something? I have to have it.'

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